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Admin contact unavailable

Post by murmandamus » Sat Oct 02, 2021 12:34 am

I hope that I did not miss something and make myself look like an idiot, but here goes.

I had already signed up on this forum a while back but did not complete the registration process, time lapse, crashed and recovered computer (luckily) and I found the email telling me how to complete my registration. Before stumbling across the email from here, I tried a few times to log in with what I thought would have been my normal username, found to be misspelled at the time of signing up.

So the point of all this is that my email address was already lodged here under the misspelled username and the username I normally used was also registered here, the two are not linked together. I went through the rules regs, FAQ etc and in the FAQ it mentions to contact an Admin to plead my innocence and confusion and prove myself to them that I am me, and not trying to impersonate myself.
The dilemma is, there is no way to contact the admin without being logged in, unless I am blind and totally stumbled past it, which is possible.
I hope that this issue has not already been brought to light and I did not look hard enough and find it therefore totally owning the first line of text I wrote, but rather enjoy a little victory dance.

Obviously by posting this thread I managed to burrow myself in with total secret squirrel stealth without having to disturb the great ones, so now is all well for me, but others may not be so lucky and not make it passed the gate keepers into this world of knowledge and wisdom, and hopefully a sprinkling of humour, so you are not angry with me after reading this because your coffee went cold, or grey hairs appeared, or....

Thanks for reading this, I hope that it is beneficial.

Mermandamus, or murmandamus.... I must be one of them.
Last edited by toivo on Sat Oct 02, 2021 1:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: mod note: moved, not related to - Feedback/Information

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Re: Admin contact unavailable

Post by toivo » Sat Oct 02, 2021 2:06 am

You managed to solve the issue in logging in to this forum at The topic is now in the right sub forum. The free website service by at, a.k.a., is separate from the Joomla support forum.

Please note that at the bottom of the home page and also in the login page there is a link 'I forgot my password', which you can click, assuming that you know your username and email address.
Toivo Talikka, Global Moderator

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Re: Admin contact unavailable

Post by murmandamus » Sun Oct 03, 2021 6:57 pm

Thank you for moving my post.

My email address was correct but I must have pressed the wrong character when I entered my username during signing up.
I tried the "I Forgot My Password" but did not receive a password reset. Trying all options and reading through the instructions was where I found the comment to contact the admin, but as I mentioned in my previous post I could not find anything that would allow me to contact the admin.

Luckily I found the email I was sent when I signed up, which is when I became aware of the incorrect spelling of my user name.


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