Unable to upgrade PHP to 8.2 or 8.3
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- Joomla! Intern
- Posts: 56
- Joined: Thu Jul 30, 2009 2:23 pm
Unable to upgrade PHP to 8.2 or 8.3
Hello support,
The instructions for creating an FPA are simple and it is not the first time I have done this.
But after installing the file fpa-en.php in the folder where configuration.php and the folder administrator are, I went to the homepage of the site and added a slash, appended fpa-en.php and then gave an ENTER on the keyboard. That lead immediately to an 404 error. Checked again for the presence of the fpa-en.php file in the correct folder, but to no avail ; I always got an an 404 file not found error (I did not CHMOD the fpa-en.php file either). Since it is a multilingual site I also tried removing the country code before appending fpa-en.php but always the 404 error re-appeared. The site has recently been migrated from 4.4.6 to 5.1.2.
I noticed problems lately updating a couple of extensions (OOPS SOMETHING WENT WRONG RED PAGES). I HAD TO REINSTALL and re-configure the extensions again (had no problem under the former J4 4.4.6 release).
Since I have a new site in the making on MAMP, I tried to append pa-en.php to that new J 5 site and the fpa page appeared so the script is working locally but not on the hosted live site. It’s all about trying to update php from 8.1 to 8.2 or maybe 8.3 that caused the dreaded WOOOPS pages on the live site.Anyway the client gets fed up with Joomla (to geeky for him) and is looking for a solution like wix or jimdo (not WP).
I have other sites that cannot be updated to php 8.2 because of the—oops something went wrong etc —and since FPA is not working for me @ the moment I’ll have to make choices where to go from here… I use this same hosting co already for ±10 years without a serious problem.
Thanks for your thoughts. Kompas.
The instructions for creating an FPA are simple and it is not the first time I have done this.
But after installing the file fpa-en.php in the folder where configuration.php and the folder administrator are, I went to the homepage of the site and added a slash, appended fpa-en.php and then gave an ENTER on the keyboard. That lead immediately to an 404 error. Checked again for the presence of the fpa-en.php file in the correct folder, but to no avail ; I always got an an 404 file not found error (I did not CHMOD the fpa-en.php file either). Since it is a multilingual site I also tried removing the country code before appending fpa-en.php but always the 404 error re-appeared. The site has recently been migrated from 4.4.6 to 5.1.2.
I noticed problems lately updating a couple of extensions (OOPS SOMETHING WENT WRONG RED PAGES). I HAD TO REINSTALL and re-configure the extensions again (had no problem under the former J4 4.4.6 release).
Since I have a new site in the making on MAMP, I tried to append pa-en.php to that new J 5 site and the fpa page appeared so the script is working locally but not on the hosted live site. It’s all about trying to update php from 8.1 to 8.2 or maybe 8.3 that caused the dreaded WOOOPS pages on the live site.Anyway the client gets fed up with Joomla (to geeky for him) and is looking for a solution like wix or jimdo (not WP).
I have other sites that cannot be updated to php 8.2 because of the—oops something went wrong etc —and since FPA is not working for me @ the moment I’ll have to make choices where to go from here… I use this same hosting co already for ±10 years without a serious problem.
Thanks for your thoughts. Kompas.
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Last edited by toivo on Wed Aug 28, 2024 3:35 am, edited 3 times in total.
Reason: mod note: moved from Forum Post Assistant (FPA), retitled
Reason: mod note: moved from Forum Post Assistant (FPA), retitled
- Joomla! Intern
- Posts: 56
- Joined: Thu Jul 30, 2009 2:23 pm
Re: I do encounter an issue trying to create an FPA
After deleting the .htacces files (standard and the admintools taccess file to be sure) and creating a new .htaccess; FPA made a report was made as follows (the question was that I can't upgrade PHP to 8.2 or 8.3 (what could be the reason?). Thanks in advance).
