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Demo site

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2021 6:35 pm
by sitavs
I have an established site with just a user login as a front page, it can be accessed by users to view their own data, or team leaders to manage their teams and edit the user data, all via their own login details.

I would like a demo version, which potential new users could access and check out how the site works, and what it can do for them. I need a demo version of the user site and a demo version of the team leader site.
My problem isn't the content, as I've already created that with dummy info. and users etc. this is locked down to prevent any editing.
My issue is with the actual page access; keeping the demo user, demo manager and current, registered users separate.
I don't want the current, registered user to be impacted with additional menu items, I'm also reluctant to create dummy user accounts for Demo User and Demo Manager, unless I'm certain there is no risk to the registered users data, also I'd need to ensure the passwords for these accounts could not be changed once logged-in.

I'm sure this will have been done before, any suggestions on the best approach and other things to consider, which I may have overlooked?

Thanks in advance!

Re: Demo site

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2021 6:42 pm
by Per Yngve Berg
I would have used a separate Joomla instance for the demo site.

Re: Demo site

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2021 7:25 pm
by mandville
use thats what i do
i also use the mirrored site as a training site