
I cannot get a menu to display as horizontal Topic is solved

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I cannot get a menu to display as horizontal

Post by nzampella » Fri Nov 29, 2024 4:41 pm

Hi all,

I've been pulling what's left of my hair out the past two days trying to figure out why I cannot get a main menu to display horizontally, rather than vertically. I have been thinking its to do with the templates, but even with Cassiopeia it gives me the menu as vertical.
I'm not a 'newbie' to J!, as I've been working with it for over 19 years, mostly admin using pre-built templates, but as I'm 73 years old, this starting to get to me and I'm losing sleep over it.

Any assistance would be welcome.

Here's the FPA:
Forum Post Assistant (v1.6.7) : 29-Nov-2024 wrote:
Last PHP Error(s) Reported :: wrote:[29-Nov-2024 08:45:01 America/Denver] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property
Basic Environment :: wrote:Joomla! Instance :: Joomla! 5.2.2-Stable (Uthabiti) 26-November-2024
Joomla! Configured :: Yes | Read-Only (444) |
Configuration Options :: Offline: false | SEF: true | SEF Suffix: false | SEF ReWrite: true | .htaccess/web.config: No (ReWrite Enabled but no .htaccess?) | GZip: true | Cache: false | CacheTime: 30 | CacheHandler: file | CachePlatformPrefix: false | FTP Layer: N/A | Proxy: false | LiveSite: | Session lifetime: 15 | Session handler: database | Shared sessions: false | SSL: 0 | Error Reporting: default | Site Debug: true | Language Debug: false | Default Access: Public | Unicode Slugs: false | dbConnection Type: mysqli | PHP Supports J! 5.2.2: Yes | Database Supports J! 5.2.2: Yes | Database Credentials Present: Yes |

Host Configuration :: OS: Linux | OS Version: 4.18.0-553.8.1.lve.el8.x86_64 | Technology: x86_64 | Web Server: Apache | Encoding: gzip, deflate | System TMP Writable: Yes | Free Disk Space : 1314.98 GiB |

PHP Configuration :: Version: 8.3.12 | PHP API: litespeed | Session Path Writable: Yes | Display Errors: 0 | Error Reporting: 6135 | Log Errors To: /home/neilz1951/public_html/php_error.log | Last Known Error: 29th November 2024 08:45:01. | Register Globals: | Magic Quotes: | Safe Mode: | Allow url fopen: 1 | Open Base: | Uploads: 1 | Max. Upload Size: 30M | Max. POST Size: 30M | Max. Input Time: 60 | Max. Execution Time: 600 | Memory Limit: 256M

Database Configuration :: Version: 10.6.19-MariaDB-cll-lve (Client:mysqlnd 8.3.12) | Database Size: 103.68 MiB | #of Tables with config prefix:  216 | #of other Tables:  0 | User Privileges : GRANT ALL
Detailed Environment :: wrote:PHP Extensions :: Core (8.3.12) | date (8.3.12) | libxml (8.3.12) | openssl (8.3.12) | pcre (8.3.12) | sqlite3 (8.3.12) | zlib (8.3.12) | bz2 (8.3.12) | calendar (8.3.12) | ctype (8.3.12) | curl (8.3.12) | hash (8.3.12) | filter (8.3.12) | ftp (8.3.12) | gettext (8.3.12) | json (8.3.12) | iconv (8.3.12) | SPL (8.3.12) | pcntl (8.3.12) | random (8.3.12) | readline (8.3.12) | Reflection (8.3.12) | session (8.3.12) | standard (8.3.12) | exif (8.3.12) | shmop (8.3.12) | SimpleXML (8.3.12) | tokenizer (8.3.12) | xml (8.3.12) | litespeed () | i360 (8.2.2) | dom (20031129) | mysqlnd (mysqlnd 8.3.12) | mysqli (8.3.12) | Phar (8.3.12) | posix (8.3.12) | xmlreader (8.3.12) | xmlwriter (8.3.12) | xsl (8.3.12) | zip (1.22.3) | Zend Engine (4.3.12) |
Potential Missing Extensions :: mbstring | pdo_mysql | fileinfo | gd |

Switch User Environment :: PHP CGI: Yes | Server SU: Yes | PHP SU: Yes | Potential Ownership Issues: No
Folder Permissions :: wrote:Core Folders :: images/ (755) | components/ (755) | modules/ (755) | plugins/ (755) | language/ (755) | templates/ (755) | cache/ (755) | logs/ (755) | tmp/ (755) | administrator/components/ (755) | administrator/modules/ (755) | administrator/language/ (755) | administrator/templates/ (755) | administrator/logs/ (755) | api/ (755) |

Elevated Permissions (First 10) ::
Database Information :: wrote:Database statistics :: Uptime: 959736 | Threads: 101 | Questions: 204713297 | Slow queries: 130 | Opens: 37065210 | Open tables: 5000 | Queries per second avg: 213.301 |
Extensions Discovered :: wrote:Components :: Site ::
Core ::
3rd Party:: WF_POPUPS_JCEMEDIABOX_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_LINK_SEARCH_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_LINKS_JOOMLALINKS_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_FILESYSTEM_JOOMLA_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_AGGREGATOR_AUDIO_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_AGGREGATOR_VIMEO_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_AGGREGATOR_DAILYMOTION_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_AGGREGATOR_VIDEO_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_AGGREGATOR_[youtube]_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_HR_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_FORMATSELECT_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_LISTS_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_PRINT_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_FONTSELECT_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_VISUALBLOCKS_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_PREVIEW_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_STYLE_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_KITCHENSINK_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_ARTICLE_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_SOURCE_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_FULLSCREEN_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_FONTCOLOR_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | JCE - Noneditable (1.0.0) ? | WF_VISUALCHARS_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_FONTSIZESELECT_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_CHARMAP_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_ANCHOR_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_CONTEXTMENU_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_BROWSER_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_AUTOSAVE_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_CLEANUP_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_NONBREAKING_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_TEXTCASE_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_CLIPBOARD_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_MEDIA_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_STYLESELECT_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_ATTRIBUTES_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_WORDCOUNT_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_SPELLCHECKER_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_REFERENCE_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_LANGCODE_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_FILEMANAGER_TITLE (2.9.63) ? | WF_TABLE_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_HELP_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_IMGMANAGER_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_LINK_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_DIRECTIONALITY_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_EMOTIONS_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_SEARCHREPLACE_TITLE (2.9.82) ? |

