
Unknown Joomla … Unknown extensions … etc

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Unknown Joomla … Unknown extensions … etc

Post by sambob » Tue Sep 10, 2024 11:47 pm

Hello, I cannot seem to workout why, after moving a site to a new server, why I am getting the dreaded "Unknown Joomla … Unknown extensions …Error on checking overrides... Unknown requests &hellip" errors..

Here is my FPA output, any help greatly appreciated!
Forum Post Assistant (v1.6.7) : 10-Sep-2024 wrote:
Last PHP Error(s) Reported :: wrote:[10-Sep-2024 23:34:01 UTC] PHP Warning: session_start(): Failed to read session data: files (path: /opt/alt/php83/var/lib/php/session) in /home/simonbay/ on line 648
Basic Environment :: wrote:Joomla! Instance :: Joomla! 5.1.4-Stable (Kudumisha) 27-August-2024
Joomla! Configured :: Yes | Read-Only (444) |
Configuration Options :: Offline: false | SEF: true | SEF Suffix: false | SEF ReWrite: true | .htaccess/web.config: Yes | GZip: true | Cache: true | CacheTime: 15 | CacheHandler: file | CachePlatformPrefix: false | FTP Layer: N/A | Proxy: false | LiveSite: Is Not Empty | Session lifetime: 720 | Session handler: database | Shared sessions: false | SSL: 2 | Error Reporting: default | Site Debug: false | Language Debug: false | Default Access: Public | Unicode Slugs: false | dbConnection Type: mysqli | PHP Supports J! 5.1.4: Yes | Database Supports J! 5.1.4: Yes | Database Credentials Present: Yes |

Host Configuration :: OS: Linux | OS Version: 3.10.0-962.3.2.lve1.5.85.el7.x86_64 | Technology: x86_64 | Web Server: LiteSpeed | Encoding: gzip, br | System TMP Writable: Yes | Free Disk Space : 695.19 GiB |

PHP Configuration :: Version: 8.3.10 | PHP API: litespeed | Session Path Writable: No | Display Errors: 0 | Error Reporting: 22527 | Log Errors To: error_log | Last Known Error: 10th September 2024 23:40:31. | Register Globals: | Magic Quotes: | Safe Mode: | Allow url fopen: 1 | Open Base: | Uploads: 1 | Max. Upload Size: 2M | Max. POST Size: 8M | Max. Input Time: 60 | Max. Execution Time: 30 | Memory Limit: 128M

Database Configuration :: Version: 10.6.18-MariaDB-cll-lve (Client:mysqlnd 8.3.10) | Database Size: 30.58 MiB | #of Tables with config prefix:  117 | #of other Tables:  2 | User Privileges : GRANT ALL
Detailed Environment :: wrote:PHP Extensions :: Core (8.3.10) | date (8.3.10) | libxml (8.3.10) | openssl (8.3.10) | pcre (8.3.10) | sqlite3 (8.3.10) | zlib (8.3.10) | bz2 (8.3.10) | calendar (8.3.10) | ctype (8.3.10) | curl (8.3.10) | hash (8.3.10) | filter (8.3.10) | ftp (8.3.10) | gettext (8.3.10) | json (8.3.10) | iconv (8.3.10) | SPL (8.3.10) | pcntl (8.3.10) | random (8.3.10) | readline (8.3.10) | Reflection (8.3.10) | session (8.3.10) | standard (8.3.10) | exif (8.3.10) | shmop (8.3.10) | SimpleXML (8.3.10) | tokenizer (8.3.10) | xml (8.3.10) | litespeed () | mysqlnd (mysqlnd 8.3.10) | mysqli (8.3.10) | Zend Engine (4.3.10) |
Potential Missing Extensions :: zip | mbstring | pdo_mysql | fileinfo | gd | dom |

Switch User Environment :: PHP CGI: Yes | Server SU: Yes | PHP SU: Yes | Potential Ownership Issues: No
Folder Permissions :: wrote:Core Folders :: images/ (755) | components/ (755) | modules/ (755) | plugins/ (755) | language/ (755) | templates/ (755) | cache/ (755) | logs/ (---) | tmp/ (755) | administrator/components/ (755) | administrator/modules/ (755) | administrator/language/ (755) | administrator/templates/ (755) | administrator/logs/ (755) | api/ (755) |

