Unable to access Administrator Page Topic is solved
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- Joomla! Apprentice
- Posts: 10
- Joined: Sun Aug 11, 2024 11:18 pm
Unable to access Administrator Page
Hoping for some guidance or willing to pay someone to assist if anyone is experienced.
I am no expert, I know enough to setup a site and do some basic troubleshooting, enough to run a site for the last 10 years but I have hit an issue now that neither my web host nor myself can resolve.
Joomla Version: 3.10.12
PHP Version 7.2
Host: Host Gator (hatchling/shared)
Everything was fine with my site, it runs a small ecommerce system and has been operational since 2013. Other than adding new articles and managing users I ahve not installed any new modules or messed with the site other than to update components for years.
I have done no updates in the last month and I last logged into the back end of my site on Saturday. On Sunday morning I attempted to access the admin page and it just tries to load for about 5 minutes then returns a 503 error. Front end is working fine.
I have had a family friend who knows PHP and some web site stuff have a look and it seems when accessing the admin page the process in the /Administrator index.php stalls at:
// Instantiate the application.
$app = JFactory::getApplication('administrator');
I am looking to update the site at some stage so just trying to keep it running. The webhost hasn't updated anything and the PHP is still 7.4 so I am at a complete loss as to what is happening and how to progress. I have full FTP access using WinSCP to the servers directory and also cpanel access. The webhost did say there appears to be some PHP errors and also confirmed the issue is the line above.
Any suggestions on where I can start?
I am no expert, I know enough to setup a site and do some basic troubleshooting, enough to run a site for the last 10 years but I have hit an issue now that neither my web host nor myself can resolve.
Joomla Version: 3.10.12
PHP Version 7.2
Host: Host Gator (hatchling/shared)
Everything was fine with my site, it runs a small ecommerce system and has been operational since 2013. Other than adding new articles and managing users I ahve not installed any new modules or messed with the site other than to update components for years.
I have done no updates in the last month and I last logged into the back end of my site on Saturday. On Sunday morning I attempted to access the admin page and it just tries to load for about 5 minutes then returns a 503 error. Front end is working fine.
I have had a family friend who knows PHP and some web site stuff have a look and it seems when accessing the admin page the process in the /Administrator index.php stalls at:
// Instantiate the application.
$app = JFactory::getApplication('administrator');
I am looking to update the site at some stage so just trying to keep it running. The webhost hasn't updated anything and the PHP is still 7.4 so I am at a complete loss as to what is happening and how to progress. I have full FTP access using WinSCP to the servers directory and also cpanel access. The webhost did say there appears to be some PHP errors and also confirmed the issue is the line above.
Any suggestions on where I can start?
- toivo
- Joomla! Master
- Posts: 18017
- Joined: Thu Feb 15, 2007 5:48 am
- Location: Sydney, Australia
Re: Unable to access Administrator Page
Welcome to the Joomla forum!
Write-enable and then edit the file configuration.php in the main Joomla folder. Make the following changes:That will give a more detailed error message, followed by a PHP call stack, as long as the extension Xdebug is enabled in PHP. Post the messages here for advice.
Write-enable and then edit the file configuration.php in the main Joomla folder. Make the following changes:
Code: Select all
public $debug = '0';
public $error_reporting = 'default';
Toivo Talikka, Global Moderator
- Joomla! Apprentice
- Posts: 10
- Joined: Sun Aug 11, 2024 11:18 pm
Re: Unable to access Administrator Page
Thanks for the quick reply.
So seems like the issue is resolved. I decided to restore default Joomla 3.10.12 files bit by bit starting with the Administrator files which didn't work so I then restored in one go the following directories: includes, language, modules. After restoring these I was then able to access the page.
While this is great and I have now taken a site backup, this is obviously a concern as to what could have happened but should I hit this issue again I will try and get further debug info to see what may be causing the problem.
So seems like the issue is resolved. I decided to restore default Joomla 3.10.12 files bit by bit starting with the Administrator files which didn't work so I then restored in one go the following directories: includes, language, modules. After restoring these I was then able to access the page.
While this is great and I have now taken a site backup, this is obviously a concern as to what could have happened but should I hit this issue again I will try and get further debug info to see what may be causing the problem.
- Webdongle
- Joomla! Master
- Posts: 44898
- Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2008 9:58 pm
Re: Unable to access Administrator Page may help as a double check
You can also reinstall Joomla core files with the Joomla update component. Make sure the channel (in options) is set to default then check for updates. When no updates are available you will be offered to reinstall core files.
You can also reinstall Joomla core files with the Joomla update component. Make sure the channel (in options) is set to default then check for updates. When no updates are available you will be offered to reinstall core files.
"When I'm right no one remembers but when I'm wrong no one forgets".
"When I'm right no one remembers but when I'm wrong no one forgets".
- Joomla! Apprentice
- Posts: 10
- Joined: Sun Aug 11, 2024 11:18 pm
Re: Unable to access Administrator Page
Well, the issue has happened a further 2 times and now restoring the original files does not work.
At the moment, I have a working front end and users can access/purchase things from my site but I cannot access the admin area. I am switching over to WordPress but it's a nightmare to learn a new CMS and try setup 11 years worth of information all over again so will take months and I just need to keep this working.
WHat is strange is I have done absolutely nothing in regards to installing new components or changing settings for some time. I last updated component a few months back and last logged in on Monday, all was fine and all I did was add an article then Tues morning I went to open the admin area again and it just sits for 5 minutes and was throwing a "503 Service Unavailable" error but after 2 days of messing around and restoring backups I have it now waiting 5 minutes loading the page and now throws a 403 Page Not Found error.
Here is a FPA report. I am no expert and it's likely many things have been changed as a form of testing but open to any ideas what could be the cause.