Components :: Admin ::
Core :: com_banners (4.0.0) 1 | com_associations (4.0.0) 1 | com_messages (4.0.0) 1 | com_users (4.0.0) 1 | com_config (4.0.0) 1 | com_login (4.0.0) 1 | com_menus (4.0.0) 1 | com_media (3.0.0) 1 | com_cache (4.0.0) 1 | com_weblinks (4.3.1) 1 | com_checkin (4.0.0) 1 | com_redirect (4.0.0) 1 | com_privacy (3.9.0) 1 | com_actionlogs (3.9.0) 1 | com_cpanel (4.0.0) 1 | com_contenthistory (4.0.0) 1 | com_mails (4.0.0) 1 | com_postinstall (4.0.0) 1 | com_workflow (4.0.0) 1 | com_wrapper (4.0.0) 1 | com_fields (4.0.0) 1 | com_ajax (4.0.0) 1 | com_languages (4.0.0) 1 | com_scheduler (4.1.0) 1 | com_tags (4.0.0) 1 | com_guidedtours (4.3.0) 1 | com_templates (4.0.0) 1 | com_installer (4.0.0) 1 | com_categories (4.0.0) 1 | com_joomlaupdate (4.0.3) 1 | com_modules (4.0.0) 1 | com_newsfeeds (4.0.0) 1 | com_plugins (4.0.0) 1 | com_content (4.0.0) 1 | com_finder (4.0.0) 1 | com_admin (4.0.0) 1 | com_search (3.0.0) 1 |
3rd Party:: COM_JCE (2.9.82) 1 | LOGman (1.0.0RC3) ? | com_logman (5.0.1) 1 | PWT ACL (5.2.0) 1 | COM_GMAPFP (4.0.16) 1 | ChronoForms8 (8.0.28) 1 | com_docman (5.1.0) 1 | com_dpcalendar (10.1.0) 1 | com_fjrelated (4.0.2) 0 | com_admintools (7.6.2) 1 | com_akeebabackup (9.9.11) 1 | com_kunena (6.3.7) 1 | plg_kunena_uddeim (5.2.4) 0 | plg_kunena_altauserpoints (5.2.4) 0 | plg_kunena_joomla (5.2.4) 1 | plg_finder_kunena (5.2.4) 0 | plg_kunena_community (5.2.4) 0 | plg_kunena_easysocial (5.2.4) 0 | plg_kunena_comprofiler (5.2.4) 0 | plg_kunena_kunena (5.2.4) 1 | PLG_KUNENA_EASYPROFILE (5.2.4) 0 | plg_kunena_gravatar (5.2.4) 0 | PLG_KUNENA_EASYBLOG (0.0.1) ? | plg_kunena_alphauserpoints (5.0.14) ? | plg_kunena_finder (5.2.4) 0 | mod_kunenamenu (4.0.12) ? | com_jchoptimize (9.0.1) 1 |

Modules :: Site ::
Core :: MOD_ARTICLES (5.2.0) 1 | mod_stats (3.0.0) 1 | mod_articles_popular (3.0.0) 1 | mod_articles_categories (3.0.0) 1 | mod_footer (3.0.0) 1 | mod_tags_popular (3.1.0) 1 | mod_feed (3.0.0) 1 | mod_articles_archive (3.0.0) 1 | mod_articles_news (3.0.0) 1 | mod_finder (3.0.0) 1 | mod_custom (3.0.0) 1 | mod_breadcrumbs (3.0.0) 1 | mod_search (3.0.0) 1 | mod_articles_category (3.0.0) 1 | mod_menu (3.0.0) 1 | mod_weblinks (4.3.1) 1 | mod_whosonline (3.0.0) 1 | mod_languages (3.5.0) 1 | mod_syndicate (3.0.0) 1 | mod_users_latest (3.0.0) 1 | mod_random_image (3.0.0) 1 | mod_tags_similar (3.1.0) 1 | mod_articles_latest (3.0.0) 1 | mod_login (3.0.0) 1 | mod_wrapper (3.0.0) 1 | mod_banners (3.0.0) 1 | mod_related_items (3.0.0) 1 |
3rd Party:: mod_gmsmenu5 (5.1) 1 | MOD_LOGMAN (5.0.1) 1 | mod_docman_categories (5.1.0) 1 | mod_dpcalendar_map (10.1.0) 1 | All Weblinks (3.2.0) 1 | mod_kunenalatest (5.2.2) 1 | mod_docman_documents (5.1.0) 1 | mod_showplus ( 1 | mod_docman_search (5.1.0) 1 | mod_dpcalendar_upcoming (10.1.0) 1 | DC Joomla HTML Module (2.5.0) 1 |

