
Upgrade to 3.2 Fatal error in backend

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Re: Upgrade to 3.2 Fatal error in backend

Post by sovainfo » Tue Nov 19, 2013 9:12 am

You can remove the files 1.7.* from administrator/components/com_admin/sql/updates/mysql. This applies to any file before 2.5.16.
Removing them should allow you to Fix the structure of the database.
Issue with migrating? Include logs/joomla_update.php in your report!
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Installation failing on populating database? Install with set_time_limit(0)
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Re: Upgrade to 3.2 Fatal error in backend

Post by praguestepchild » Thu Nov 21, 2013 7:22 am

Eb992 wrote:I've fixed with going in administrator/index.php?option=com_installer&view=database and pressing Fix (on the left) . Worked fine .
I can confirm this fix worked for me also.

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Re: Upgrade to 3.2 Fatal error in backend

Post by alexrjr » Fri Nov 22, 2013 7:50 am

In my case I got the same error. I found out that it was because the storage was almost full at the moment of the upgrade installation. Joomla could not write any further. A message about a table for installation messages not found was showing. I could see the rest of the administrator panel but not the Control Panel tab. I got that message always. Even when giving the site more space on the server the error was still there. The solution is pretty simple. Clear everything on your /tmp directory. Chances are the update zip file is incomplete there. After this, go to your extension manager and simply upload and install the .zip file with the updates to 3.2. That's it. Everything works after that.

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Re: Upgrade to 3.2 Fatal error in backend

Post by yerg » Sun Nov 24, 2013 5:26 am

rlerner42 wrote:Getting closer now. Was able to get DB repaired using ../administrator/index.php?option=com_installer&view=database and clicking on fix button (top-left).
Thanks for that link ... a saviour ... 91 database errors :(
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Re: Upgrade to 3.2 Fatal error in backend

Post by Jokerswild » Thu Dec 12, 2013 11:36 pm

I have the same problem.

I upgraded and now I get a fatal error.
Fatal error: Call to a member function getInt() on a non-object in /home2/joker/public_html/administrator/components/com_postinstall/models/messages.php on line 37

I have tried the database fix button. That did not change anything.

I am not able to update any of my other extension now either.

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Re: Upgrade to 3.2 Fatal error in backend

Post by pcnsc » Fri Dec 13, 2013 2:28 pm

For what it is worth my solution was add a new table:
###_postinstall_messages (### is the prefix to your other tables)

Then add 3 items in that table:
1. postinstall_message_id
2. extension_id
3. enabled

This will only give you access to the CP, not the Database Fix button which is where you need to go in order to remove all error messages.

Next, go to Extension Manager > Discover and install all the Joomla! Project authored items (I did this because they were the only ones there and I remember in another post something about FOF needing installed). Once these were installed I was then able to go to Extensions > Database and fix the table structure errors. After this, all was back to normal.

For the record, my upgrade was through Softaculous in my cPanel. Kudos to Burnado for the inspiration!

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Re: Upgrade to 3.2 Fatal error in backend

Post by gerozing » Fri Dec 13, 2013 2:42 pm

Sorry for asking by I take it precisely to avoid ruining a web. 3 items means a table with 3 fields with these three names. Correct?

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Re: Upgrade to 3.2 Fatal error in backend

Post by cvoogt » Sat Dec 14, 2013 1:31 am

what worked for me was to grab the joomla.sql file from the J 3.2 complete package ... it's in /installation/sql/mysql. Use a text editor and remove any "INSERT .." statements. Keep only the "CREATE TABLE" statements. Now do a mass search/replace to change "#__" to "alpqo_", where "alpqo" is whatever database prefix your database is configured with ("alpqo" happened to be what I had it set to). You can find this in configuration.php. Save the file and then use phpMyAdmin or the command line to import this (AFTER backing up, of course!). This creates any tables that might be missing, and is better than manually creating them, because then you are likely to set it up with the wrong settings. Better to use the install script itself.

After doing the above I was finally able to navigate the amdin, and I could run database updates from ... w=database. Sample file is attached. Make sure to change "alpqo" before importing this!!!

On a related note, I don't understand why the DB structure isn't in its oqn .sql file... would make life easier I think.
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Re: Upgrade to 3.2 Fatal error in backend

Post by Jokerswild » Sun Dec 15, 2013 5:09 pm

I had to totally replace the FOF libraries folder. I just used FileZilla and replace the entire folder. All is good again.