Elevated Permissions (First 10) ::
Database Information :: wrote:Database statistics :: Uptime: 358483 | Threads: 12 | Questions: 263333680 | Slow queries: 153 | Opens: 522769 | Open tables: 10191 | Queries per second avg: 734.577 |
Extensions Discovered :: wrote:Components :: Site ::
Core ::
3rd Party:: WF_PREVIEW_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_VISUALCHARS_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_FULLSCREEN_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_IMGMANAGER_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_CHARMAP_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_DIRECTIONALITY_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_FONTSELECT_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_EMOTIONS_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_FORMATSELECT_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_LANGCODE_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_CLEANUP_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_ARTICLE_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_CONTEXTMENU_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_TEXTCASE_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_HELP_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_LISTS_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_SEARCHREPLACE_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_TABLE_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_FONTCOLOR_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_STYLESELECT_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_LINK_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_WORDCOUNT_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_CLIPBOARD_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_FONTSIZESELECT_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_STYLE_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_SOURCE_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_NONBREAKING_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_VISUALBLOCKS_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_ANCHOR_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_SPELLCHECKER_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_KITCHENSINK_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_HR_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_BROWSER_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_AUTOSAVE_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_REFERENCE_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_ATTRIBUTES_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_PRINT_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | JCE - Noneditable (1.0.0) ? | WF_MEDIA_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_LINKS_JOOMLALINKS_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_FILESYSTEM_JOOMLA_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_POPUPS_JCEMEDIABOX_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_AGGREGATOR_AUDIO_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_AGGREGATOR_VIDEO_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_AGGREGATOR_DAILYMOTION_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_AGGREGATOR_[youtube]_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_AGGREGATOR_VIMEO_TITLE (2.9.80) ? | WF_LINK_SEARCH_TITLE (2.9.80) ? |

Components :: Admin ::
Core :: com_installer (4.0.0) 1 | com_privacy (3.9.0) 1 | com_joomlaupdate (4.0.3) 1 | com_fields (4.0.0) 1 | com_mails (4.0.0) 1 | com_login (4.0.0) 1 | com_finder (4.0.0) 1 | com_config (4.0.0) 1 | com_actionlogs (3.9.0) 1 | com_newsfeeds (4.0.0) 1 | com_scheduler (4.1.0) 1 | com_wrapper (4.0.0) 1 | com_contenthistory (4.0.0) 1 | com_categories (4.0.0) 1 | com_postinstall (4.0.0) 1 | com_ajax (4.0.0) 1 | com_media (3.0.0) 1 | com_checkin (4.0.0) 1 | com_guidedtours (4.3.0) 1 | com_plugins (4.0.0) 1 | com_admin (4.0.0) 1 | com_menus (4.0.0) 1 | com_languages (4.0.0) 1 | com_users (4.0.0) 1 | com_content (4.0.0) 1 | com_modules (4.0.0) 1 | com_cache (4.0.0) 1 | com_workflow (4.0.0) 1 | com_associations (4.0.0) 1 | com_redirect (4.0.0) 1 | com_cpanel (4.0.0) 1 | com_templates (4.0.0) 1 | com_messages (4.0.0) 1 | com_banners (4.0.0) 1 | com_tags (4.0.0) 1 |
3rd Party:: COM_JCE (2.9.80) 1 | COM_REGULARLABSMANAGER (9.0.2) 1 | com_akeebabackup (9.9.6) 1 | com_gantry5 (5.5.19) 1 | com_admintools (7.5.4) 1 | PWT ACL (5.1.0) 1 | GSD (1.0) 1 | COM_CONVERTFORMS (4.4.4) 1 |

Modules :: Site ::
Core :: mod_breadcrumbs (3.0.0) 1 | mod_articles_archive (3.0.0) 1 | mod_stats (3.0.0) 1 | mod_languages (3.5.0) 1 | mod_articles_latest (3.0.0) 1 | mod_articles_popular (3.0.0) 1 | mod_syndicate (3.0.0) 1 | mod_articles_categories (3.0.0) 1 | mod_articles_category (3.0.0) 1 | mod_random_image (3.0.0) 1 | mod_wrapper (3.0.0) 1 | mod_users_latest (3.0.0) 1 | mod_articles_news (3.0.0) 1 | mod_tags_similar (3.1.0) 1 | mod_menu (3.0.0) 1 | mod_footer (3.0.0) 1 | mod_custom (3.0.0) 1 | mod_banners (3.0.0) 1 | mod_related_items (3.0.0) 1 | mod_whosonline (3.0.0) 1 | mod_finder (3.0.0) 1 | mod_login (3.0.0) 1 | mod_feed (3.0.0) 1 | mod_tags_popular (3.1.0) 1 |
3rd Party:: sigplus ( 1 | mod_convertforms (1.0) 1 | MOD_SHACKARTICLELAYOUTS (4.0.1) 1 | mod_gantry5_particle (5.5.19) 1 |