At the moment, I have a working front end and users can access/purchase things from my site but I cannot access the admin area. I am switching over to WordPress but it's a nightmare to learn a new CMS and try setup 11 years worth of information all over again so will take months and I just need to keep this working.
WHat is strange is I have done absolutely nothing in regards to installing new components or changing settings for some time. I last updated component a few months back and last logged in on Monday, all was fine and all I did was add an article then Tues morning I went to open the admin area again and it just sits for 5 minutes and was throwing a "503 Service Unavailable" error but after 2 days of messing around and restoring backups I have it now waiting 5 minutes loading the page and now throws a 403 Page Not Found error.
Here is a FPA report. I am no expert and it's likely many things have been changed as a form of testing but open to any ideas what could be the cause.
Forum Post Assistant (v1.6.0) : 4-Oct-2024 wrote:Last PHP Error(s) Reported :: wrote: thrown in /home3/jester/public_html/fpa-en.php on line 1430Basic Environment :: wrote:Joomla! Instance :: Joomla! 3.10.12-Stable (Daraja) 8-July-2023
Joomla! Platform :: Joomla Platform 13.1.0-Stable (Curiosity) 24-Apr-2013
Joomla! Configured :: Yes | Writable (644) |
Configuration Options :: Offline: false | SEF: true | SEF Suffix: false | SEF ReWrite: false | .htaccess/web.config: Yes | GZip: true | Cache: false | CacheTime: 5 | CacheHandler: file | CachePlatformPrefix: false | FTP Layer: false | Proxy: false | LiveSite: Is Not Empty | Session lifetime: 60 | Session handler: database | Shared sessions: true | SSL: 0 | Error Reporting: none | Site Debug: false | Language Debug: false | Default Access: 1 | Unicode Slugs: false | dbConnection Type: mysqli | PHP Supports J! 3.10.12: Yes | Database Supports J! 3.10.12: Yes | Database Credentials Present: Yes |
Host Configuration :: OS: Linux | OS Version: 4.19.286-203.ELK.el7.x86_64 | Technology: x86_64 | Web Server: Apache | Encoding: gzip, deflate, br, zstd | System TMP Writable: Yes | Free Disk Space : 178.45 GiB |
PHP Configuration :: Version: 7.4.33 | PHP API: litespeed | Session Path Writable: Yes | Display Errors: | Error Reporting: 22519 | Log Errors To: error_log | Last Known Error: 04th October 2024 01:39:27. | Register Globals: | Magic Quotes: | Safe Mode: | Allow url fopen: 1 | Open Base: | Uploads: 1 | Max. Upload Size: 512M | Max. POST Size: 516M | Max. Input Time: 60 | Max. Execution Time: 60 | Memory Limit: 512M
Database Configuration :: Version: 5.7.23-23 (Client:mysqlnd 7.4.33) | Database Size: 330.71 MiB | #of Tables with config prefix: 261 | #of other Tables: 0 | User Privileges : GRANT ALLDetailed Environment :: wrote:PHP Extensions :: Core (7.4.33) | date (7.4.33) | libxml (7.4.33) | openssl (7.4.33) | pcre (7.4.33) | zlib (7.4.33) | filter (7.4.33) | hash (7.4.33) | Reflection (7.4.33) | SPL (7.4.33) | session (7.4.33) | standard (7.4.33) | litespeed () | bcmath (7.4.33) | bz2 (7.4.33) | calendar (7.4.33) | ctype (7.4.33) | curl (7.4.33) | dom (20031129) | mbstring (7.4.33) | fileinfo (7.4.33) | ftp (7.4.33) | gd (7.4.33) | gettext (7.4.33) | gmp (7.4.33) | iconv (7.4.33) | imap (7.4.33) | intl (7.4.33) | json (7.4.33) | exif (7.4.33) | mysqlnd (mysqlnd 7.4.33) | odbc (7.4.33) | PDO (7.4.33) | pgsql (7.4.33) | Phar (7.4.33) | posix (7.4.33) | pspell (7.4.33) | SimpleXML (7.4.33) | soap (7.4.33) | sockets (7.4.33) | sqlite3 (7.4.33) | tidy (7.4.33) | tokenizer (7.4.33) | xml (7.4.33) | xmlwriter (7.4.33) | xsl (7.4.33) | zip (1.15.6) | mysqli (7.4.33) | pdo_mysql (7.4.33) | PDO_ODBC (7.4.33) | pdo_pgsql (7.4.33) | pdo_sqlite (7.4.33) | xmlreader (7.4.33) | xmlrpc (7.4.33) | apcu (5.1.22) | imagick (3.4.3) | SourceGuardian (14.0.2) | ionCube Loader (10.4.5) | Zend OPcache (7.4.33) | Zend Engine (3.4.0) |
Potential Missing Extensions ::
Switch User Environment :: PHP CGI: No | Server SU: No | PHP SU: No | Potential Ownership Issues: NoFolder Permissions :: wrote:Core Folders :: images/ (755) | components/ (755) | modules/ (755) | plugins/ (755) | language/ (755) | templates/ (755) | cache/ (755) | logs/ (755) | tmp/ (755) | administrator/components/ (755) | administrator/modules/ (755) | administrator/language/ (755) | administrator/templates/ (755) | administrator/logs/ (755) |
