Security Fix
There was a problem in the 5.2.0 release build that caused new installations to have file permissions set incorrectly. All files and folders were given permissions of 777, which is too open. The correct settings should be 755 for folders and 644 for files. This issue could make the site less secure on certain hosting setups.
If you updated an existing Joomla site to version 5.2.0, this issue does not affect you because the update process automatically applies the correct permissions. For new sites installed using the 5.2.0 package, this Joomla 5.2.2 update will fix the permission issue.
- Fix wrong “777” core file and folder permissions on update from 5.2.0/5.2.1 (#44379)
- URL in email broken with Mail Template Layout (#44378)
- Wrap long text to prevent layout displaying beyond viewport (#44441)
- Dark Mode in default Atum admin template (#44211)
- Error with trashing items when items are checked out (#44392)
- filter_category_id not working when creating an admin menu link (#44305)
- Blank screen with Guided Tours after a session timeout on the steps page (#44375)
- Multilingual Associations Infinite Loop (#44360)
- Error handling on extension update (#43321)
Where can I download Joomla 5.2?
Full announcement + download links: ... lease.html
Discussion Forum: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=1013492