My solution for an ongoing ddos attack

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Joomla! Fledgling
Joomla! Fledgling
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My solution for an ongoing ddos attack

Post by freddan_6 » Sat May 12, 2018 9:32 am

I am a joomla newbie but have a lot of experience in Linux. This way of avoiding DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack works, but there are probably a smarter automatic way out there. If someone have one please share, to make us all survive DDOS.

So I got a spam attack yesterday. Someone used our forum to send email to Chinese accounts. Since the mail was in Chinese I am not certain, but google translate said it was online casino. Anyway I added captcha "The New Recaptcha" to my site ( So the Chinese guys started accessing one of the pages in a ddos attack. I have been hosting the server in my house, but has moved it to EC2 (Amazon) due to I am personally moving and don't want the frisbee club's page down during my move.

So I have set up similar to the previous hosting with a virtual host in apache that directs to joomla if accessed by the name or If not used those names the default page is shown where I have a statistics setup with (on a hidden link behind the ubuntu default page).

So today this morning i got no response from the server but the apache error log said
[Sat May 12 06:26:54.538725 2018] [fastcgi:error] [pid 19740] [client] FastCGI: comm with server "/usr/lib/cgi-bin/" aborted: idle timeout (30 sec), referer: (a contact formula). I got around 200 of these accesses each minute, enough to make the memory exhausted for the server.

So I checked the site for most accessing sites and just removed them from allowing access by hard coded <requreall> in apache site config. I hardcoded the top 52 domains. Each line I stopped class B net
so the line above would render "require not ip".
Something like this is added to each of the apache site config files: (And yes I know there are some duplicates but i am a lazy person)

<DirectoryMatch /var/www/vhost/*>
require all granted
require not ip
require not ip
require not ip
require not ip
require not ip
require not ip
require not ip
require not ip
require not ip

Last edited by mandville on Sat May 12, 2018 10:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Retitled

Joomla! Fledgling
Joomla! Fledgling
Posts: 3
Joined: Wed Feb 14, 2018 12:53 pm

Re: My solution for an ongoing ddos attack

Post by freddan_6 » Sat May 12, 2018 11:08 am

At lower stress I started to think myself. I am using iptables also (not removing the requireall tag in apache2).
this is more dynamic and I run it from cron every 5:th minute.
my script contains 4 lines. I check the 1000 last accesses to the web server. The word "robin" is something unique to the page the DDOS attack goes to. awk prints out the first "word" - which is the ip adress in my apache log. It adds the ip adress to something iptables should drop. it collects all matches in a file. It makes the file executable. I run the file.

tail -1000 /var/log/apache2/access.log|grep robin|awk '{print "iptables -A INPUT -s " $1 " -j DROP"}'|sort -n|uniq >
chmod a+x
sudo ./


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