Elevated Permissions (First 10) ::Database Information :: wrote:Database statistics :: Uptime: 178140 | Threads: 10 | Questions: 305512291 | Slow queries: 0 | Opens: 22927653 | Flush tables: 1 | Open tables: 944 | Queries per second avg: 1715.012 |Extensions Discovered :: wrote:Components :: Site ::
Core :: com_wrapper (3.0.0) 1 | com_mailto (3.0.0) 1 |
Components :: Admin ::
Core :: com_tags (3.1.0) 1 | com_postinstall (3.2.0) 1 | com_cache (3.0.0) 1 | com_privacy (3.9.0) 1 | com_associations (3.7.0) 1 | com_login (3.0.0) 1 | com_menus (3.0.0) 1 | com_templates (3.0.0) 1 | com_languages (3.0.0) 1 | com_messages (3.0.0) 1 | com_admin (3.0.0) 1 | com_content (3.0.0) 1 | com_installer (3.0.0) 1 | com_cpanel (3.0.0) 1 | com_finder (3.0.0) 1 | com_redirect (3.0.0) 1 | com_fields (3.7.0) 1 | com_weblinks (3.9.0) 1 | com_modules (3.0.0) 1 | com_config (3.0.0) 1 | com_actionlogs (3.9.0) 1 | com_ajax (3.2.0) 1 | com_contenthistory (3.2.0) 1 | com_banners (3.0.0) 1 | com_joomlaupdate (3.10.1) 1 | com_media (3.0.0) 1 | com_users (3.0.0) 1 | com_plugins (3.0.0) 1 | com_newsfeeds (3.0.0) 1 | com_categories (3.0.0) 1 | com_checkin (3.0.0) 1 | com_search (3.0.0) 1 |
3rd Party:: COM_EASYFOLDERLISTINGPRO (3.2.12) 1 | PowerAdmin (2.5.3) 0 | JComments (3.0.7) ? | ImageShow (5.0.11) 1 | ImageShow (5.0.11) 1 | QuickSell (4.3.6) 1 | com_osdownloads (2.2.6) 1 | COM_JCE (2.9.2) 1 | Quick Logout (1.8.0) ? | Acym (9.0.2) 1 | com_myjspace (3.1.3) 1 | UniForm (3.0.0) ? | AcyMailing (5.11.2) 1 | XCloner-BackupandRestore (3.5.4) 1 | com_phocadownload (3.2.3) 1 | Admintools (6.1.8) 1 |
Modules :: Site ::
Core :: mod_articles_news (3.0.0) 1 | mod_login (3.0.0) 1 | mod_users_latest (3.0.0) 1 | mod_status (3.0.0) 1 | mod_breadcrumbs (3.0.0) 1 | mod_related_items (3.0.0) 1 | mod_sampledata (3.8.0) 1 | mod_footer (3.0.0) 1 | mod_whosonline (3.0.0) 1 | mod_articles_category (3.0.0) 1 | mod_languages (3.5.0) 1 | mod_popular (3.0.0) 1 | mod_wrapper (3.0.0) 1 | mod_toolbar (3.0.0) 1 | mod_banners (3.0.0) 1 | mod_privacy_dashboard (3.9.0) 1 | mod_tags_similar (3.1.0) 1 | mod_articles_latest (3.0.0) 1 | mod_weblinks (3.9.0) 1 | mod_articles_categories (3.0.0) 1 | mod_latest (3.0.0) 1 | mod_articles_popular (3.0.0) 1 | mod_submenu (3.0.0) 1 | mod_tags_popular (3.1.0) 1 | mod_feed (3.0.0) 1 | mod_stats_admin (3.0.0) 1 | mod_latestactions (3.9.0) 1 | mod_title (3.0.0) 1 | mod_multilangstatus (3.0.0) 1 | mod_logged (3.0.0) 1 | mod_finder (3.0.0) 1 | mod_search (3.0.0) 1 | mod_quickicon (3.0.0) 1 | mod_random_image (3.0.0) 1 | mod_articles_archive (3.0.0) 1 | mod_stats (3.0.0) 1 | mod_custom (3.0.0) 1 | mod_menu (3.0.0) 1 | mod_syndicate (3.0.0) 1 | mod_version (3.0.0) 1 |
3rd Party:: BS ViewMyJspace (3.1.1) 1 | AcyMailing 5 module (3.7.0) ? | JSN UniForm (3.0.0) 1 | K2 Tools ((see K2 compo) 1 | K2 Comments ((see K2 compo) 0 | MOD_EASYFOLDERLISTINGPRO (1.1) 1 | JSN ImageShow (5.0.11) 1 | MOD_OSDOWNLOADSFILES (2.2.6) 1 | QuickSellCart (4.3) 1 | AcyMailing subscription form (9.6.0) 1 | K2 Users ((see K2 compo) 1 | K2 User ((see K2 compo) 1 | K2 Content ((see K2 compo) 1 | QuickSellBalance (4.3) 1 | Sound Space (1.0) 1 |
Modules :: Admin ::
Core :: mod_login (3.0.0) 1 | mod_status (3.0.0) 1 | mod_sampledata (3.8.0) 1 | mod_popular (3.0.0) 1 | mod_toolbar (3.0.0) 1 | mod_privacy_dashboard (3.9.0) 1 | mod_latest (3.0.0) 1 | mod_submenu (3.0.0) 1 | mod_feed (3.0.0) 1 | mod_stats_admin (3.0.0) 1 | mod_latestactions (3.9.0) 1 | mod_title (3.0.0) 1 | mod_multilangstatus (3.0.0) 1 | mod_logged (3.0.0) 1 | mod_quickicon (3.0.0) 1 | mod_custom (3.0.0) 1 | mod_menu (3.0.0) 1 | mod_version (3.0.0) 1 |
3rd Party:: mod_poweradmin (2.5.3) 0 | JSN ImageShow Quick Icons (5.0.11) 1 | K2 Stats (admin) ((see K2 compo) 1 | K2 Stats (admin) ((see K2 compo) 1 | K2 Quick Icons (admin) ((see K2 compo) 1 | K2 Quick Icons (admin) ((see K2 compo) 1 |
Libraries ::
Core ::
3rd Party:: file_fof30 (3.5.2) ? |
Plugins ::
