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Menu item not shown - can rights be inherited twice?

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 3:39 pm
by online-today
I created subordinate usergroups to "Registered" with according access levels:
- member
- volunteer
-- video
-- events

and so on.

Now I have a main menu item "Account" which has the access level "Registered"
Why is it not shown for a person belonging to the usergroups "member" and "video", which should both have inherited the right from "Registered" as subordinate usergroups? Is it not possible to inherit the rights twice?

Okay in the Tuturial ( ... t_Tutorial) is written:
Note that Access Levels are set separately for each Group and are not inherited from a group's parent group.
So I assigned to the access levels "member" and "video" the usergroups "Registered", too. My problem stays the same: The Menu item "Account" is not shown.

User in usergroups "member" and "video" can see the following menus:
home (acl public) -> visible
news (acl public) -> visible
intern (acl registered) -> not visible
- member infos (acl member, submenu to intern) -> is shown subordinate in news
account (acl registered) -> not visible
- my account (acl registered, submenu to account) -> not visible)
- logout (acl registered, submenu to account) -> not visible)

Re: Menu item not shown - can rights be inherited twice?

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 4:48 pm
by online-today
Okay I found the solution myself: I misunderstood the concept of the access levels

I had to assign to each access level all usergroups who are to have access. After doing this it works.