Modules :: Admin ::
Core :: mod_logged (3.0.0) 1 | mod_sampledata (3.8.0) 1 | mod_user (4.0.0) 1 | mod_privacy_dashboard (3.9.0) 1 | mod_version (3.0.0) 1 | mod_submenu (3.0.0) 1 | mod_latestactions (3.9.0) 1 | mod_feed (3.0.0) 1 | mod_custom (3.0.0) 1 | mod_popular (3.0.0) 1 | mod_toolbar (3.0.0) 1 | mod_loginsupport (4.0.0) 1 | mod_post_installation_messages (4.0.0) 1 | mod_messages (4.0.0) 1 | mod_privacy_status (4.0.0) 1 | mod_menu (3.0.0) 1 | mod_stats_admin (3.0.0) 1 | mod_multilangstatus (3.0.0) 1 | mod_quickicon (3.0.0) 1 | mod_latest (3.0.0) 1 | mod_login (3.0.0) 1 | mod_frontend (4.0.0) 1 | mod_guidedtours (4.3.0) 1 | mod_title (3.0.0) 1 |
3rd Party:: MOD_LOGMAN (5.0.1) 1 | mod_jchdashicons (9.0.1) 1 | mod_jchsupportinfo (9.0.1) 1 | mod_jchmodeswitcher (9.0.1) 1 | Reset Hits module (4.1.0 PRO) 1 |

Libraries ::
Core ::
3rd Party:: file_fof40 (4.1.0) ? | Regular Labs Library (24.6.22903) 1 | Kunena Framework (6.3.7) 1 |

