All the files do is put/get data to/from the database and display the data on the screen.
The problem with some 2.5/3.x compatible extensions 3rd party extensions is that they use different install files. Even when a 2.5/3.x compatible extension uses the same zip is that some will detect the version of Joomla and install the files accordingly. One way to avoid 3rd party extension files corrupting the update is to update the database and 3rd party extension files separately.
- Update the database with files from a fresh Joomla 2.5.28 install
- Install the 3rd party extensions into a fresh Joomla install
- Then connect the Joomla and 3rd party extension files to the updated database.
- Install Wamp on your PC (mamp on a mac) and performing the migration locally.
- Run the fpa and post the results in this forum
- Copy your site to localhost and delete all the files from the server
- Step #1
- Set Beez3 as your default Template
- Disable the 'Remember me plugin (it sometimes causes problems with updates from earlier versions)
- Update to 2.5.28 if your version is lower.
- Uninstall any untrusted/unwanted 3rd party extensions and Templates
- Delete the site files ... you don't need them any more.
- Scan your computer and all computers that have server or Joomla admin access
- Change PasswordsThis makes sure the hack is not replicated
Step #2 - Install a fresh Joomla 2.5.28 to a separate database
- Edit the configuration.php (of the fresh 2.5.28 install) to use the original database.
- Go to the Joomla update component and run the update
This allows you to update the database with fresh Joomla files without files from 3rd party extensions interfering with the process.
Step #3 - Install a fresh Joomla of the latest version in a separate folder to an empty database
- Install your 3rd party extensions/Templates into the fresh Joomla install
This creates the the new versions of the Joomla and 3rd party extension files - Edit the configuration.php (of the fresh Joomla install) to connect to the updated database (that has your sites data)
This connects the new versions of the Joomla and 3rd party extension files to the updated database (that has your sites data)
You can now transfer you clean/updated site to the server