Forum Post Assistant (v1.6.7) : 28-Aug-2024 wrote:Basic Environment :: wrote:Joomla! Instance :: Joomla! 5.1.2-Stable (Kudumisha) 9-July-2024
Joomla! Configured :: Yes | Read-Only (444) |
Configuration Options :: Offline: false | SEF: true | SEF Suffix: false | SEF ReWrite: true | .htaccess/web.config: Yes | GZip: true | Cache: true | CacheTime: 15 | CacheHandler: file | CachePlatformPrefix: false | FTP Layer: false | Proxy: false | LiveSite: | Session lifetime: 30 | Session handler: database | Shared sessions: false | SSL: 2 | Error Reporting: default | Site Debug: false | Language Debug: false | Default Access: Public | Unicode Slugs: false | dbConnection Type: mysqli | PHP Supports J! 5.1.2: Yes | Database Supports J! 5.1.2: Yes | Database Credentials Present: Yes |
Host Configuration :: OS: Linux | OS Version: 4.18.0-513.24.1.lve.2.el8.x86_64 | Technology: x86_64 | Web Server: Apache | Encoding: | System TMP Writable: Yes | Free Disk Space : 503.24 GiB |
PHP Configuration :: Version: 8.1.29 | PHP API: litespeed | Session Path Writable: Yes | Display Errors: 0 | Error Reporting: 22527 | Log Errors To: /dev/null | Last Known Error: 28th June 2024 15:37:18. | Register Globals: | Magic Quotes: | Safe Mode: | Allow url fopen: 1 | Open Base: | Uploads: 1 | Max. Upload Size: 64M | Max. POST Size: 128M | Max. Input Time: 60 | Max. Execution Time: 360 | Memory Limit: 512M
Database Configuration :: Version: 10.6.19-MariaDB (Client:3.3.11) | Database Size: 18.47 MiB | #of Tables with config prefix: 148 | #of other Tables: 97 | User Privileges : GRANT SELECTUser Privileges : INSERTUser Privileges : UPDATEUser Privileges : DELETEUser Privileges : CREATEUser Privileges : DROPUser Privileges : REFERENCESUser Privileges : INDEXUser Privileges : ALTERUser Privileges : CREATE TEMPORARY TABLESUser Privileges : LOCK TABLESUser Privileges : EXECUTEUser Privileges : CREATE VIEWUser Privileges : SHOW VIEWUser Privileges : CREATE ROUTINEUser Privileges : ALTER ROUTINEUser Privileges : EVENTUser Privileges : TRIGGERDetailed Environment :: wrote:PHP Extensions :: Core (8.1.29) | date (8.1.29) | libxml (8.1.29) | openssl (8.1.29) | pcre (8.1.29) | sqlite3 (8.1.29) | zlib (8.1.29) | bz2 (8.1.29) | calendar (8.1.29) | ctype (8.1.29) | curl (8.1.29) | hash (8.1.29) | filter (8.1.29) | ftp (8.1.29) | gettext (8.1.29) | json (8.1.29) | iconv (8.1.29) | SPL (8.1.29) | pcntl (8.1.29) | readline (8.1.29) | Reflection (8.1.29) | session (8.1.29) | standard (8.1.29) | mbstring (8.1.29) | shmop (8.1.29) | SimpleXML (8.1.29) | tokenizer (8.1.29) | xml (8.1.29) | litespeed () | bcmath (8.1.29) | dom (20031129) | fileinfo (8.1.29) | gd (8.1.29) | imagick (3.7.0) | imap (8.1.29) | intl (8.1.29) | ldap (8.1.29) | exif (8.1.29) | mysqli (8.1.29) | mysqlnd (mysqlnd 8.1.29) | PDO (8.1.29) | pdo_mysql (8.1.29) | pdo_pgsql (8.1.29) | pdo_sqlite (8.1.29) | pgsql (8.1.29) | Phar (8.1.29) | posix (8.1.29) | soap (8.1.29) | sockets (8.1.29) | tidy (8.1.29) | xmlreader (8.1.29) | xmlwriter (8.1.29) | xsl (8.1.29) | zip (1.19.5) | Zend OPcache (8.1.29) | Zend Engine (4.1.29) |
Potential Missing Extensions ::
Switch User Environment :: PHP CGI: Yes | Server SU: Yes | PHP SU: Yes | Potential Ownership Issues: NoFolder Permissions :: wrote:Core Folders :: images/ (755) | components/ (755) | modules/ (755) | plugins/ (755) | language/ (755) | templates/ (755) | cache/ (755) | logs/ (755) | tmp/ (755) | administrator/components/ (755) | administrator/modules/ (755) | administrator/language/ (755) | administrator/templates/ (755) | administrator/logs/ (---) | api/ (755) |
Elevated Permissions (First 10) ::Database Information :: wrote:Database statistics :: Uptime: 1425846 | Threads: 105 | Questions: 3247610386 | Slow queries: 879 | Opens: 370137 | Open tables: 66697 | Queries per second avg: 2277.672 |Extensions Discovered :: wrote:Components :: Site ::