Core :: plg_privacy_user (3.9.0) 1 | plg_privacy_message (3.9.0) 1 | plg_privacy_content (3.9.0) 1 | plg_privacy_actionlogs (3.9.0) 1 | plg_privacy_consents (3.9.0) 1 | plg_search_weblinks (3.9.0) 1 | plg_search_tags (3.0.0) 0 | plg_search_content (3.0.0) 1 | plg_search_contacts (3.0.0) 0 | plg_search_newsfeeds (3.0.0) 1 | plg_search_categories (3.0.0) 0 | plg_twofactorauth_yubikey (3.2.0) 0 | plg_twofactorauth_totp (3.2.0) 0 | plg_captcha_recaptcha (3.4.0) 0 | plg_captcha_recaptcha_invisible (3.8) 0 | plg_user_joomla (3.0.0) 1 | plg_user_profile (3.0.0) 0 | plg_user_contactcreator (3.0.0) 0 | plg_user_terms (3.9.0) 0 | plg_authentication_joomla (3.0.0) 1 | plg_authentication_gmail (3.0.0) 0 | plg_authentication_ldap (3.0.0) 0 | plg_authentication_cookie (3.0.0) 1 | plg_installer_packageinstaller (3.6.0) 1 | PLG_INSTALLER_FOLDERINSTALLER (3.6.0) 1 | plg_installer_webinstaller (2.1.2) 1 | PLG_INSTALLER_URLINSTALLER (3.6.0) 1 | plg_finder_weblinks (3.9.0) 1 | plg_finder_tags (3.0.0) 1 | plg_finder_content (3.0.0) 1 | plg_finder_contacts (3.0.0) 1 | plg_finder_newsfeeds (3.0.0) 1 | plg_finder_categories (3.0.0) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_module (3.5.0) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_article (3.0.0) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_menu (3.7.0) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_image (3.0.0) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_fields (3.7.0) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_weblink (3.9.0) 0 | plg_editors-xtd_readmore (3.0.0) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_pagebreak (3.0.0) 1 | plg_content_joomla (3.0.0) 1 | plg_content_emailcloak (3.0.0) 1 | plg_content_vote (3.0.0) 1 | plg_content_loadmodule (3.0.0) 1 | plg_content_finder (3.0.0) 1 | plg_content_pagenavigation (3.0.0) 1 | plg_content_fields (3.7.0) 1 | plg_content_confirmconsent (3.9.0) 0 | plg_content_geshi (3.0.0) 0 | plg_content_pagebreak (3.0.0) 0 | PLG_ACTIONLOG_JOOMLA (3.9.0) 1 | plg_extension_joomla (3.0.0) 1 | plg_quickicon_privacycheck (3.9.0) 1 | plg_quickicon_phpversioncheck (3.7.0) 0 | plg_quickicon_eos310 (3.10.0) 0 | plg_quickicon_extensionupdate (3.0.0) 1 | plg_quickicon_joomlaupdate (3.0.0) 1 | plg_fields_url (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_radio (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_sql (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_textarea (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_media (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_user (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_color (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_integer (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_imagelist (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_editor (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_list (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_checkboxes (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_repeatable (3.9.0) 1 | plg_fields_text (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_usergrouplist (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_calendar (3.7.0) 1 | plg_system_debug (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_logrotation (3.9.0) 1 | plg_system_stats (3.5.0) 1 | plg_system_privacyconsent (3.9.0) 0 | plg_system_redirect (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_weblinks (3.9.0) 1 | plg_system_log (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_logout (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_remember (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_cache (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_p3p (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_updatenotification (3.5.0) 0 | PLG_SYSTEM_ACTIONLOGS (3.9.0) 0 | plg_system_fields (3.7.0) 1 | plg_system_sef (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_highlight (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_sessiongc (3.8.6) 1 | plg_system_languagefilter (3.0.0) 0 | plg_system_languagecode (3.0.0) 0 |
3rd Party:: Privacy - MyJspace (3.1.1) 1 | AcyMailing - Search emails in Jooml (9.6.0) ? | Search - K2 ((see K2 compo) 1 | Search - MyJspace (3.1.1) 1 | plg_search_jcomments (1.0) 1 | plg_captcha_nocaptcharecaptcha (1.0.0) 0 | plg_captcha_hcaptcha (1.4.2) 1 | AcyMailing table of contents genera (1.0.0) ? | AcyMailing : Statistics Plugin (3.7.0) 1 | AcyMailing Tag : content insertion (3.7.0) 1 | AcyMailing Manage text (1.0.0) 1 | AcyMailing Tag : Joomla User Inform (5.11.2) ? | AcyMailing Tag : Manage the Subscri (5.11.2) ? | AcyMailing Tag : Subscriber informa (5.11.2) ? | AcyMailing : Handle Click tracking (5.11.2) ? | AcyMailing Tag and filter : Communi (3.7.2) ? | AcyMailing Tag and filter : Communi (3.7.2) ? | AcyMailing : trigger Joomla Content (3.7.0) ? | AcyMailing : share on social networ (1.0.0) ? | AcyMailing Template Class Replacer (5.11.2) 1 | AcyMailing Tag : Website links (3.7.0) 1 | AcyMailing Tag : Date / Time (5.11.2) 1 | Theme Strip (1.1.0) 1 | Theme Carousel (1.1.1) 1 | Theme Flow (1.1.0) 1 | Source Picasa (1.1.8) 1 | Theme Classic (1.4.2) 1 | Theme Grid (1.1.8) 1 | Theme Slider (1.2.2) 1 | Disqus for K2 (1.2) 1 | User - K2 ((see K2 compo) 1 | plg_user_jcomments (1.0) 1 | plg_editors_codemirror (5.60.0) 0 | Editor - MyJsp (2.5.7) 1 | plg_editors_tinymce (4.5.12) 1 | plg_editors_jce (2.9.2) 1 | AcyMailing Editor (5.11.2) 1 | Installer - Download Link Protectio (2.0.0) ? | plg_installer_jce (2.9.2) 1 | Smart Search - MyJspace (3.1.1) 1 | plg_finder_k2 ((see K2 compo) 1 | JSN_UNIFORM_PLUGIN_BUTTON_TITLE (3.0.0) 1 | Editor Xtended - Animate It! (2.1.7) 1 | Button - ImageShow (5.0.11) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_jcommentsoff (1.0) 1 | Button - MyJspace Upload (3.1.1) 1 | Button - MyJspace Tags (3.1.1) 1 | Button - MyJspace Page Break (3.1.1) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_jcommentson (1.0) 1 | Button - MyJspace Image (3.1.1) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_hs_highlighter (1.0.6) 1 | PLG_EDITORS-XTD_EASYFOLDERLISTINGPR (1.1) ? | JSN PowerAdmin extended - com_users (2.5.3) 0 | JSN PowerAdmin extended - com_webli (2.5.3) ? | JSN PowerAdmin extended - com_pageb (2.5.3) ? | JSN PowerAdmin extended - com_conte (2.5.3) ? | JSN_UNIFORM_PLUGIN_CONTENT_TITLE (3.0.0) 1 | Content - Animate It! (2.1.7) 1 | Content - JSN ImageShow (5.0.11) 1 | Content - QuickSellButtons (4.3) 1 | Content - TCVN jPlayer Audio Playli (3.0) ? | plg_content_jce (2.9.2) 1 | PLG_CONTENT_OSDOWNLOADS (2.2.6) 1 | AllVideos (by JoomlaWorks) (6.1.0) 0 | AllVideos (by JoomlaWorks) (6.1.0) 0 | DirectPHP (3.0) 0 | Content - Open Source Design Conten (3.1.0) ? | Content - JPPlayer Plugin (1.6) 0 | plg_content_hs_highlighter (1.0.11) 0 | PLG_CONTENT_EASYFOLDERLISTINGPRO (1.7) 0 | plg_content_jcomments (1.0) 1 | Content - Pagebreak - MyJspace (3.1.1) 1 | plg_extension_jce (2.9.2) 1 | plg_extension_jsnframework (2.1.11) 1 | plg_quickicon_myjspace (3.1.1) 1 | plg_quickicon_jce (2.9.2) 1 | plg_quickicon_jcomments (1.0) 1 | plg_fields_mediajce (2.9.2) 1 | AcyMailing - Joomla integration (9.6.0) 1 | System - MyJspace (3.1.1) 1 | System - Animate It! (2.1.7) 1 | AcyMailing : (auto)Subscribe during (5.11.2) ? | System - Download Link Protection (2.0.0) 1 | System - JSN ImageShow (5.0.11) 1 | plg_system_jcemediabox (2.1.7) 1 | AcyMailing JCE integration (5.11.2) 1 | System - K2 ((see K2 compo) 1 | System - EasyScript (3.0.10) 0 | plg_system_jsntplframework (3.2.9) 1 | System - JUserPrune Standard ( 0 | plg_system_jce (2.9.2) 1 | AcyMailing - JCE integration (9.6.0) 1 | plg_system_osmylicensesmanager (2.0.15) 1 | System - JSN PowerAdmin (2.5.3) 0 | plg_system_ospamanot (2.1.4) 1 | PLG_SYSTEM_ADMINTOOLS (6.1.8) 1 | AcyMailing: override Joomla mailing (5.11.2) ? | AcyMailing - Override Joomla emails (9.6.0) 0 | System - K2 nocache pagebreak (1.0.3) 1 | plg_system_jcomments (1.0) 1 | AcyMailing : Handle Click tracking (5.11.2) ? | plg_extension_jsnframework (2.1.11) 1 | plg_system_jsnframework (2.1.11) 1 | PLG_OBSCUREYOURLINKS (3.2.0-FREE) 1 | Josetta - K2 Items (2.6.9) 1 | Josetta - K2 Categories (2.6.9) 1 |Templates Discovered :: wrote:Templates :: Site :: beez3 (3.1.0) 1 | protostar (1.0) 1 | jsn_neon_free (3.0.0) 1 | jsn_neon_pro (3.1.0) 1 |
Templates :: Admin :: isis (1.0) 1 | hathor (3.0.0) 1 |
Last edited by toivo on Fri Oct 04, 2024 7:45 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Unable to access Administrator Page
LiveSite: Is Not Empty it must be empty, go to global config and empty it. Electrical services Testing services Testing services
- Joomla! Apprentice
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Re: Unable to access Administrator Page
Thanks for the reply. I have edited global config: public $live_site = '';
No change to the issue.
I had my web host look into it, they can only do so much but they have said it appears to be a script issue but can't tell me what exactly.
The symptom at the moment is I get the page try and load for about 5 minutes then it throws a 403 Page Not Found error. Testing the rest of the site, no issue to be found, the front end is all working fine just no access to admin page.
For reference, the address having an issue is:
- Webdongle
- Joomla! Master
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Re: Unable to access Administrator Page
PowerAdmin has been removed from JED at the authors request. Disable it in the database
"When I'm right no one remembers but when I'm wrong no one forgets".
"When I'm right no one remembers but when I'm wrong no one forgets".