Plugins ::
Core :: plg_extension_finder (4.0.0) 1 | plg_extension_joomla (3.0.0) 1 | plg_extension_namespacemap (4.0.0) 1 | plg_system_logout (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_languagefilter (3.0.0) 0 | plg_system_languagecode (3.0.0) 0 | plg_system_jooa11y (4.2.0) 1 | plg_system_log (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_accessibility (4.0.0) 0 | plg_system_shortcut (4.2.0) 1 | plg_system_guidedtours (4.3.0) 1 | plg_system_actionlogs (3.9.0) 0 | plg_system_stats (3.5.0) 1 | plg_system_weblinks (4.3.1) 0 | plg_system_privacyconsent (3.9.0) 0 | plg_system_skipto (4.0.0) 1 | plg_system_cache (3.0.0) 0 | plg_system_webauthn (4.0.0) 1 | plg_system_debug (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_schedulerunner (4.1) 1 | plg_system_redirect (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_httpheaders (4.0.0) 0 | plg_system_schemaorg (5.0.0) 1 | plg_system_task_notification (4.1) 1 | plg_system_highlight (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_fields (3.7.0) 1 | plg_system_remember (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_sef (3.0.0) 1 | plg_content_emailcloak (3.0.0) 1 | plg_content_pagebreak (3.0.0) 1 | plg_content_vote (3.0.0) 1 | plg_content_finder (3.0.0) 1 | plg_content_pagenavigation (3.0.0) 1 | plg_content_confirmconsent (3.9.0) 0 | plg_content_joomla (3.0.0) 0 | plg_content_loadmodule (3.0.0) 1 | plg_content_fields (3.7.0) 1 | plg_user_contactcreator (3.0.0) 0 | plg_user_profile (3.0.0) 0 | plg_user_terms (3.9.0) 0 | plg_user_token (3.9.0) 1 | plg_user_joomla (3.0.0) 1 | plg_search_content (3.0.0) 1 | plg_search_newsfeeds (3.0.0) 1 | plg_search_tags (3.0.0) 0 | plg_search_weblinks (4.3.1) 1 | plg_search_categories (3.0.0) 1 | plg_search_contacts (3.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_content (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_banners (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_newsfeeds (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_tags (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_messages (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_users (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_redirect (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_languages (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_media (4.1.0) 1 | plg_webservices_templates (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_plugins (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_menus (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_installer (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_privacy (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_modules (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_config (4.0.0) 1 | plg_actionlog_joomla (3.9.0) 1 | plg_behaviour_compat (5.0.0) 1 | plg_behaviour_taggable (4.0.0) 1 | plg_behaviour_versionable (4.0.0) 1 | plg_media-action_resize (4.0.0) 1 | plg_media-action_crop (4.0.0) 1 | plg_media-action_rotate (4.0.0) 1 | plg_finder_content (3.0.0) 1 | plg_finder_newsfeeds (3.0.0) 1 | plg_finder_tags (3.0.0) 1 | plg_finder_weblinks (4.3.1) 1 | plg_finder_categories (3.0.0) 1 | plg_finder_contacts (3.0.0) 1 | plg_workflow_publishing (4.0.0) 1 | plg_workflow_featuring (4.0.0) 1 | plg_workflow_notification (4.0.0) 1 | plg_task_sessiongc (5.0.0) 1 | plg_task_rotatelogs (5.0.0) 1 | plg_task_deleteactionlogs (5.0.0) 1 | plg_task_requests (4.1) 1 | plg_task_privacyconsent (5.0.0) 1 | plg_task_site_status (4.1) 1 | plg_task_updatenotification (5.0.0) 1 | plg_task_check_files (4.1) 1 | plg_task_globalcheckin (5.0.0) 1 | plg_api-authentication_token (4.0.0) 1 | plg_api-authentication_basic (4.0.0) 0 | plg_captcha_recaptcha_invisible (3.8) 0 | plg_filesystem_local (4.0.0) 1 | plg_authentication_cookie (3.0.0) 1 | plg_authentication_ldap (3.0.0) 0 | plg_authentication_joomla (3.0.0) 1 | plg_sampledata_multilang (4.0.0) 1 | plg_quickicon_joomlaupdate (3.0.0) 1 | plg_quickicon_downloadkey (4.0.0) 1 | plg_quickicon_privacycheck (3.9.0) 1 | plg_quickicon_overridecheck (4.0.0) 1 | plg_quickicon_eos (4.4.0) 1 | plg_quickicon_phpversioncheck (3.7.0) 0 | plg_quickicon_extensionupdate (3.0.0) 1 | plg_schemaorg_event (5.0.0) 1 | plg_schemaorg_custom (5.1.0) 1 | plg_schemaorg_article (5.1.0) 1 | plg_schemaorg_blogposting (5.0.0) 1 | plg_schemaorg_organization (5.0.0) 1 | plg_schemaorg_jobposting (5.0.0) 1 | plg_schemaorg_recipe (5.0.0) 1 | plg_schemaorg_person (5.0.0) 1 | plg_schemaorg_book (5.0.0) 1 | plg_multifactorauth_webauthn (4.2.0) 0 | plg_multifactorauth_email (4.2.0) 0 | plg_multifactorauth_yubikey (3.2.0) 0 | plg_multifactorauth_fixed (4.2.0) 0 | plg_multifactorauth_totp (3.2.0) 0 | plg_installer_override (4.0.0) 1 | plg_installer_folderinstaller (3.6.0) 1 | plg_installer_packageinstaller (3.6.0) 1 | plg_installer_urlinstaller (3.6.0) 1 | plg_installer_webinstaller (4.0.0) 1 | plg_privacy_content (3.9.0) 1 | plg_privacy_user (3.9.0) 1 | plg_privacy_consents (3.9.0) 1 | plg_privacy_actionlogs (3.9.0) 1 | plg_privacy_message (3.9.0) 1 | plg_fields_color (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_radio (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_user (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_integer (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_text (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_textarea (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_list (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_subform (4.0.0) 1 | plg_fields_sql (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_usergrouplist (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_checkboxes (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_editor (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_calendar (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_media (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_imagelist (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_url (3.7.0) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_readmore (3.0.0) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_pagebreak (3.0.0) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_article (3.0.0) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_image (3.0.0) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_module (3.5.0) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_menu (3.7.0) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_weblink (4.3.1) 0 | plg_editors-xtd_fields (3.7.0) 1 |
3rd Party:: plg_extension_jce (2.9.82) 1 | WF_TEMPLATEMANAGER_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_MICRODATA_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_SOURCE_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | JCE - Columns (1.0.0) ? | WF_MEDIAMANAGER_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_CAPTION_TITLE (2.9.41) ? | WF_CLIPBOARD_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_STYLESELECT_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_IFRAME_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_IMGMANAGER_EXT_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_FILEMANAGER_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_TEXTPATTERN_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | plg_system_jcepro (2.9.82) 1 | System - PWT ACL (5.2.0) 1 | plg_system_jchoptimize (9.0.1) 0 | PLG_SYSTEM_REGULARLABS (24.6.22903) 1 | System - JA Google Map (2.8.1) 0 | plg_system_jchpagecache (9.0.1) 0 | plg_system_joomlatoolsscheduler (1.0.0) 1 | plg_system_jce (2.9.82) 1 | PLG_SYSTEM_ADMINTOOLS (7.6.2) 1 | plg_system_joomlatoolsupdater (1.2.1) 1 | PLG_SYSTEM_CDNFORJOOMLA (7.0.2) 1 | plg_system_joomlatools (5.1.2) 1 | System - Google Maps (3.5) 0 | plg_system_kunena (6.3.7) 1 | PLG_SYSTEM_BACKUPONUPDATE (9.9.11) 1 | plg_content_logmanresources (5.0.1) 1 | plg_content_dpcalendar (10.1.0) 1 | plg_content_jce (2.9.82) 1 | plg_content_gmapfp_map (4.1.2) 1 | plg_content_doclink (5.1.0) 1 | Simple Image Gallery (by JoomlaWork (4.2) ? | Simple Image Gallery (by JoomlaWork (4.2) ? | AllVideos (by JoomlaWorks) (6.1.0) 1 | AllVideos (by JoomlaWorks) (6.1.0) 1 | plg_user_dpcalendar (10.1.0) 1 | plg_logman_content (5.0.1) 1 | plg_logman_joomlaupdate (5.0.1) 1 | plg_logman_banners (5.0.1) 1 | plg_logman_newsfeeds (5.0.1) 1 | plg_logman_notifier (5.0.1) 1 | plg_logman_weblinks (5.0.1) 1 | plg_logman_docman (5.0.1) 1 | plg_logman_users (5.0.1) 1 | LOGman - Files (1.0.0) 1 | plg_logman_redirect (5.0.1) 1 | plg_logman_languages (5.0.1) 1 | plg_logman_templates (5.0.1) 1 | plg_logman_plugins (5.0.1) 1 | plg_logman_menus (5.0.1) 1 | plg_logman_leadman (5.0.1) 1 | plg_logman_kunena (2.0.0) 1 | plg_logman_categories (5.0.1) 1 | plg_logman_installer (5.0.1) 1 | plg_logman_modules (5.0.1) 1 | plg_logman_fileman (5.0.1) 1 | plg_logman_config (5.0.1) 1 | plg_search_docman (5.1.0) 1 | plg_gmapfp_map_openstreet (J4.7F) 1 | plg_gmapfp_map_google (J4.5F) 1 | plg_dpcalendar_google (10.1.0) 1 | PLG_WEBSERVICES_AKEEBABACKUP (9.9.11) 1 | PLG_ACTIONLOG_AKEEBABACKUP (9.9.11) 0 | plg_actionlog_dpcalendar (10.1.0) 1 | PLG_ACTIONLOG_ADMINTOOLS (7.6.2) 0 | PLG_CONSOLE_AKEEBABACKUP (9.9.11) 0 | PLG_CONSOLE_ADMINTOOLS (7.6.2) 1 | plg_finder_docman (5.1.0) 1 | plg_finder_kunena (6.3.7) 0 | plg_editors_jce (2.9.82) 1 | plg_editors_tinymce (6.8.4) 1 | plg_editors_codemirror (6.0.0) 1 | Task - PWT ACL (5.2.0) 0 | PLG_TASK_AKEEBABACKUP (9.9.11) 1 | PLG_TASK_ADMINTOOLS (7.6.2) 1 | plg_sampledata_kunena (6.3.7) 1 | Quick Icon - PWT ACL (5.2.0) 0 | PLG_QUICKICON_AKEEBABACKUP (9.9.11) 1 | plg_quickicon_gmapfp (4.1.0) 1 | plg_quickicon_jce (2.9.82) 1 | plg_quickicon_kunena (6.3.7) 1 | plg_gmapfp-geocoding_ersi (4.0.0) 1 | plg_gmapfp-geocoding_google (4.0.0) 1 | plg_koowa_logman (5.0.1) 1 | plg_kunena_gravatar (6.3.7) 0 | PLG_KUNENA_EASYPROFILE (5.2.4) 0 | plg_kunena_finder (6.3.7) 0 | plg_kunena_easysocial (6.3.7) 0 | plg_kunena_community (6.3.7) 0 | plg_kunena_comprofiler (6.3.7) 0 | plg_kunena_uddeim (6.3.7) 0 | plg_kunena_altauserpoints (5.2.4) 0 | plg_kunena_joomla (6.3.7) 1 | plg_kunena_kunena (6.3.7) 1 | plg_installer_dpcalendar (10.1.0) 1 | plg_installer_jce (2.9.82) 1 | plg_privacy_dpcalendar (10.1.0) 1 | PLG_PRIVACY_KUNENA (6.3.7) 1 | plg_fields_dpcalendar (10.1.0) 1 | plg_fields_mediajce (2.9.82) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_logmanlinker (5.0.1) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_gmapfp_map (4.0.0) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_doclink (5.1.0) 1 |
Templates Discovered :: wrote:Templates :: Site :: cassiopeia (1.0) 1 |
Templates :: Admin :: atum (1.0) 1 |


