
JMotM Contest Rules and Hall of Fame

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JMotM Contest Rules and Hall of Fame

Post by ChiefGoFor » Mon May 26, 2008 1:23 am

Hall of Fame
Below are the Past Joomla! Member of the Month winners:

Hall of Fame:
February 2007 - Jenny Marriott (aka MMMedia)
March 2007 - Peter Martin (aka pe7er)
April 2007 - Ole Bang Ottosen (aka Ot2sen)
May 2007 - Ian Maclennan (aka ianmac)
June 2007 - Andrew Eddie (aka masterchief)
July 2007 - Matt Hayashida (aka matthewhayashida)
August 2007 - Mia Steen (aka vendelberg)
September 2007 - Amy Stephen (aka AmyStephen)
October 2007 - Russell Winter (aka RussW)
November 2007 - Arjan Menger (aka Sc00zy)
December 2007 - Toni Marie (aka Tydust)
January 2008 - Nathan Diehl (aka nathandiehl)
February 2008 - Lorenzo Garcia (aka LorenzoG)
March 2008 - Marko Milenovic (aka BSD)
April 2008 - Andy Wallace (aka humvee)
May 2008 - Jean-Marie Simonet (aka infograf768)
June 2008 - Anthony Ferrara (aka ircmaxell)
July 2008 - Marieke van der Tuin (aka Marieke92)
August 2008 - Ron Severdia (aka severdia)
September 2008 - Mark Dexter (aka dextercrowley)
October 2008 - N/A
November 2008 - Steve Burge (aka alledia)

The Joomla! Member of the Month award is our way of recognizing those members who have done an outstanding job within the Joomla! community. On the 1st of each month a winner will be chosen and that individual will receive a FREE T-SHIRT from the Joomla! Store.

1. Nominate a User for this award by emailing me ([email protected]) or sending me a PM with the following information:
Reason for Nomination:
2. Global Moderators will review all of the nominations and narrow it down to 3 nominees.
3. Forum Members will then vote from the three nominees.
4. On the first of the each month, a winner will be announced.

Contest Rules:
1. Global Moderators, Core Team Members, and OSM Members are not eligible for this award.
2. Nominations must be received by the 20th of each month. Nominations received after the 20th, will be eligible for the next month's award.
3. Winners are not eligible to be nominated again for at least 12 months.
4. In the case of a tie, the Global Moderators will vote on a winner between the two nominees.

Rules Changes:
  • OSM Members are not eligible. (7-23-2007)
  • Voting and Nominating is open to all Members. (5-23-2008)
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Idea for Joomla Heros core devs and other core members...

Post by darb » Thu Jan 08, 2009 9:14 am

Hi ChiefGoFor and other Joomla heros!

I just wonder if there is a way of doing this Hero of Month for promoting core dev of Joomla and make a donation model for them? I am not a core dev myself so this is just an idea for better and quicker improvments of Joomlas core functions.

I wrote about it in a post comment, see below, but maybe many misunderstood what I mean about it bcs there was no reaction about it or comments.

Anyhow this idea is just another step for helping core dev financially and also making them focus on the core dev of Joomla with this donations contribution model from the whole Joomla community.

Many core devs seems to have other projects and maybe thats also bcs they need the bread and butter that we all depend on. This Joomla Hero donation model may help some of them to commit better for a faster and better Joomla future improvements and thats good for everyone that is also commited to Joomla of course.

Just an idea to consider.

My post comment see link ... ke-it.html

"The idea about giving donations/credit back to you core devs and other engaged important people behind Joomla.

The concept is named "Joomla hero of the month".:-*

This would be a new person every month who is nominated and is a important core person for Joomla existence and also future development.

Could be a techie core guy or other important guys like Brad etc that help with the community. The hero will be named on front page of Joomla for one month with a resume of what they have done for Joomla and who they are with a link to a private donation page and also with a blog page with all other heros for that 12 month running period they are valid for.

You only have 12 month period when you are active Joomla hero for donations. This test donation period will run for 4 years covering 24 Joomla hero people that will have this status and opportunities for extra cash.

A period for a hero is 1-12 months of donation time.

If you calculate that the community as a hole can donate about 5 USD each for every hero this would be the Joomlas community's appreciation for each guy and also an effort for a hero to be really dedicated to the project.

This could be a good for our heroes to focus on Joomlas core development and for the future improvements.

Well something like that this is the idea.:P

Darb - aka ssnobben "



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