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Re: Upgrade to 3.2 Fatal error in backend

Post by CritiKill » Mon Dec 16, 2013 6:20 am

I had the same error after doing a manual (FTP) upgrade of 3.2 package, upgrading from Joomla 3.1.5. After FTP'ing and trying to access various sections in the backend, I got the followinig error:

SQL=SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM postinstall_messages

The fix for me was to go to Extensions --> Database (it showed a FIX button in the top left). I clicked that and everything's working fine now.

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Re: Upgrade to 3.2 Fatal error in backend

Post by carsten888 » Mon Dec 23, 2013 8:44 am

confirming this bug is still not fixed in the new 3.2.1 my extensions:
User-Private-Page, Redirect-on-Login, Admin-Help-Pages, Dynamic-Menu-Links, Admin-Menu-Manager, plugin load module in article, plugin pure css tooltip and more...

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Re: Upgrade to 3.2 Fatal error in backend

Post by MiD-AwE » Sat Jan 04, 2014 3:41 am

:( I can confirm this bug is still not fixed in the new 3.2.1 also. Nothing works on this thread to fix.

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Re: Upgrade to 3.2 Fatal error in backend

Post by nooblarama » Thu Jan 09, 2014 8:55 am

Same error now fixed thanks to Nikosdion (for pointing to where the issue is libraries/fof), Leolam for the confirmation (thank you Sir) and Jokerswild for the quickest fix (all backed up from that folder before I did that just in case).
Running smoothly again

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Re: Upgrade to 3.2 Fatal error in backend

Post by epidote » Wed Feb 05, 2014 4:17 am

Jokerswild fix works
I had to totally replace the FOF libraries folder. I just used FileZilla and replace the entire folder. All is good again.
Control panel back in action, no errors as yet. Thanks Jokerswild!

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Re: Upgrade to 3.2 Fatal error in backend

Post by matthewod » Thu Feb 06, 2014 6:47 pm

After about 2 hours of research and digging through the forum I was finally able to fix my web site. I was updating from 3.0.3 - 3.2.2

First I was getting an error on the front end
Error: 0 - SQL=SELECT `m`.`tag_id`,`t`.* FROM `xxx_contentitem_tag_map` AS m INNER JOIN `xxx_tags` AS t ON `m`.`tag_id` = `t`.`id` WHERE `m`.`type_alias` = 'com_content.article' AND `m`.`content_item_id` = 1 AND `t`.`published` = 1 AND t.access IN (1,1,5)
On the back end I was getting the same error
SQL=SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM postinstall_messages
I recreated the postinstall_messages - thanks pcnsc which includes the following fields:

I found ... _Component, which related to the table for xxx_content_types. Here are the fields that I added:

Then I was finally able to get to Extensions > Database > Repair and discovered 18 errors.

Database schema version (3.0.3) does not match CMS version (3.2.2).
Database update version (3.0.3) does not match CMS version (3.2.2).
Table 'joom_contentitem_tag_map' does not exist. (From file 3.1.0.sql.)
Table 'joom_tags' does not exist. (From file 3.1.0.sql.)
Table 'joom_ucm_base' does not exist. (From file 3.1.0.sql.)
Table 'joom_ucm_content' does not exist. (From file 3.1.0.sql.)
Table 'joom_modules' does not have column 'asset_id'. (From file 3.2.0.sql.)
Table 'joom_ucm_history' does not exist. (From file 3.2.0.sql.)
Table 'joom_users' does not have column 'otpKey'. (From file 3.2.0.sql.)
Table 'joom_users' does not have column 'otep'. (From file 3.2.0.sql.)
Table 'joom_user_keys' does not exist. (From file 3.2.0.sql.)
Table 'joom_update_sites' does not have column 'extra_query'. (From file 3.2.2-2013-12-22.sql.)
Table 'joom_updates' does not have column 'extra_query'. (From file 3.2.2-2013-12-22.sql.)
Table 'joom_updates' does not have column 'version' with type 'varchar(32)'. (From file 3.2.2-2014-01-18.sql.)

I hope this helps someone out!

Thanks to all who posted on the forum that helped me!


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Re: Upgrade to 3.2 Fatal error in backend

Post by dohertyboy » Fri Mar 21, 2014 1:41 pm

Thank you guys............ finally got this [censored] problem resolved

roll on the next Joomla issue

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Re: Upgrade to 3.2 Fatal error in backend

Post by recycler » Tue May 20, 2014 1:47 am

nikosdion wrote:OK, folks, please let me give you exact instructions.