PS: forgot to add, I renamed the htaccess file as it was causing the FPA script to fail.
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Re: I cannot get a menu to display as horizontal

Post by nzampella » Fri Nov 29, 2024 8:44 pm

I forgot to add ... this is a transformation of a site I created 10 years ago in J! 2.5. The last update was to 3.x, then the template builder went out of business. I tried to convert the existing template, but there was too many changed needed, and my PHP and CSS skills have grown so rusty to the point I have to look up everything, and it was a lot of work.

So I'm trying to get this to a new J1 5.x template, any assistance is appreciated, so help out an old geek :)

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Re: I cannot get a menu to display as horizontal

Post by AMurray » Fri Nov 29, 2024 9:10 pm

In my experience, the default layout of the menu in Cassiopeia is horizontal. Is the menu module in the "menu" position?

This might help:

A few others: ... tomisation
Regards - A Murray
General Support Moderator

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Re: I cannot get a menu to display as horizontal

Post by nzampella » Fri Nov 29, 2024 9:28 pm

AMurray wrote: Fri Nov 29, 2024 9:10 pm In my experience, the default layout of the menu in Cassiopeia is horizontal. Is the menu module in the "menu" position?

This might help:

A few others: ... tomisation
Thanks ... went through the suggestions in all the links, made sure it was in the menu position, changed the 'div' to nav, no help. Added menu-horizontal to the menu class, nada! I even created a new menu with a few of the menu entries to see if that had the same issue, yep :(

I'm wondering if when I upgraded from J! 3.x to J! 5.2x that some code from previous was left over.

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Need Assistance with menu issue

Post by nzampella » Sat Nov 30, 2024 4:09 pm

Hi all,

I posted this in the templates topic, but have not received many answers, although one was a good guess, so I'm hoping this gets more traction here. I have tried installing on WAMP and a live server and cannot get this corrected, any assistance would be gratefully appreciated.


Hi all,

I've been pulling what's left of my hair out the past two days trying to figure out why I cannot get a main menu to display horizontally, rather than vertically. I have been thinking its to do with the templates, but even with Cassiopeia it gives me the menu as

I'm not a 'newbie' to J!, as I've been working with it for over 19 years, mostly admin using pre-built templates, but as I'm 73 years old, this starting to get to me and I'm losing sleep over it.

Any assistance would be welcome.

Here's the FPA:
Forum Post Assistant (v1.6.7) : 29-Nov-2024 wrote:
Last PHP Error(s) Reported :: wrote:[29-Nov-2024 08:45:01 America/Denver] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property
Basic Environment :: wrote:Joomla! Instance :: Joomla! 5.2.2-Stable (Uthabiti) 26-November-2024
Joomla! Configured :: Yes | Read-Only (444) |
Configuration Options :: Offline: false | SEF: true | SEF Suffix: false | SEF ReWrite: true | .htaccess/web.config: No (ReWrite Enabled but no .htaccess?) | GZip: true | Cache: false | CacheTime: 30 | CacheHandler: file | CachePlatformPrefix: false | FTP Layer: N/A | Proxy: false | LiveSite: | Session lifetime: 15 | Session handler: database | Shared sessions: false | SSL: 0 | Error Reporting: default | Site Debug: true | Language Debug: false | Default Access: Public | Unicode Slugs: false | dbConnection Type: mysqli | PHP Supports J! 5.2.2: Yes | Database Supports J! 5.2.2: Yes | Database Credentials Present: Yes |

Host Configuration :: OS: Linux | OS Version: 4.18.0-553.8.1.lve.el8.x86_64 | Technology: x86_64 | Web Server: Apache | Encoding: gzip, deflate | System TMP Writable: Yes | Free Disk Space : 1314.98 GiB |

PHP Configuration :: Version: 8.3.12 | PHP API: litespeed | Session Path Writable: Yes | Display Errors: 0 | Error Reporting: 6135 | Log Errors To: /home/neilz1951/public_html/php_error.log | Last Known Error: 29th November 2024 08:45:01. | Register Globals: | Magic Quotes: | Safe Mode: | Allow url fopen: 1 | Open Base: | Uploads: 1 | Max. Upload Size: 30M | Max. POST Size: 30M | Max. Input Time: 60 | Max. Execution Time: 600 | Memory Limit: 256M