Modules :: Admin ::
Core :: mod_privacy_dashboard (3.9.0) 1 | mod_popular (3.0.0) 1 | mod_post_installation_messages (4.0.0) 1 | mod_version (3.0.0) 1 | mod_logged (3.0.0) 1 | mod_latest (3.0.0) 1 | mod_submenu (3.0.0) 1 | mod_quickicon (3.0.0) 1 | mod_messages (4.0.0) 1 | mod_title (3.0.0) 1 | mod_menu (3.0.0) 1 | mod_stats_admin (3.0.0) 1 | mod_sampledata (3.8.0) 1 | mod_user (4.0.0) 1 | mod_multilangstatus (3.0.0) 1 | mod_custom (3.0.0) 1 | mod_frontend (4.0.0) 1 | mod_toolbar (3.0.0) 1 | mod_loginsupport (4.0.0) 1 | mod_login (3.0.0) 1 | mod_privacy_status (4.0.0) 1 | mod_feed (3.0.0) 1 | mod_latestactions (3.9.0) 1 | mod_guidedtours (4.3.0) 1 |
3rd Party::

Libraries ::
Core ::
3rd Party:: Regular Labs Library (24.8.21262) 1 |

Plugins ::
Core :: plg_authentication_joomla (3.0.0) 1 | plg_authentication_ldap (3.0.0) 0 | plg_authentication_cookie (3.0.0) 1 | plg_installer_packageinstaller (3.6.0) 1 | plg_installer_urlinstaller (3.6.0) 1 | plg_installer_folderinstaller (3.6.0) 1 | plg_installer_override (4.0.0) 1 | plg_installer_webinstaller (4.0.0) 1 | plg_finder_content (3.0.0) 1 | plg_finder_contacts (3.0.0) 1 | plg_finder_tags (3.0.0) 1 | plg_finder_newsfeeds (3.0.0) 1 | plg_finder_categories (3.0.0) 1 | plg_media-action_rotate (4.0.0) 1 | plg_media-action_resize (4.0.0) 1 | plg_media-action_crop (4.0.0) 1 | plg_content_finder (3.0.0) 1 | plg_content_joomla (3.0.0) 1 | plg_content_pagebreak (3.0.0) 1 | plg_content_vote (3.0.0) 0 | plg_content_pagenavigation (3.0.0) 1 | plg_content_emailcloak (3.0.0) 1 | plg_content_fields (3.7.0) 1 | plg_content_confirmconsent (3.9.0) 0 | plg_content_loadmodule (3.0.0) 1 | plg_api-authentication_basic (4.0.0) 0 | plg_api-authentication_token (4.0.0) 1 | plg_sampledata_multilang (4.0.0) 1 | plg_multifactorauth_webauthn (4.2.0) 1 | plg_multifactorauth_fixed (4.2.0) 0 | plg_multifactorauth_email (4.2.0) 1 | plg_multifactorauth_totp (3.2.0) 1 | plg_multifactorauth_yubikey (3.2.0) 1 | plg_user_profile (3.0.0) 0 | plg_user_joomla (3.0.0) 1 | plg_user_contactcreator (3.0.0) 0 | plg_user_terms (3.9.0) 0 | plg_user_token (3.9.0) 1 | plg_actionlog_joomla (3.9.0) 1 | plg_webservices_installer (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_content (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_templates (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_plugins (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_messages (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_redirect (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_languages (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_users (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_menus (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_banners (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_privacy (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_modules (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_config (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_tags (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_newsfeeds (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_media (4.1.0) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_pagebreak (3.0.0) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_article (3.0.0) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_module (3.5.0) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_image (3.0.0) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_menu (3.7.0) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_readmore (3.0.0) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_fields (3.7.0) 1 | plg_filesystem_local (4.0.0) 1 | plg_system_debug (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_webauthn (4.0.0) 1 | plg_system_cache (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_logout (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_httpheaders (4.0.0) 1 | plg_system_redirect (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_accessibility (4.0.0) 0 | plg_system_schemaorg (5.0.0) 1 | plg_system_privacyconsent (3.9.0) 0 | plg_system_languagecode (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_highlight (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_log (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_jooa11y (4.2.0) 1 | plg_system_schedulerunner (4.1) 1 | plg_system_actionlogs (3.9.0) 1 | plg_system_shortcut (4.2.0) 1 | plg_system_stats (3.5.0) 1 | plg_system_sef (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_task_notification (4.1) 1 | plg_system_guidedtours (4.3.0) 1 | plg_system_remember (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_skipto (4.0.0) 1 | plg_system_fields (3.7.0) 1 | plg_system_languagefilter (3.0.0) 0 | plg_schemaorg_custom (5.1.0) 1 | plg_schemaorg_jobposting (5.0.0) 1 | plg_schemaorg_book (5.0.0) 1 | plg_schemaorg_article (5.1.0) 1 | plg_schemaorg_recipe (5.0.0) 1 | plg_schemaorg_blogposting (5.0.0) 1 | plg_schemaorg_event (5.0.0) 1 | plg_schemaorg_person (5.0.0) 1 | plg_schemaorg_organization (5.0.0) 1 | plg_captcha_recaptcha_invisible (3.8) 0 | plg_quickicon_phpversioncheck (3.7.0) 1 | plg_quickicon_eos (4.4.0) 1 | plg_quickicon_downloadkey (4.0.0) 1 | plg_quickicon_extensionupdate (3.0.0) 1 | plg_quickicon_privacycheck (3.9.0) 1 | plg_quickicon_overridecheck (4.0.0) 1 | plg_quickicon_joomlaupdate (3.0.0) 1 | plg_behaviour_taggable (4.0.0) 1 | plg_behaviour_versionable (4.0.0) 1 | plg_behaviour_compat (5.0.0) 1 | plg_extension_finder (4.0.0) 0 | plg_extension_joomla (3.0.0) 1 | plg_extension_namespacemap (4.0.0) 1 | plg_privacy_content (3.9.0) 1 | plg_privacy_user (3.9.0) 1 | plg_privacy_message (3.9.0) 1 | plg_privacy_actionlogs (3.9.0) 1 | plg_privacy_consents (3.9.0) 1 | plg_task_sessiongc (5.0.0) 1 | plg_task_site_status (4.1) 1 | plg_task_rotatelogs (5.0.0) 1 | plg_task_globalcheckin (5.0.0) 1 | plg_task_updatenotification (5.0.0) 1 | plg_task_check_files (4.1) 1 | plg_task_privacyconsent (5.0.0) 1 | plg_task_requests (4.1) 1 | plg_task_deleteactionlogs (5.0.0) 1 | plg_workflow_publishing (4.0.0) 1 | plg_workflow_featuring (4.0.0) 1 | plg_workflow_notification (4.0.0) 1 | plg_fields_calendar (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_url (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_user (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_integer (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_sql (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_color (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_list (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_imagelist (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_checkboxes (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_subform (4.0.0) 1 | plg_fields_radio (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_text (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_textarea (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_editor (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_usergrouplist (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_media (3.7.0) 1 |
