I'm hoping someone can help me solve a persistent issue I've been having with the webservice API on a Joomla 5 site for the past few weeks.
To cover the common troubleshooting steps, I have confirmed that all webservice plugins are installed and enabled, and I am using a valid API auth token from a superuser account on the site. Now on to the issue:
Running a GET request from the site for articles (https://domain.com/api/index.php/v1/content/articles) correctly returns all articles; however, the title field is always missing, for example this is an exert from the request, sanitised:
Code: Select all
"data": {
"type": "articles",
"id": "150",
"attributes": {
"typeAlias": "com_content.article",
"id": 150,
"asset_id": 385,
"title": "",
"alias": "get-response",
"state": 1,
"created": "2025-01-23 16:47:05",
"created_by": 349,
"created_by_alias": "",
"modified": "2025-01-23 16:47:12",
"modified_by": 349,
"publish_up": "2025-01-23 16:47:05",
"publish_down": null,
The 2nd part of the issue, I imagine, stems from the same point, which is that when attempting a POST request to create a new article, even using the example payload from the API docs:
Code: Select all
"alias": "my-article",
"articletext": "My text",
"catid": 64,
"language": "*",
"metadesc": "",
"metakey": "",
"title": "Here's an article"
Code: Select all
"errors": [
"title": "Field required: Title"
Thanks in advance!