Database Configuration :: Version: 10.6.19-MariaDB-cll-lve (Client:mysqlnd 8.3.12) | Database Size: 103.68 MiB | #of Tables with config prefix:  216 | #of other Tables:  0 | User Privileges : GRANT ALL
Detailed Environment :: wrote:PHP Extensions :: Core (8.3.12) | date (8.3.12) | libxml (8.3.12) | openssl (8.3.12) | pcre (8.3.12) | sqlite3 (8.3.12) | zlib (8.3.12) | bz2 (8.3.12) | calendar (8.3.12) | ctype (8.3.12) | curl (8.3.12) | hash (8.3.12) | filter (8.3.12) | ftp (8.3.12) | gettext (8.3.12) | json (8.3.12) | iconv (8.3.12) | SPL (8.3.12) | pcntl (8.3.12) | random (8.3.12) | readline (8.3.12) | Reflection (8.3.12) | session (8.3.12) | standard (8.3.12) | exif (8.3.12) | shmop (8.3.12) | SimpleXML (8.3.12) | tokenizer (8.3.12) | xml (8.3.12) | litespeed () | i360 (8.2.2) | dom (20031129) | mysqlnd (mysqlnd 8.3.12) | mysqli (8.3.12) | Phar (8.3.12) | posix (8.3.12) | xmlreader (8.3.12) | xmlwriter (8.3.12) | xsl (8.3.12) | zip (1.22.3) | Zend Engine (4.3.12) |
Potential Missing Extensions :: mbstring | pdo_mysql | fileinfo | gd |

Switch User Environment :: PHP CGI: Yes | Server SU: Yes | PHP SU: Yes | Potential Ownership Issues: No
Folder Permissions :: wrote:Core Folders :: images/ (755) | components/ (755) | modules/ (755) | plugins/ (755) | language/ (755) | templates/ (755) | cache/ (755) | logs/ (755) | tmp/ (755) | administrator/components/ (755) | administrator/modules/ (755) | administrator/language/ (755) | administrator/templates/ (755) | administrator/logs/ (755) | api/ (755) |

Elevated Permissions (First 10) ::
Database Information :: wrote:Database statistics :: Uptime: 959736 | Threads: 101 | Questions: 204713297 | Slow queries: 130 | Opens: 37065210 | Open tables: 5000 | Queries per second avg: 213.301 |
Extensions Discovered :: wrote:Components :: Site ::
Core ::
3rd Party:: WF_POPUPS_JCEMEDIABOX_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_LINK_SEARCH_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_LINKS_JOOMLALINKS_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_FILESYSTEM_JOOMLA_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_AGGREGATOR_AUDIO_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_AGGREGATOR_VIMEO_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_AGGREGATOR_DAILYMOTION_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_AGGREGATOR_VIDEO_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | [[youtube]] (2.9.82) ? | WF_HR_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_FORMATSELECT_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_LISTS_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_PRINT_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_FONTSELECT_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_VISUALBLOCKS_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_PREVIEW_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_STYLE_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_KITCHENSINK_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_ARTICLE_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_SOURCE_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_FULLSCREEN_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_FONTCOLOR_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | JCE - Noneditable (1.0.0) ? | WF_VISUALCHARS_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_FONTSIZESELECT_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_CHARMAP_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_ANCHOR_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_CONTEXTMENU_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_BROWSER_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_AUTOSAVE_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_CLEANUP_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_NONBREAKING_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_TEXTCASE_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_CLIPBOARD_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_MEDIA_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_STYLESELECT_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_ATTRIBUTES_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_WORDCOUNT_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_SPELLCHECKER_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_REFERENCE_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_LANGCODE_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_FILEMANAGER_TITLE (2.9.63) ? | WF_TABLE_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_HELP_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_IMGMANAGER_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_LINK_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_DIRECTIONALITY_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_EMOTIONS_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_SEARCHREPLACE_TITLE (2.9.82) ? |

Components :: Admin ::
Core :: com_banners (4.0.0) 1 | com_associations (4.0.0) 1 | com_messages (4.0.0) 1 | com_users (4.0.0) 1 | com_config (4.0.0) 1 | com_login (4.0.0) 1 | com_menus (4.0.0) 1 | com_media (3.0.0) 1 | com_cache (4.0.0) 1 | com_weblinks (4.3.1) 1 | com_checkin (4.0.0) 1 | com_redirect (4.0.0) 1 | com_privacy (3.9.0) 1 | com_actionlogs (3.9.0) 1 | com_cpanel (4.0.0) 1 | com_contenthistory (4.0.0) 1 | com_mails (4.0.0) 1 | com_postinstall (4.0.0) 1 | com_workflow (4.0.0) 1 | com_wrapper (4.0.0) 1 | com_fields (4.0.0) 1 | com_ajax (4.0.0) 1 | com_languages (4.0.0) 1 | com_scheduler (4.1.0) 1 | com_tags (4.0.0) 1 | com_guidedtours (4.3.0) 1 | com_templates (4.0.0) 1 | com_installer (4.0.0) 1 | com_categories (4.0.0) 1 | com_joomlaupdate (4.0.3) 1 | com_modules (4.0.0) 1 | com_newsfeeds (4.0.0) 1 | com_plugins (4.0.0) 1 | com_content (4.0.0) 1 | com_finder (4.0.0) 1 | com_admin (4.0.0) 1 | com_search (3.0.0) 1 |
3rd Party:: COM_JCE (2.9.82) 1 | LOGman (1.0.0RC3) ? | com_logman (5.0.1) 1 | PWT ACL (5.2.0) 1 | COM_GMAPFP (4.0.16) 1 | ChronoForms8 (8.0.28) 1 | com_docman (5.1.0) 1 | com_dpcalendar (10.1.0) 1 | com_fjrelated (4.0.2) 0 | com_admintools (7.6.2) 1 | com_akeebabackup (9.9.11) 1 | com_kunena (6.3.7) 1 | plg_kunena_uddeim (5.2.4) 0 | plg_kunena_altauserpoints (5.2.4) 0 | plg_kunena_joomla (5.2.4) 1 | plg_finder_kunena (5.2.4) 0 | plg_kunena_community (5.2.4) 0 | plg_kunena_easysocial (5.2.4) 0 | plg_kunena_comprofiler (5.2.4) 0 | plg_kunena_kunena (5.2.4) 1 | PLG_KUNENA_EASYPROFILE (5.2.4) 0 | plg_kunena_gravatar (5.2.4) 0 | PLG_KUNENA_EASYBLOG (0.0.1) ? | plg_kunena_alphauserpoints (5.0.14) ? | plg_kunena_finder (5.2.4) 0 | mod_kunenamenu (4.0.12) ? | com_jchoptimize (9.0.1) 1 |