- Joomla! Apprentice
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Re: Unable to access Administrator Page
Thanks, Yeah I know about poweradmin plugin, I believe I did disable it in the database correctly by going to the joom_extensions table and setting "enable" to 0 for all poweradmin modules and components, didn't change anything tho but no idea if I missed anything (see attached image)
At this point i'm prepared to pay someone if they can identify and fix the issue just so I can maintain things while I work on a new site. I still have users accessing the site fine, I just can't administer their accounts
At this point i'm prepared to pay someone if they can identify and fix the issue just so I can maintain things while I work on a new site. I still have users accessing the site fine, I just can't administer their accounts

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Re: Unable to access Administrator Page
I have enabled some logging and in the administrator folder I have an error_log file which contains his error. Not sure if this helps to shed light on what the issue may be
[04-Oct-2024 20:48:43 America/Chicago] PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/home3/jester/public_html/administrator/includes/defines.php' (include_path='.:/opt/cpanel/ea-php74/root/usr/share/pear') in /home3/jester/public_html/administrator/index.php on line 37
[04-Oct-2024 20:50:04 America/Chicago] PHP Warning: include_once(): Failed opening '/home3/jester/public_html/administrator/templates/system/html/modules.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/opt/cpanel/ea-php74/root/usr/share/pear') in /home3/jester/public_html/libraries/src/Helper/ModuleHelper.php on line 211
[04-Oct-2024 20:48:43 America/Chicago] PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/home3/jester/public_html/administrator/includes/defines.php' (include_path='.:/opt/cpanel/ea-php74/root/usr/share/pear') in /home3/jester/public_html/administrator/index.php on line 37
[04-Oct-2024 20:50:04 America/Chicago] PHP Warning: include_once(): Failed opening '/home3/jester/public_html/administrator/templates/system/html/modules.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/opt/cpanel/ea-php74/root/usr/share/pear') in /home3/jester/public_html/libraries/src/Helper/ModuleHelper.php on line 211
- Joomla! Apprentice
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- Joined: Sun Aug 11, 2024 11:18 pm
Re: Unable to access Administrator Page
Any other ideas or anyone that has skills willing to help, willing to pay as I have an active site I cannot access the back end and have now been at this for a week, even a full restore of backups has the same issue.
- Webdongle
- Joomla! Master
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Re: Unable to access Administrator Page
Have tried the backups on your PC with ?
"When I'm right no one remembers but when I'm wrong no one forgets".
"When I'm right no one remembers but when I'm wrong no one forgets".
- Joomla! Apprentice
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Re: Unable to access Administrator Page
We deployed the site on my father in laws linux server, he is a retired network analyst / PEN tester and initially it showed the same issue and he was able to catch some network data we believe may be part of the issue.Webdongle wrote: ↑Sat Oct 05, 2024 10:49 pm Have tried the backups on your PC with ?
In the initial test when accessing the admin page it would stall and constantly try contact an IP address, this is what he found:
However, he messed something up in the test environment and had to re-deploy the web host side and on the second setup, the issue was gone and the call was not being detected anymore and the admin page started loading fine so he said it is very strange.Both with the normal web site and with the /administrator, the server
attempts to connect to on port 443..
That IP is part of a block owned by "VietNam Post and Telecom
Corporation" and it's down at the moment so attempted connections time
With the normal site, it makes two attempts but then stops. With the
/administrator site, it continues to try to connect and I think that's
why it's failing..
I was thinking it was a plugin or component trying to connect home to request update info or something but would this occur even before one logs into the back end? Could it even be related to a hack? My thought is likely it is a poorly designed plugin that is out of date and possibly getting struck trying to contact a server, I have very few plugins and the ones I suspected I disabled in joom_extensions in SQL but this either broke the whole site (some K2 components as they are needed) or did nothing at all.
The battle continues but seems it is now likely some kind of plugin or component that is the issue (my uneducated guess)
- Joomla! Apprentice
- Posts: 10
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Re: Unable to access Administrator Page
Managed to track this down and patch it.
The issue in this case is related to a previous post above about the Power Admin plugins being removed from the Joomla Site. My site uses a template from JoomlaShine which includes a number of supporting plugins including the Power Admin and some framework plugins.
After some further testing from my father in law and some investigation in regards to the IP address that was captured being called, checking via waybackmachine the IP links to joomlashine and this in turn made me thing it was likely either a call in the template or framework for an update status or license status or something.
I managed to test via SQL disabling the JSN plugins I have and found the System plugin "jsntplframework" to be the cause, disabling this allowed access to the admin page however being an integral part of the template, caused issues on the front end.
Digging into this plugin I was able to find code in the main PHP for the plugin that was doing an update check on every call (every page load) and for some reason would not timeout for the admin page, likely an oversight in coding maybe. I found the function to call the update and simply managed to comment it out and this has fixed the issue.
So if anyone hits this and happen to be using JoomlaShine plugins or templates with framework, likely this is causing the issue since my guess is they decided to switch off the request server just last week even tho their business appears to have closed down in 2021.
The issue in this case is related to a previous post above about the Power Admin plugins being removed from the Joomla Site. My site uses a template from JoomlaShine which includes a number of supporting plugins including the Power Admin and some framework plugins.
After some further testing from my father in law and some investigation in regards to the IP address that was captured being called, checking via waybackmachine the IP links to joomlashine and this in turn made me thing it was likely either a call in the template or framework for an update status or license status or something.
I managed to test via SQL disabling the JSN plugins I have and found the System plugin "jsntplframework" to be the cause, disabling this allowed access to the admin page however being an integral part of the template, caused issues on the front end.
Digging into this plugin I was able to find code in the main PHP for the plugin that was doing an update check on every call (every page load) and for some reason would not timeout for the admin page, likely an oversight in coding maybe. I found the function to call the update and simply managed to comment it out and this has fixed the issue.
So if anyone hits this and happen to be using JoomlaShine plugins or templates with framework, likely this is causing the issue since my guess is they decided to switch off the request server just last week even tho their business appears to have closed down in 2021.
- toivo
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Re: Unable to access Administrator Page
That was a thorough investigation indeed! Thank you for the detailed information that will assist others!
