
Joomla! Multiple Website User Logins: Why Not a Single Unified System? Topic is solved

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Joomla! Multiple Website User Logins: Why Not a Single Unified System?

Post by Maradona » Sat Sep 16, 2023 7:09 am


Why hasn't Joomla! implemented a unified user login system across its various websites, such as the forum, community, magazine, and extensions? It seems like Joomla! has the capability to achieve this, and I'm curious about the reasons behind not doing so. ;)

Thanks ;)

??? :geek: :pop

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Re: Joomla! Multiple Website User Logins: Why Not a Single Unified System?

Post by AMurray » Sat Sep 16, 2023 8:22 am

I don't think Joomla does have the ability to do the 'shared' logins since some of those you mention (extensions, community, developer etc.) all seem to be different sub-sites (and treated as separate sites), all requiring separate registrations and logins.

However, two of those you mention do not use Joomla:
  • The support uses PHPBB.
  • The documentation site, uses MediaWiki
It's probably not easy "bridging" joomla and third-party applications like PhpBB or MediaWiki with a common login unless they all used social logins like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc.

I suppose the forum could use Kunena or similar but if documentation was Joomla articles instead of MediaWiki, that would be putting too tight a control on who can create the documentation content whereas with MediaWiki this is relaxed somewhat in the fact there is no 'approval' from a third party as such (as there is with Joomla articles - i.e. Publisher group users). Therefore anyone can create documentation content, and anyone can edit it.

Using social media logins across all areas seems sensible, but perhaps there are disadvantages to that as well.
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Re: Joomla! Multiple Website User Logins: Why Not a Single Unified System?

Post by wilsonge » Mon Sep 18, 2023 9:05 am

We are planning to roll out the logins slowly across all websites. But merging accounts is obviously very hard especially between volunteers (our source of truth that was used to populate docs and the forum. Currently we use it for some of the internal websites (such as downloads which doesn't have public logins) as well as volunteers but expect to see it expand very slowly over time.



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