Modules :: Site ::
Core :: MOD_ARTICLES (5.2.0) 1 | mod_stats (3.0.0) 1 | mod_articles_popular (3.0.0) 1 | mod_articles_categories (3.0.0) 1 | mod_footer (3.0.0) 1 | mod_tags_popular (3.1.0) 1 | mod_feed (3.0.0) 1 | mod_articles_archive (3.0.0) 1 | mod_articles_news (3.0.0) 1 | mod_finder (3.0.0) 1 | mod_custom (3.0.0) 1 | mod_breadcrumbs (3.0.0) 1 | mod_search (3.0.0) 1 | mod_articles_category (3.0.0) 1 | mod_menu (3.0.0) 1 | mod_weblinks (4.3.1) 1 | mod_whosonline (3.0.0) 1 | mod_languages (3.5.0) 1 | mod_syndicate (3.0.0) 1 | mod_users_latest (3.0.0) 1 | mod_random_image (3.0.0) 1 | mod_tags_similar (3.1.0) 1 | mod_articles_latest (3.0.0) 1 | mod_login (3.0.0) 1 | mod_wrapper (3.0.0) 1 | mod_banners (3.0.0) 1 | mod_related_items (3.0.0) 1 |
3rd Party:: mod_gmsmenu5 (5.1) 1 | MOD_LOGMAN (5.0.1) 1 | mod_docman_categories (5.1.0) 1 | mod_dpcalendar_map (10.1.0) 1 | All Weblinks (3.2.0) 1 | mod_kunenalatest (5.2.2) 1 | mod_docman_documents (5.1.0) 1 | mod_showplus ( 1 | mod_docman_search (5.1.0) 1 | mod_dpcalendar_upcoming (10.1.0) 1 | DC Joomla HTML Module (2.5.0) 1 |

Modules :: Admin ::
Core :: mod_logged (3.0.0) 1 | mod_sampledata (3.8.0) 1 | mod_user (4.0.0) 1 | mod_privacy_dashboard (3.9.0) 1 | mod_version (3.0.0) 1 | mod_submenu (3.0.0) 1 | mod_latestactions (3.9.0) 1 | mod_feed (3.0.0) 1 | mod_custom (3.0.0) 1 | mod_popular (3.0.0) 1 | mod_toolbar (3.0.0) 1 | mod_loginsupport (4.0.0) 1 | mod_post_installation_messages (4.0.0) 1 | mod_messages (4.0.0) 1 | mod_privacy_status (4.0.0) 1 | mod_menu (3.0.0) 1 | mod_stats_admin (3.0.0) 1 | mod_multilangstatus (3.0.0) 1 | mod_quickicon (3.0.0) 1 | mod_latest (3.0.0) 1 | mod_login (3.0.0) 1 | mod_frontend (4.0.0) 1 | mod_guidedtours (4.3.0) 1 | mod_title (3.0.0) 1 |
3rd Party:: MOD_LOGMAN (5.0.1) 1 | mod_jchdashicons (9.0.1) 1 | mod_jchsupportinfo (9.0.1) 1 | mod_jchmodeswitcher (9.0.1) 1 | Reset Hits module (4.1.0 PRO) 1 |

Libraries ::
Core ::
3rd Party:: file_fof40 (4.1.0) ? | Regular Labs Library (24.6.22903) 1 | Kunena Framework (6.3.7) 1 |

