
Varnish, NGINX & Joomla 5

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Varnish, NGINX & Joomla 5

Post by stormbyte » Fri Dec 06, 2024 10:52 am

Dear all,

I don't many threads regarding optimisation using Varnish. :(
From my side I developped a VCL only to cache static elements, a FastCGI Cache on NGINX to speedup page generation but that's all. I disabled JCH Optimize (even 9), deleted SpeedCache, and so on.

Using Varnish with static elements, a 2Gb FastCGI cache and dedicated server is giving better results than JCH or SpeedCache, and best of all is generating a new page content for each request.

But I know well there's a better approach, but I was unable to integrate it even spending hours with efforts on...
This is caching all pages generated from FastCGI and keeping them into Varnish cache.
The problem is clear: JOOMLA is generating a cookie even for visitor ... and that's the problem because each same static page is seen as a new request, not cached....

Guyz, anybody tried and success to cache HTML pages from FastCGI to Varnish?

What's the best approach (due to cookies?) ! Please share you toughts, ideads, code, whatever! :)

NB: I know before Joomla5 there was no such cookie. so not so complicated. I don't want to change the core Joomla, just to find a clear and professional approach to solve this link btw Varnish & Joomla 5 :)
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