Toivo Talikka, Global Moderator
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Re: Unable to access Administrator Page
Yep, I may not be an expert in HTML/PHP but troubleshooting issues is at least one thing i'm pretty good at, all one needs is a hint of a clue and while I was pretty confident the issue was a plugin/module/component/template it's hard to know where to even start with testing especially when all you can do is issue SQL commands to disable one plugin at a time.
Anyway, thanks for peoples input and assistance on the matter, just having some reply is enough to offer a little hope to keep digging.
- toivo
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Re: Unable to access Administrator Page
That is why it is important to set Error Reporting to 'Maximum' and the Debug option turned on, as suggested in the reply viewtopic.php?f=706&t=1011081#p3727456, so that the search is narrowed down in one go.jestermgee3 wrote: ↑Tue Oct 08, 2024 9:42 pmwhile I was pretty confident the issue was a plugin/module/component/template it's hard to know where to even start with testing
Toivo Talikka, Global Moderator
- Partic
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Re: Unable to access Administrator Page
To shed some more light on this having just reverse engineered a variation of the issue for a site still requiring JSN Uniform to work (JoomlaShine's Forms component) the problem has been occurring since was no longer renewed by Joomlashine, so the domain now is invalid and the licensing and update checks for JSN components cause the component to fail the checks, or in my case have the server time out and show the user a 504 Gateway Timeout Error.
The solution was to find where that check was taking place, then modify the code to disable the check.
Steps to fix it:
1. Edit plugins/system/jsnframework/libraries/joomlashine/update/helper.php
2. At line 143 you'll see the check function
3. At the start of the function, add:
This will then cause the rest of that function to not execute as it initially checks if $latestUpdates is empty, which it isn't now that the value is set.
4. Save the changes and try to access the JoomlaShine extension again and you'll find it loads almost immediately.
The solution was to find where that check was taking place, then modify the code to disable the check.
Steps to fix it:
1. Edit plugins/system/jsnframework/libraries/joomlashine/update/helper.php
2. At line 143 you'll see the check function
Code: Select all
public static function check(...)
Code: Select all
$latestUpdates = true;
4. Save the changes and try to access the JoomlaShine extension again and you'll find it loads almost immediately.
Patrick Jackson, KPS
A long time Joomla Supporter | Joomla Australia
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- Joomla! Fledgling
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Re: Unable to access Administrator Page
Is this the correct code syntax update for line 143 in plugins/system/jsnframework/libraries/joomlashine/update/helper.php?
Replace this ...
public static function check($products = array(), $requiredJoomlaVersion =
#JSN_FRAMEWORK_REQUIRED_JOOMLA_VER, $latestUpdates = '', $results = '')
with this ...
public static function check($products = array(), $requiredJoomlaVersion =
JSN_FRAMEWORK_REQUIRED_JOOMLA_VER, $latestUpdates = 'true') // FIX
_ _ _
I also removed dead urls in database table #_update_sites per this post: ... xtensions/ ... mework.xml ... mework.xml ... bilize.xml ... radmin.xml ... uilder.xml ... ension.xml ... geshow.xml ... geshow.xml
Replace this ...
public static function check($products = array(), $requiredJoomlaVersion =
#JSN_FRAMEWORK_REQUIRED_JOOMLA_VER, $latestUpdates = '', $results = '')
with this ...
public static function check($products = array(), $requiredJoomlaVersion =
JSN_FRAMEWORK_REQUIRED_JOOMLA_VER, $latestUpdates = 'true') // FIX
_ _ _
I also removed dead urls in database table #_update_sites per this post: ... xtensions/ ... mework.xml ... mework.xml ... bilize.xml ... radmin.xml ... uilder.xml ... ension.xml ... geshow.xml ... geshow.xml
- Joomla! Fledgling
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Fri Nov 15, 2024 12:44 pm
Re: Unable to access Administrator Page
jestermgee3 do you have details of what file and where you made the update to please, I'm having the same problem and would love to get it fixed. Thanks Mark H
- Joomla! Fledgling
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Sun Oct 23, 2016 5:32 pm
Re: Unable to access Administrator Page
Remove dead URLs in this file.
Edit lines 27-30 as follows:
// Define remote URL for communicating with JoomlaShine server

Remove dead URLs in this file.
Edit lines 27-30 as follows:
// Define remote URL for communicating with JoomlaShine server
- Joomla! Fledgling
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Sun Oct 23, 2016 5:32 pm
Re: Unable to access Administrator Page
UPDATED: Fix Joomla v3.10.12 login timeout problem.
Remove dead URLs in two files.
FILE #1:
UPDATED lines 27-30
// Define remote URL for communicating with JoomlaShine server
// Define remote URL for communicating with JoomlaShine server
define('JSN_TPLFRAMEWORK_LIGHTCART_URL', ' ... _lightcart');
define('JSN_TPLFRAMEWORK_VERSIONING_URL', ' ... ersion.php');
define('JSN_TPLFRAMEWORK_UPGRADE_DETAILS', ' ... pgrade.php');
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
FILE #2: public_html/plugins/system/jsnframework/jsnframework.defines.php
// Define necessary constants
define('JSN_EXT_GET_TOKEN_URL', '');
define('JSN_EXT_GET_BANNER_URL', '');
// Define necessary constants
define('JSN_EXT_UPGRADE_DETAILS_URL', ' ... pgrade.php');
define('JSN_EXT_VERSION_CHECK_URL', ' ... _extension');
define('JSN_EXT_DOWNLOAD_UPDATE_URL', ' ... pgrade=yes');
define('JSN_EXT_POST_CLIENT_INFORMATION_URL', ' ... clientinfo');
define('JSN_EXT_TOKEN_CHECK_URL', ' ... ken.verify');
define('JSN_EXT_GET_TOKEN_URL', ' ... n.gettoken');
define('JSN_EXT_GET_BANNER_URL', ' ... &type=json');
define('JSN_EXT_DOWNLOAD_UPDATE_URL_V2', ' ... pgrade=yes');
Remove dead URLs in two files.