Core ::
3rd Party:: WF_LINK_SEARCH_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_POPUPS_JCEMEDIABOX_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_LINKS_JOOMLALINKS_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_FILESYSTEM_JOOMLA_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_AGGREGATOR_VIDEO_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_AGGREGATOR_VIMEO_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_AGGREGATOR_DAILYMOTION_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_AGGREGATOR_[youtube]_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_AGGREGATOR_AUDIO_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_IMGMANAGER_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_KITCHENSINK_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_BROWSER_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_CONTEXTMENU_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_ANCHOR_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_CHARMAP_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_FONTSIZESELECT_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_SOURCE_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_FONTSELECT_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_ATTRIBUTES_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_STYLESELECT_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_AUTOSAVE_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_WORDCOUNT_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_LISTS_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_EMOTIONS_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_NONBREAKING_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_MEDIA_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_VISUALBLOCKS_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_LANGCODE_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_HR_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_STYLE_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_PREVIEW_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_PRINT_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_REFERENCE_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | JCE - Noneditable (1.0.0) ? | WF_SPELLCHECKER_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_SEARCHREPLACE_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_CLEANUP_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_CLIPBOARD_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_TABLE_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_FILEMANAGER_TITLE (2.9.63) ? | WF_DIRECTIONALITY_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_FONTCOLOR_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_ARTICLE_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_FORMATSELECT_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_LINK_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_FULLSCREEN_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_VISUALCHARS_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_HELP_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_TEXTCASE_TITLE (2.9.80) ? |
Components :: Admin ::
Core :: com_messages (4.0.0) 1 | com_templates (4.0.0) 1 | com_categories (4.0.0) 1 | com_menus (4.0.0) 1 | com_postinstall (4.0.0) 1 | com_config (4.0.0) 1 | com_fields (4.0.0) 1 | com_banners (4.0.0) 1 | com_privacy (3.9.0) 1 | com_redirect (4.0.0) 1 | com_finder (4.0.0) 1 | com_users (4.0.0) 1 | com_admin (4.0.0) 1 | com_media (3.0.0) 1 | com_cpanel (4.0.0) 1 | com_guidedtours (4.3.0) 1 | com_login (4.0.0) 1 | com_plugins (4.0.0) 1 | com_actionlogs (3.9.0) 1 | com_checkin (4.0.0) 1 | com_contenthistory (4.0.0) 1 | com_associations (4.0.0) 1 | com_wrapper (4.0.0) 1 | com_modules (4.0.0) 1 | com_mails (4.0.0) 1 | com_installer (4.0.0) 1 | com_workflow (4.0.0) 1 | com_cache (4.0.0) 1 | com_languages (4.0.0) 1 | com_joomlaupdate (4.0.3) 1 | com_tags (4.0.0) 1 | com_search (4.0.0-dev) 1 | com_ajax (4.0.0) 1 | com_scheduler (4.1.0) 1 | com_content (4.0.0) 1 | com_newsfeeds (4.0.0) 1 |