3rd Party:: plg_gantry5_preset (5.5.19) 0 | plg_installer_jce (2.9.80) 1 | plg_content_jce (2.9.80) 1 | plg_content_sigplus ( 1 | PLG_CONVERTFORMSAPPS_ACYMAILING (1.0) 1 | PLG_CONVERTFORMSAPPS_EMAIL (1.0) 1 | PLG_CONVERTFORMSTOOLS_CALCULATIONS (1.0) 1 | PLG_CONVERTFORMSTOOLS_PDF (1.0) 1 | PLG_CONVERTFORMSTOOLS_TASKS (1.0) 1 | PLG_CONVERTFORMSTOOLS_CONDITIONALLO (1.0) ? | PLG_GSD_SOBIPRO (1.0) 0 | PLG_GSD_CONTENT (1.0) 1 | PLG_GSD_ESHOP (1.0) 0 | PLG_GSD_EVENTBOOKING (1.0) 0 | PLG_GSD_SPPAGEBUILDER (1.0) 0 | PLG_GSD_JCALPRO (1.0) 0 | PLG_GSD_ICAGENDA (1.0) 0 | PLG_GSD_JREVIEWS (1.0) 0 | PLG_GSD_DPCALENDAR (1.0) 0 | PLG_GSD_VIRTUEMART (1.0) 0 | PLG_GSD_JBUSINESSDIRECTORY (1.0) 0 | PLG_GSD_RSEVENTSPRO (1.0) 0 | PLG_GSD_DJEVENTS (1.0) 0 | PLG_GSD_QUIX (1.0) 0 | PLG_GSD_GRIDBOX (1.0) 0 | PLG_GSD_K2 (1.0) 0 | PLG_GSD_J2STORE (1.0) 0 | PLG_GSD_JSHOPPING (1.0) 0 | PLG_GSD_MENUS (1.0) 0 | PLG_GSD_JEVENTS (1.0) 0 | PLG_GSD_EASYBLOG (1.0) 0 | PLG_GSD_HIKASHOP (1.0) 0 | PLG_GSD_DJCLASSIFIEDS (1.0) 0 | PLG_GSD_ZOO (1.0) 0 | PLG_GSD_RSBLOG (1.0) 0 | PLG_CONSOLE_ADMINTOOLS (7.5.4) 1 | PLG_ACTIONLOG_REGULARLABSMANAGER (9.0.2) 1 | PLG_ACTIONLOG_ADMINTOOLS (7.5.4) 0 | plg_editors-xtd_sigplus ( 1 | PLG_EDITORS-XTD_TABSACCORDIONS (2.3.0PRO) 1 | PLG_EDITORS-XTD_CONVERTFORMS (1.0) 1 | plg_system_gantry5 (5.5.19) 1 | plg_system_jce (2.9.80) 1 | plg_system_gsd (5.6.4) 1 | System - PWT ACL (5.1.0) 1 | plg_system_nrframework (5.0.45) 1 | PLG_SYSTEM_REGULARLABS (24.8.21262) 1 | PLG_SYSTEM_TABSACCORDIONS (2.3.0PRO) 1 | plg_system_directalias (3.1.3) 1 | PLG_SYSTEM_CONVERTFORMS (1.0) 1 | plg_system_directaliaspro (3.1.3) 0 | plg_system_osmylicensesmanager (2.0.17) 1 | PLG_SYSTEM_ADMINTOOLS (7.5.4) 1 | plg_editors_jce (2.9.80) 1 | plg_editors_tinymce (6.8.4) 1 | plg_editors_codemirror (6.0.0) 1 | plg_captcha_hcaptcha (1.4.3) 1 | plg_quickicon_gantry5 (5.5.19) 1 | plg_quickicon_jce (2.9.80) 1 | PLG_QUICKICON_AKEEBABACKUP (9.9.6) 1 | plg_extension_jce (2.9.80) 1 | PLG_CONVERTFORMS_ACYMAILING (1.0) 1 | PLG_CONVERTFORMS_ERRORLOGGER (1.0) 1 | PLG_CONVERTFORMS_EMAILS (1.0) 1 | plg_search_sigplus ( 1 | Task - PWT ACL (5.1.0) 1 | PLG_TASK_ADMINTOOLS (7.5.4) 1 | plg_fields_mediajce (2.9.80) 1 |
Templates Discovered :: wrote:Templates :: Site :: rt_denali (1.5.1) ? | cassiopeia (1.0) 1 | rt_horizon (1.5.0) 1 |
Templates :: Admin :: atum (1.0) 1 |
Last edited by toivo on Wed Sep 11, 2024 3:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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"Don't look at what is and ask 'Why?'; look at what isn't and ask 'Why Not!'.."

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Re: Unknown Joomla … Unknown extensions … etc

Post by toivo » Wed Sep 11, 2024 12:01 am

Write enable and then edit the file configuration.php in the main Joomla folder. Make sure the variable $live_site is empty, that is the value is only two single quotation marks.
Toivo Talikka, Global Moderator

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Per Yngve Berg
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Re: Unknown Joomla … Unknown extensions … etc

Post by Per Yngve Berg » Wed Sep 11, 2024 3:56 am

Session Path is not writable on the server. Contact your host.

Install missing php extensions. Can probably be selected in your host's Cpanel.

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Re: Unknown Joomla … Unknown extensions … etc

Post by Maradona » Wed Sep 11, 2024 11:07 am

Would you kindly double-check the file paths in the following locations to ensure they are correct?

Under 'Global Configuration', please navigate to 'Server' and verify the 'Path to Temp Folder'.
Also within 'Global Configuration', please check the 'Logging' section and confirm the 'Path to Log Folder'. :pop


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