FILE #1:
UPDATED lines 27-30
// Define remote URL for communicating with JoomlaShine server
// Define remote URL for communicating with JoomlaShine server
define('JSN_TPLFRAMEWORK_LIGHTCART_URL', ' ... _lightcart');
define('JSN_TPLFRAMEWORK_VERSIONING_URL', ' ... ersion.php');
define('JSN_TPLFRAMEWORK_UPGRADE_DETAILS', ' ... pgrade.php');
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
FILE #2: public_html/plugins/system/jsnframework/jsnframework.defines.php
// Define necessary constants
define('JSN_EXT_GET_TOKEN_URL', '');
define('JSN_EXT_GET_BANNER_URL', '');
// Define necessary constants
define('JSN_EXT_UPGRADE_DETAILS_URL', ' ... pgrade.php');
define('JSN_EXT_VERSION_CHECK_URL', ' ... _extension');
define('JSN_EXT_DOWNLOAD_UPDATE_URL', ' ... pgrade=yes');
define('JSN_EXT_POST_CLIENT_INFORMATION_URL', ' ... clientinfo');
define('JSN_EXT_TOKEN_CHECK_URL', ' ... ken.verify');
define('JSN_EXT_GET_TOKEN_URL', ' ... n.gettoken');
define('JSN_EXT_GET_BANNER_URL', ' ... &type=json');
define('JSN_EXT_DOWNLOAD_UPDATE_URL_V2', ' ... pgrade=yes');
- secarica
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Re: Unable to access Administrator Page
While the mentioned reason for the problem still exists at the time of this writing, a bizarre thing occured: according to ICANN Lookup, just a few days ago someone renewed the domain until 1 January 2026 (while the domain actually does not point to any valid server).
- Joomla! Apprentice
- Posts: 11
- Joined: Thu Apr 25, 2024 4:32 pm
Re: Unable to access Administrator Page
After making the suggested edits, I am now getting this error...
Undefined constant "JSN_TPLFRAMEWORK_ID"
Line in Which is:
$frameworkInfo = JSNTplApiLightcart::getProductDetails('cat_template', JSN_TPLFRAMEWORK_ID);
I will glady post the jsntplframework.defines.php file if necessary. The errors I get now when trying to access the admin page are:..
Undefined constant "JSN_TPLFRAMEWORK_ID"
Line in Which is:
$frameworkInfo = JSNTplApiLightcart::getProductDetails('cat_template', JSN_TPLFRAMEWORK_ID);
I will glady post the jsntplframework.defines.php file if necessary. The errors I get now when trying to access the admin page are:..
Thank you if anyone can help.Undefined constant "JSN_TPLFRAMEWORK_ID"
Call stack
# Function Location
1 () JROOT/plugins/system/jsntplframework/libraries/joomlashine/widget/update.php:64
2 JSNTplWidgetUpdate->checkUpdateAction() JROOT/plugins/system/jsntplframework/jsntplframework.php:1054
3 PlgSystemJSNTPLFramework::checkUpdate() JROOT/plugins/system/jsntplframework/jsntplframework.php:552
4 PlgSystemJSNTPLFramework::onAfterRender() JROOT/plugins/system/jsntplframework/jsntplframework.php:1324
5 jsnTplFrameworkFinalize() JROOT/libraries/joomla/event/dispatcher.php:165
6 JEventDispatcher->trigger() JROOT/libraries/src/Application/BaseApplication.php:108
7 Joomla\CMS\Application\BaseApplication->triggerEvent() JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:1118
8 Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->render() JROOT/libraries/src/Application/AdministratorApplication.php:450
9 Joomla\CMS\Application\AdministratorApplication->render() JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:231
10 Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() JROOT/administrator/index.php:51
Return to Control Panel
- Joomla! Apprentice
- Posts: 11
- Joined: Thu Apr 25, 2024 4:32 pm
Re: Unable to access Administrator Page
... I got it, Site Fixed
Thanks everyone for your input here. I had to do a few additional edits that were not addressed here to fix it but I would not have accomplished it without your input here.
I had to add these lines to the jsntplframework.defines.php file besides the ones given here.
Again KOODOOS to all of you, your efforsts are helping a lot of us old Joomlashine users.
A warning to us all make sure we know what we are putting on our site and a warning to developers. Don't do this BS!
Thanks everyone for your input here. I had to do a few additional edits that were not addressed here to fix it but I would not have accomplished it without your input here.
I had to add these lines to the jsntplframework.defines.php file besides the ones given here.
We have not been able to upgrade to PHP 4 or 5 thanks to Joomlashine abandoning their customers but hopefully wee will have all of thier stuff removed from our site soon.define('JSN_TPLFRAMEWORK_VERSION', '');
define('JSN_TPLFRAMEWORK_ID', '');
Again KOODOOS to all of you, your efforsts are helping a lot of us old Joomlashine users.
A warning to us all make sure we know what we are putting on our site and a warning to developers. Don't do this BS!
- secarica
- Joomla! Apprentice
- Posts: 44
- Joined: Sun Mar 04, 2012 12:33 am
- Location: Romania, Earth
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Re: Unable to access Administrator Page
Not sure I fully understand if you are still running on 'PHP 4 or 5', but just out for curiosity, can you summarize what exact JoomlaShine components are installed now ?
I am still keep running a J3 version of my site for developing purposes (the content itself is frozen from when I switched to J5 a few months ago), which uses a JSN template and the required framework. It's true that I had to apply a few tweaks to it, but now it still runs fine on PHP 8.3 – I even cannot switch lower than 8.1 or something, since on my web hosting this is a server-wide setting and so I need the PHP version to satisfy my main J5 site requirement.
Edit: JSN framework generation 1 here, not JSN Sun framework.