3rd Party:: COM_REREPLACER (14.1.5) 1 | campotel (1.0.0) 1 | com_templateck (5.4.9) 1 | COM_CONDITIONS (24.8.21262) 1 | Maximenu CK (10.1.8) 1 | com_maximenuck (10.1.8) 1 | GSD (1.0) 1 | COM_OSMAP (5.0.17) 1 | com_akeebabackup (9.9.6) 1 | System - Mobile Menu CK (1.6.4) 1 | com_mobilemenuck (1.6.4) 1 | com_admintools (7.5.4) 1 | COM_JCE (2.9.80) 1 |
Modules :: Site ::
Core :: mod_related_items (3.0.0) 1 | mod_feed (3.0.0) 1 | mod_articles_category (3.0.0) 1 | mod_custom (3.0.0) 1 | mod_wrapper (3.0.0) 1 | mod_whosonline (3.0.0) 1 | mod_articles_archive (3.0.0) 1 | mod_articles_categories (3.0.0) 1 | mod_banners (3.0.0) 1 | mod_login (3.0.0) 1 | mod_search (4.0.0-dev) 1 | mod_syndicate (3.0.0) 1 | mod_articles_news (3.0.0) 1 | mod_tags_popular (3.1.0) 1 | mod_languages (3.5.0) 1 | mod_tags_similar (3.1.0) 1 | mod_finder (3.0.0) 1 | mod_menu (3.0.0) 1 | mod_random_image (3.0.0) 1 | mod_footer (3.0.0) 1 | mod_articles_popular (3.0.0) 1 | mod_articles_latest (3.0.0) 1 | mod_stats (3.0.0) 1 | mod_breadcrumbs (3.0.0) 1 | mod_users_latest (3.0.0) 1 |
3rd Party:: PRI Background (4.0) 1 | sigplus ( 1 | AcyMailing 5 module (3.7.0) 0 | Holiday Lights Module (1.0.0) 1 | Maximenu CK (10.1.8) 1 | PopUp Aholic (1.3.4) 1 | Horizontal scrolling announcements (4.0) 1 |
Modules :: Admin ::
Core :: mod_frontend (4.0.0) 1 | mod_privacy_status (4.0.0) 1 | mod_toolbar (3.0.0) 1 | mod_feed (3.0.0) 1 | mod_guidedtours (4.3.0) 1 | mod_latestactions (3.9.0) 1 | mod_custom (3.0.0) 1 | mod_latest (3.0.0) 1 | mod_loginsupport (4.0.0) 1 | mod_user (4.0.0) 1 | mod_popular (3.0.0) 1 | mod_sampledata (3.8.0) 1 | mod_login (3.0.0) 1 | mod_submenu (3.0.0) 1 | mod_version (3.0.0) 1 | mod_post_installation_messages (4.0.0) 1 | mod_multilangstatus (3.0.0) 1 | mod_menu (3.0.0) 1 | mod_privacy_dashboard (3.9.0) 1 | mod_title (3.0.0) 1 | mod_messages (4.0.0) 1 | mod_logged (3.0.0) 1 | mod_quickicon (3.0.0) 1 | mod_stats_admin (3.0.0) 1 |
3rd Party:: Invalidate Cache (0.0.11) 1 |
Libraries ::
Core ::
3rd Party:: file_fof40 (4.1.0) ? | file_fof30 (3.6.2) ? | Regular Labs Library (24.8.21262) 1 |
Plugins ::
Core :: plg_privacy_content (3.9.0) 1 | plg_privacy_consents (3.9.0) 1 | plg_privacy_actionlogs (3.9.0) 1 | plg_privacy_message (3.9.0) 1 | plg_privacy_user (3.9.0) 1 | plg_sampledata_multilang (4.0.0) 1 | plg_media-action_resize (4.0.0) 1 | plg_media-action_crop (4.0.0) 1 | plg_media-action_rotate (4.0.0) 1 | plg_finder_newsfeeds (3.0.0) 1 | plg_finder_contacts (3.0.0) 1 | plg_finder_content (3.0.0) 1 | plg_finder_tags (3.0.0) 1 | plg_finder_categories (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_cache (3.0.0) 0 | plg_system_jooa11y (4.2.0) 1 | plg_system_highlight (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_stats (3.5.0) 1 | plg_system_schemaorg (5.0.0) 1 | plg_system_accessibility (4.0.0) 0 | plg_system_log (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_guidedtours (4.3.0) 1 | plg_system_webauthn (4.0.0) 0 | plg_system_fields (3.7.0) 1 | plg_system_redirect (3.0.0) 0 | plg_system_schedulerunner (4.1) 1 | plg_system_logout (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_sef (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_languagecode (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_actionlogs (3.9.0) 0 | plg_system_httpheaders (4.0.0) 0 | plg_system_debug (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_privacyconsent (3.9.0) 0 | plg_system_task_notification (4.1) 1 | plg_system_shortcut (4.2.0) 1 | plg_system_remember (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_skipto (4.0.0) 1 | plg_system_languagefilter (3.0.0) 1 | plg_extension_finder (4.0.0) 1 | plg_extension_namespacemap (4.0.0) 1 | plg_extension_joomla (3.0.0) 1 | plg_search_newsfeeds (4.0.0-dev) 1 | plg_search_contacts (4.0.0-dev) 1 | plg_search_content (4.0.0-dev) 1 | plg_search_tags (4.0.0-dev) 1 | plg_search_categories (4.0.0-dev) 1 | plg_schemaorg_blogposting (5.0.0) 1 | plg_schemaorg_recipe (5.0.0) 1 | plg_schemaorg_custom (5.1.0) 1 | plg_schemaorg_person (5.0.0) 1 | plg_schemaorg_book (5.0.0) 1 | plg_schemaorg_organization (5.0.0) 1 | plg_schemaorg_jobposting (5.0.0) 1 | plg_schemaorg_event (5.0.0) 1 | plg_schemaorg_article (5.1.0) 1 | plg_actionlog_joomla (3.9.0) 0 | plg_editors-xtd_pagebreak (3.0.0) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_fields (3.7.0) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_module (3.5.0) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_readmore (3.0.0) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_menu (3.7.0) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_image (3.0.0) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_article (3.0.0) 1 | plg_filesystem_local (4.0.0) 1 | plg_content_pagebreak (3.0.0) 1 | plg_content_pagenavigation (3.0.0) 1 | plg_content_finder (3.0.0) 0 | plg_content_confirmconsent (3.9.0) 0 | plg_content_vote (3.0.0) 1 | plg_content_fields (3.7.0) 1 | plg_content_joomla (3.0.0) 1 | plg_content_loadmodule (3.0.0) 1 | plg_content_emailcloak (3.0.0) 0 | plg_fields_usergrouplist (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_editor (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_integer (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_color (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_list (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_imagelist (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_media (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_textarea (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_radio (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_sql (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_url (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_text (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_calendar (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_checkboxes (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_subform (4.0.0) 1 | plg_fields_user (3.7.0) 1 | plg_api-authentication_basic (4.0.0) 0 | plg_api-authentication_token (4.0.0) 1 | plg_task_updatenotification (5.0.0) 1 | plg_task_rotatelogs (5.0.0) 1 | plg_task_deleteactionlogs (5.0.0) 1 | plg_task_sessiongc (5.0.0) 1 | plg_task_globalcheckin (5.0.0) 1 | plg_task_privacyconsent (5.0.0) 1 | plg_task_site_status (4.1) 1 | plg_task_requests (4.1) 1 | plg_task_check_files (4.1) 1 | plg_multifactorauth_totp (3.2.0) 0 | plg_multifactorauth_webauthn (4.2.0) 0 | plg_multifactorauth_email (4.2.0) 0 | plg_multifactorauth_fixed (4.2.0) 0 | plg_multifactorauth_yubikey (3.2.0) 0 | plg_quickicon_overridecheck (4.0.0) 1 | plg_quickicon_joomlaupdate (3.0.0) 1 | plg_quickicon_privacycheck (3.9.0) 1 | plg_quickicon_eos (4.4.0) 1 | plg_quickicon_downloadkey (4.0.0) 1 | plg_quickicon_phpversioncheck (3.7.0) 0 | plg_quickicon_extensionupdate (3.0.0) 1 | plg_authentication_joomla (3.0.0) 1 | plg_authentication_ldap (3.0.0) 0 | plg_authentication_cookie (3.