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Which forum to post your question

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 10:51 am
by humvee
Where to post your question

Posting your question in the most appropriate of the designated forums means you are more likely to get appropriate responses from experienced users. If all you do is post in the General Forum your post quickly gets buried.

There are a separate series of same name forums for Joomla 1.0.x, Joomla 1.5.x, and Joomla 2.5.x.

Please do not post questions relating to these versions in the Joomla 3.X.x forum.

General Forum:
  • For all your questions relating to Joomla 3.X.x that do not relate to any of the other Joomla 3.X.x Board Titles. If it is not a question about Joomla 3.X.x specifically or an Extension, etc., then it does not belong here.
    Questions relating to the Joomla Extensions Directory (JED) for example should go in the Sites and Infrastructure child forum specifically for this topic.
    Reporting "bugs" can be a tricky one sometimes, to see if it is an easily (relatively speaking) problem post it here, Moderators can always move it to the Joomla 3.X.x Development Q&T forum once it has been confirmed as a bug or potential bug requiring a detailed look by Developers - who for the most part are too busy to get the chance to visit these "public" forums too often.
Installation Forum:
  • For all your questions/discussions relating to the Installation of the Joomla 3.X.x core package and associated server and database related questions. This does not include the installation of Third Party Extensions (Templates, Components, Modules, Plugins, and Languages), as these all have their own boards. Whilst the subject of individual Hosting Companies or issues with PHP, MySQL, Apache, will crop up we cannot guarantee that you will always get the answer you perhaps want and will therefore need to go to those "individual's" own Web sites for specific help.
    Also covered are the issues of site transfer from localhost to remote host, changing directories, backing up and changing host.
    Please note this forum is about installing Joomla 3.X.x not installing your Web server, server administration, or database administration. These aspects are covered by specialist dedicated forums elsewhere on the Internet.
  • IIS Installation Forum
    • For all your questions relating to installation of Joomla 3.X.x on IIS 7 and above or MSSQL and the use of the Microsoft Web Platform Installer. (Please note that support remains limited at this stage to the lack of popularity of the use of IIS et al in general as Web server platform.)
Administration Forum:
  • For all your questions relating to the Back-end Administrator and the functions of managing your Joomla 3.X.x Web site. This includes the Menus, Managers, User Management and other similar topics.
  • Access Control Levels (ACL) Forum
    • For all your questions about administering group levels, amending access right to Menus, Articles, Extensions or the Administration functions of your Joomla 3.X.x site.
Migrating & Updating Forum:
  • For all your questions relating to the upgrading of Joomla 2.5 to Joomla 3.X.x , the updating of a current release of Joomla 3.X.x, and the migration of a Joomla 1.5.x site to Joomla 3.X.x Also post here if you wish to move from another CMS or HTML Web site to a Joomla 3.X.x installation.
    It does not include updating or migrating individual Third Party Extensions (Templates, Components, Modules, Plugins, Languages) use the Extensions Forum where these all have their own boards
Security Forum:
  • For all your questions relating to the Security of your Joomla 3.X.x Web site and how to resolve particular issues within your server that have a direct impact on Joomla You can ask questions about your server or database security, but bear in mind Apache, IIS, PHP, MySQL all have dedicated Forums where you are more likely to get specialised assistance.
Extensions Forum and Child Forums:
  • For all questions relating to individual Joomla 3.X.x Plugins, Modules, Components, and enquiries/discussions about Third Party Extensions.
Template Forum and Child Forums:
  • For all your questions relating specifically to the default Joomla 3.X.x Templates, as well as general discussions on creating and using Templates in Joomla and the associated use of CSS & Design, HTML, and Accessibility and Usability issues and questions.
Search Engine O ptimization (Joomla! SEO) in Joomla 3.X.x
  • General discussion relating to the SEO / SEF functionality and o ptimization of your Joomla 3.X.x Web site.
    Use of .htaccess, default settings in Joomla 3.X.x , Third Party SEF extensions
Languages Forum:
  • General discussion on the use and functionality of alternate languages in Joomla 3.X.x which by default only ships with en-GB language files (apart from the Installation files) specifically the Language Packs that are available and general questions. Specific queries about a Third Party Language Extension should be posted in the Extensions Forums.
  • Speed issues, caching, database speed, and other related topics on how to maintain and improve the performance speed and response times of your Joomla 3.X.x installation.
    This does not include general questions relating to administering your server or Joomla 3.X.x site.