A. If you are going to upgrade to Joomla! 3.2

Update your extensions before updating your site. FOF was distributed with Akeeba extensions, but also with several third party extensions (e.g. Cookie Confirm). The reported problem will occur if you have a severely outdated version of a FOF-powered extension. When I say "severely" I mean well over an entire year (12 months). You should certainly install updates much more often than that! Developers don't publish updates for fun, we do that to fix and prevent issues. You are supposed to install them.

B. If you have already upgraded to Joomla! 3.2

Despite what @mbabker said, installing an Akeeba component on your Joomla! 3.2.0 site will NOT help. No FOF-powered component will replace the version of FOF installed with Joomla! 3.2 in order to prevent us accidentally screwing up your sites. Tough luck. You'll have to do it the manual way.

Using your FTP client go into your site's libraries/fof directory. Ignore the subdirectories. Look at the files. You have several files whose names end in .php. Delete all of them EXCEPT the file named include.php. If you remove that file you'll brick your site. If that happens you will need to replace that file with the one found in the Joomla! installation ZIP file.

Lesson learned:

Always install updates provided by extension developers and Joomla! itself as soon as possible (if you're wondering, the best time to install an update is always yesterday). Never leave your site's extensions not updated for an entire year! Updates are crucial to the correct operation of your site.
thanx Nick... this worked for me... should be the last post on the thread which is where I usually look first... glad I checked the earlier pages...

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Re: Upgrade to 3.2 Fatal error in backend

Post by Steveyeo » Tue Jun 03, 2014 3:58 pm

Simple solution -
your database structure has to be updated or fixed. (Dont try it from phpmyadmin - waste of time)
Do the following steps. (in Joomla 3.x backend)

> Extension Manager
> Database
> Fix


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Re: Upgrade to 3.2 Fatal error in backend

Post by sovainfo » Tue Jun 03, 2014 4:37 pm

When something went wrong with an update, don't waste your time on trying to fix it. Make the update work!.

Restore from backup. Disable plugin "Remember me". Update.

Remember an update is more than only structural changes to the database. Always verify with Discover first to allow proper installation.
Issue with migrating? Include logs/joomla_update.php in your report!
Blank screen? Verify pagesource for HTML code (javascript error)
Installation failing on populating database? Install with set_time_limit(0)
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Re: Upgrade to 3.2 Fatal error in backend

Post by Flinkly123 » Mon Jun 23, 2014 7:40 am

I had the same issue. My website and backend were working but on control panel I got a blank page with this error:
Unknown column '' in 'order clause' SQL=SELECT * FROM `xxx_postinstall_messages` WHERE `extension_id` = '700' AND `enabled` = '1' ORDER BY `` ASC

I did what Gm777 suggested and everyhting was back to normal. Thanks a lot!

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Re: Upgrade to 3.2 Fatal error in backend

Post by sonuplanet » Thu Oct 09, 2014 8:16 am

Step 1: Try discovering and installing the discovered items ... w=discover

Step 2: Fix the database ... w=database

Hope this helps.

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Re: Upgrade to 3.2 Fatal error in backend

Post by Naikbeen » Sun Mar 01, 2015 9:59 am

I fixed the issue by /administrator/index.php?option=com_installer&view=database and clicking on left side fix button.

Thanks to Eb992

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Re: Upgrade to 3.2 Fatal error in backend

Post by markecb » Wed Mar 11, 2015 1:25 pm

Also hereby certify!!

/administrator/index.php?option=com_installer&view=database and clicking on left side fix button.

Works...-->Thanks to Eb992 :pop

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Re: Upgrade to 3.2 Fatal error in backend

Post by visualimpactweb » Mon Feb 01, 2016 11:08 am

I fixed it after tring to instal Amin Tools Pro many times

I went to .../administrator/index.php?option=com_config and changed the database type to MySQLi

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Re: Upgrade to 3.2 Fatal error in backend

Post by greyshark » Thu Jun 15, 2017 8:43 am

After updating from 3.1.5 to 3.2.0 ended up with the same problem as mentioned above in this thread.

My solution finally was:
In the database manually add a new table: jl_postinstall_messages (possibly change first few letters as is necessary)

Then add 3 items in that table:
1. postinstall_message_id
2. extension_id
3. enabled
Great!!! It works!

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Re: Upgrade to 3.2 Fatal error in backend

Post by AMurray » Thu Jun 15, 2017 10:09 am

I am wondering why you have resurrected an old thread from 4 years ago....Joomla 3.2.x is totally out of date.....The last reply before your was 18 months ago.....

You should be using 3.7.2.

just pointing this out in case you didn't see the date of the posted reply before yours. ;)
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