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_privacy (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_newsfeeds (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_users (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_config (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_languages (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_plugins (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_content (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_redirect (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_modules (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_templates (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_tags (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_media (4.1.0) 1 | plg_webservices_menus (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_messages (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_banners (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_installer (4.0.0) 1 | plg_captcha_recaptcha_invisible (3.8) 0 | plg_workflow_featuring (4.0.0) 1 | plg_workflow_publishing (4.0.0) 1 | plg_workflow_notification (4.0.0) 1 | plg_installer_override (4.0.0) 1 | plg_installer_urlinstaller (3.6.0) 1 | plg_installer_folderinstaller (3.6.0) 1 | plg_installer_webinstaller (4.0.0) 1 | plg_installer_packageinstaller (3.6.0) 1 | plg_user_profile (3.0.0) 0 | plg_user_contactcreator (3.0.0) 0 | plg_user_joomla (3.0.0) 1 | plg_user_token (3.9.0) 1 | plg_user_terms (3.9.0) 0 | plg_behaviour_versionable (4.0.0) 1 | plg_behaviour_compat (5.0.0) 1 | plg_behaviour_taggable (4.0.0) 1 |
3rd Party:: System - Aimy Canonical (28.0) 0 | plg_system_jcemediabox (2.1.9) 1 | GK Module Title Links (1.0) 0 | WF_SOURCE_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_STYLESELECT_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_CAPTION_TITLE (2.9.41) ? | WF_MICRODATA_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_CLIPBOARD_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_FILEMANAGER_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_TEMPLATEMANAGER_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_IMGMANAGER_EXT_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_IFRAME_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_TEXTPATTERN_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | JCE - Columns (1.0.0) ? | WF_MEDIAMANAGER_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | plg_system_jcepro (2.9.80) 1 | plg_system_nrframework (5.0.45) 1 | PLG_SYSTEM_REREPLACER (14.1.5) 1 | System - Mobile Menu CK (1.6.4) 1 | plg_system_osmylicensesmanager (2.0.17) 1 | PLG_SYSTEM_REGULARLABS (24.8.21262) 1 | AcyMailing: override Joomla mailing (5.10.20) ? | plg_system_gsd (5.6.4) 1 | PLG_SYSTEM_BACKUPONUPDATE (9.9.6) 0 | plg_system_jce (2.9.80) 1 | PLG_SYSTEM_ADMINTOOLS (7.5.4) 1 | plg_extension_jce (2.9.80) 1 | PLG_CONSOLE_AKEEBABACKUP (9.9.6) 1 | PLG_CONSOLE_ADMINTOOLS (7.5.4) 1 | plg_search_sigplus ( 0 | PLG_ACTIONLOG_AKEEBABACKUP (9.9.6) 0 | PLG_ACTIONLOG_CONDITIONS (24.8.21262) 1 | PLG_ACTIONLOG_REREPLACER (14.1.5) 1 | PLG_ACTIONLOG_ADMINTOOLS (7.5.4) 0 | plg_editors-xtd_sigplus ( 0 | plg_content_sigplus ( 1 | plg_content_jce (2.9.80) 1 | plg_fields_mediajce (2.9.80) 1 | PLG_TASK_AKEEBABACKUP (9.9.6) 1 | PLG_TASK_ADMINTOOLS (7.5.4) 1 | PLG_OSMAP_JOOMLA (5.0.17) 1 | PLG_QUICKICON_AKEEBABACKUP (9.9.6) 1 | plg_quickicon_jce (2.9.80) 1 | plg_editors_tinymce (6.8.3) 1 | plg_editors_codemirror (6.0.0) 1 | plg_editors_jce (2.9.80) 1 | PLG_WEBSERVICES_AKEEBABACKUP (9.9.6) 1 | PLG_GSD_CONTENT (1.0) 1 | plg_captcha_hcaptcha (1.4.3) 1 | plg_installer_jce (2.9.80) 1 |Templates Discovered :: wrote:Templates :: Site :: campotel (1.0.0) 1 | holygon (1.0.0) 1 | holygon (1.0.0) 1 | cassiopeia (1.0) 1 |
Templates :: Admin :: atum (1.0) 1 |
Last edited by toivo on Wed Aug 28, 2024 3:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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- toivo
- Joomla! Master
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- Location: Sydney, Australia
Re: Unable to upgrade PHP to 8.2 or 8.3
So the issue of the FPA script not running was caused by the enhanced .htaccess file created by Admin Tools? Good to know.
Please change 'Error Reporting' in the Global Configuration to 'Maximum' and turn on the option 'System Debug'. The error messages from Joomla will then have more details like the name of the script and line number where the PHP fatal error occurred, following by the PHP call stack, in other words, the list of function calls leading to the error. Post those details here for advice. Try to keep websites and different errors separate in their own topics.
Toivo Talikka, Global Moderator
- Joomla! Intern
- Posts: 56
- Joined: Thu Jul 30, 2009 2:23 pm
Re: Unable to upgrade PHP to 8.2 or 8.3
Hi Ttoivo,
As the site for that business has to be functional during opening hours and as it works well under PHP 8.1 I at the moment, I’ll have to wait until they close this afternoon to follow your suggestions and report after that.
Regards, Kompas
As the site for that business has to be functional during opening hours and as it works well under PHP 8.1 I at the moment, I’ll have to wait until they close this afternoon to follow your suggestions and report after that.
Regards, Kompas
- AMurray
- Joomla! Master
- Posts: 10128
- Joined: Sat Feb 13, 2010 7:35 am
- Location: Australia
Re: Unable to upgrade PHP to 8.2 or 8.3
Two candidate for causing the 500 "oops..." error could be those templates "hoylgon" and "campotel" (never heard of either of these) - do they run on PHP 8.2/8.3?
As has already been mentioned, enabled Debug and full error reporting which will help identify what is causing the 500 error.
As has already been mentioned, enabled Debug and full error reporting which will help identify what is causing the 500 error.
Regards - A Murray
General Support Moderator
General Support Moderator
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Re: Unable to upgrade PHP to 8.2 or 8.3
Hello Murray,
I use the component Template Creator CK regularly since a number of years to create Joomla templates as I find that solution easy and reliable (still a learning curve though) and yes it is J 5 compatible .
Component Template Creator CK v5 to be installed in Joomla! 3.x or Joomla 4.x (it can export joomla templates for the version 2.5 or 3.x or 4.x).
Template Creator CK is compatible with Joomla! 4. It works also with the latest versions of Joomla! 3.
The templates from the V4 of Template Creator CK are compatible with the V5.
As mentioned before: I have to find out what Debug and error reporting say, but only this evening when that business closes as everything works fine under PHP 8.1 for now.
I also wait for a suggestion from the hosting company.
Have a nice day, Kompas
I use the component Template Creator CK regularly since a number of years to create Joomla templates as I find that solution easy and reliable (still a learning curve though) and yes it is J 5 compatible .
Component Template Creator CK v5 to be installed in Joomla! 3.x or Joomla 4.x (it can export joomla templates for the version 2.5 or 3.x or 4.x).
Template Creator CK is compatible with Joomla! 4. It works also with the latest versions of Joomla! 3.
The templates from the V4 of Template Creator CK are compatible with the V5.
As mentioned before: I have to find out what Debug and error reporting say, but only this evening when that business closes as everything works fine under PHP 8.1 for now.
I also wait for a suggestion from the hosting company.
Have a nice day, Kompas
- Joomla! Intern
- Posts: 56
- Joined: Thu Jul 30, 2009 2:23 pm
Re: Unable to upgrade PHP to 8.2 or 8.3
Thanks for your comments Toivo and AMurray
No need this time to change Error Reporting to maximum or turn System debug on.
A person from customer support @my hosting co pointed out that an important module in CPanel was not activated after trying the transition to a higher PHP version while I believed it really was (don’t shoot). So everything is now on PHP 8.3.
I’d like to send you a file called : with the PHP settings of one of the sites that needed an update of PHP in order to get your opinion about the correct params because while searching the web I found contradicting information. I would appreciate the opinion of real Joomla experts.
I have another minor issue with a site but will eventually open another thread later.
Thanks and have a nice day/evening/whatever… Kompas
No need this time to change Error Reporting to maximum or turn System debug on.
A person from customer support @my hosting co pointed out that an important module in CPanel was not activated after trying the transition to a higher PHP version while I believed it really was (don’t shoot). So everything is now on PHP 8.3.
I’d like to send you a file called : with the PHP settings of one of the sites that needed an update of PHP in order to get your opinion about the correct params because while searching the web I found contradicting information. I would appreciate the opinion of real Joomla experts.
I have another minor issue with a site but will eventually open another thread later.
Thanks and have a nice day/evening/whatever… Kompas
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Last edited by AMurray on Sun Sep 01, 2024 4:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: mod note: changed first line all caps to normal and corrected minor typo. No need to use all caps - please follow 'netiquette protocols in future :)
Reason: mod note: changed first line all caps to normal and corrected minor typo. No need to use all caps - please follow 'netiquette protocols in future :)
- toivo
- Joomla! Master
- Posts: 17743
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- Location: Sydney, Australia
Re: Unable to upgrade PHP to 8.2 or 8.3
Minimum 256M, 32M, 32M required. For max_input_vars 1000 may not be enough, set to 2000 or even more, if the site displays warnings about input variables exceeded.
FTP settings were removed in Joomla 4.
Download Magic Eraser and run it to remove obsolete libraries and files related to Akeeba extensions.
Well done!
The FPA results would have been easier to read, but here are a couple of observations:
Code: Select all
PHP Settings
memory_limit: 128M
upload_max_filesize: 2M
post_max_size: 8M
max_input_vars: 1000
Code: Select all
ftp_enable: 0
ftp_pass: xxxxxx
ftp_port: 21
ftp_user: xxxxxx
Code: Select all
name: FOF30
type: library
state: Enabled
author: Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos / Akeeba Ltd
version: 3.3.9
creationDate: 2018-12-07
Last edited by toivo on Thu Aug 29, 2024 8:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: note: changed 'extensions' to 'libraries'
Reason: note: changed 'extensions' to 'libraries'
Toivo Talikka, Global Moderator
- Joomla! Intern
- Posts: 56
- Joined: Thu Jul 30, 2009 2:23 pm
Re: Unable to upgrade PHP to 8.2 or 8.3
That's valuable information Toivo, thanks.
Kompas, from the Northern Hemisphere
Kompas, from the Northern Hemisphere
- Joomla! Apprentice
- Posts: 32
- Joined: Wed Feb 03, 2021 9:46 pm
Re: Unable to upgrade PHP to 8.2 or 8.3
i am having a similar problem. Could you please advise what the important module in CPanel was that was not activated. tks.
- abernyte
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Re: Unable to upgrade PHP to 8.2 or 8.3
At a guess it will be mysqli and mysqlnd
"Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it." Thomas Paine
- Joomla! Apprentice
- Posts: 32
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Re: Unable to upgrade PHP to 8.2 or 8.3
actually it is nd_mysqli (mysqli is not listed in 8.2 but is there in 8.1), at least on our system. all seems good when i enable it.
mysqlnd is checked already.
NB there is also nd_pdo_mysqli but i cannot check it (says it conflicts).
actually it is nd_mysqli (mysqli is not listed in 8.2 but is there in 8.1), at least on our system. all seems good when i enable it.
mysqlnd is checked already.
NB there is also nd_pdo_mysqli but i cannot check it (says it conflicts).
- Per Yngve Berg
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Re: Unable to upgrade PHP to 8.2 or 8.3
It must be set in configuration.php so it matches what is loaded in PHP.
- Joomla! Apprentice
- Posts: 32
- Joined: Wed Feb 03, 2021 9:46 pm
Re: Unable to upgrade PHP to 8.2 or 8.3
tks. i am not sure what you are referring to.
in configuration.php under public_html, $dbtype = 'mysqli'; all OK.
if i change that to $dbtype = 'nd_mysqli'; the system crashes.
in configuration.php under public_html, $dbtype = 'mysqli'; all OK.
if i change that to $dbtype = 'nd_mysqli'; the system crashes.
- Joomla! Intern
- Posts: 56
- Joined: Thu Jul 30, 2009 2:23 pm
Re: Unable to upgrade PHP to 8.2 or 8.3
Hi, I looked it up: for me the reason given was: La raison du dysfonctionnement était la désactivation de l'extension PHP Mysqli dans les options de PHP lors du changement de version de PHP
allthough I do NOT remember having deactivated that extention in CPanel
allthough I do NOT remember having deactivated that extention in CPanel