Plugins ::
Core :: plg_extension_finder (4.0.0) 1 | plg_extension_joomla (3.0.0) 1 | plg_extension_namespacemap (4.0.0) 1 | plg_system_logout (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_languagefilter (3.0.0) 0 | plg_system_languagecode (3.0.0) 0 | plg_system_jooa11y (4.2.0) 1 | plg_system_log (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_accessibility (4.0.0) 0 | plg_system_shortcut (4.2.0) 1 | plg_system_guidedtours (4.3.0) 1 | plg_system_actionlogs (3.9.0) 0 | plg_system_stats (3.5.0) 1 | plg_system_weblinks (4.3.1) 0 | plg_system_privacyconsent (3.9.0) 0 | plg_system_skipto (4.0.0) 1 | plg_system_cache (3.0.0) 0 | plg_system_webauthn (4.0.0) 1 | plg_system_debug (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_schedulerunner (4.1) 1 | plg_system_redirect (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_httpheaders (4.0.0) 0 | plg_system_schemaorg (5.0.0) 1 | plg_system_task_notification (4.1) 1 | plg_system_highlight (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_fields (3.7.0) 1 | plg_system_remember (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_sef (3.0.0) 1 | plg_content_emailcloak (3.0.0) 1 | plg_content_pagebreak (3.0.0) 1 | plg_content_vote (3.0.0) 1 | plg_content_finder (3.0.0) 1 | plg_content_pagenavigation (3.0.0) 1 | plg_content_confirmconsent (3.9.0) 0 | plg_content_joomla (3.0.0) 0 | plg_content_loadmodule (3.0.0) 1 | plg_content_fields (3.7.0) 1 | plg_user_contactcreator (3.0.0) 0 | plg_user_profile (3.0.0) 0 | plg_user_terms (3.9.0) 0 | plg_user_token (3.9.0) 1 | plg_user_joomla (3.0.0) 1 | plg_search_content (3.0.0) 1 | plg_search_newsfeeds (3.0.0) 1 | plg_search_tags (3.0.0) 0 | plg_search_weblinks (4.3.1) 1 | plg_search_categories (3.0.0) 1 | plg_search_contacts (3.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_content (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_banners (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_newsfeeds (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_tags (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_messages (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_users (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_redirect (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_languages (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_media (4.1.0) 1 | plg_webservices_templates (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_plugins (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_menus (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_installer (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_privacy (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_modules (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_config (4.0.0) 1 | plg_actionlog_joomla (3.9.0) 1 | plg_behaviour_compat (5.0.0) 1 | plg_behaviour_taggable (4.0.0) 1 | plg_behaviour_versionable (4.0.0) 1 | plg_media-action_resize (4.0.0) 1 | plg_media-action_crop (4.0.0) 1 | plg_media-action_rotate (4.0.0) 1 | plg_finder_content (3.0.0) 1 | plg_finder_newsfeeds (3.0.0) 1 | plg_finder_tags (3.0.0) 1 | plg_finder_weblinks (4.3.1) 1 | plg_finder_categories (3.0.0) 1 | plg_finder_contacts (3.0.0) 1 | plg_workflow_publishing (4.0.0) 1 | plg_workflow_featuring (4.0.0) 1 | plg_workflow_notification (4.0.0) 1 | plg_task_sessiongc (5.0.0) 1 | plg_task_rotatelogs (5.0.0) 1 | plg_task_deleteactionlogs (5.0.0) 1 | plg_task_requests (4.1) 1 | plg_task_privacyconsent (5.0.0) 1 | plg_task_site_status (4.1) 1 | plg_task_updatenotification (5.0.0) 1 | plg_task_check_files (4.1) 1 | plg_task_globalcheckin (5.0.0) 1 | plg_api-authentication_token (4.0.0) 1 | plg_api-authentication_basic (4.0.0) 0 | plg_captcha_recaptcha_invisible (3.8) 0 | plg_filesystem_local (4.0.0) 1 | plg_authentication_cookie (3.0.0) 1 | plg_authentication_ldap (3.0.0) 0 | plg_authentication_joomla (3.0.0) 1 | plg_sampledata_multilang (4.0.0) 1 | plg_quickicon_joomlaupdate (3.0.0) 1 | plg_quickicon_downloadkey (4.0.0) 1 | plg_quickicon_privacycheck (3.9.0) 1 | plg_quickicon_overridecheck (4.0.0) 1 | plg_quickicon_eos (4.4.0) 1 | plg_quickicon_phpversioncheck (3.7.0) 0 | plg_quickicon_extensionupdate (3.0.0) 1 | plg_schemaorg_event (5.0.0) 1 | plg_schemaorg_custom (5.1.0) 1 | plg_schemaorg_article (5.1.0) 1 | plg_schemaorg_blogposting (5.0.0) 1 | plg_schemaorg_organization (5.0.0) 1 | plg_schemaorg_jobposting (5.0.0) 1 | plg_schemaorg_recipe (5.0.0) 1 | plg_schemaorg_person (5.0.0) 1 | plg_schemaorg_book (5.0.0) 1 | plg_multifactorauth_webauthn (4.2.0) 0 | plg_multifactorauth_email (4.2.0) 0 | plg_multifactorauth_yubikey (3.2.0) 0 | plg_multifactorauth_fixed (4.2.0) 0 | plg_multifactorauth_totp (3.2.0) 0 | plg_installer_override (4.0.0) 1 | plg_installer_folderinstaller (3.6.0) 1 | plg_installer_packageinstaller (3.6.0) 1 | plg_installer_urlinstaller (3.6.0) 1 | plg_installer_webinstaller (4.0.0) 1 | plg_privacy_content (3.9.0) 1 | plg_privacy_user (3.9.0) 1 | plg_privacy_consents (3.9.0) 1 | plg_privacy_actionlogs (3.9.0) 1 | plg_privacy_message (3.9.0) 1 | plg_fields_color (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_radio (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_user (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_integer (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_text (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_textarea (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_list (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_subform (4.0.0) 1 | plg_fields_sql (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_usergrouplist (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_checkboxes (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_editor (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_calendar (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_media (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_imagelist (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_url (3.7.0) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_readmore (3.0.0) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_pagebreak (3.0.0) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_article (3.0.0) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_image (3.0.0) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_module (3.5.0) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_menu (3.7.0) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_weblink (4.3.1) 0 | plg_editors-xtd_fields (3.7.0) 1 |
3rd Party:: plg_extension_jce (2.9.82) 1 | WF_TEMPLATEMANAGER_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_MICRODATA_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_SOURCE_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | JCE - Columns (1.0.0) ? | WF_MEDIAMANAGER_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_CAPTION_TITLE (2.9.41) ? | WF_CLIPBOARD_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_STYLESELECT_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_IFRAME_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_IMGMANAGER_EXT_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_FILEMANAGER_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | WF_TEXTPATTERN_TITLE (2.9.82) ? | plg_system_jcepro (2.9.82) 1 | System - PWT ACL (5.2.0) 1 | plg_system_jchoptimize (9.0.1) 0 | PLG_SYSTEM_REGULARLABS (24.6.22903) 1 | System - JA Google Map (2.8.1) 0 | plg_system_jchpagecache (9.0.1) 0 | plg_system_joomlatoolsscheduler (1.0.0) 1 | plg_system_jce (2.9.82) 1 | PLG_SYSTEM_ADMINTOOLS (7.6.2) 1 | plg_system_joomlatoolsupdater (1.2.1) 1 | PLG_SYSTEM_CDNFORJOOMLA (7.0.2) 1 | plg_system_joomlatools (5.1.2) 1 | System - Google Maps (3.5) 0 | plg_system_kunena (6.3.7) 1 | PLG_SYSTEM_BACKUPONUPDATE (9.9.11) 1 | plg_content_logmanresources (5.0.1) 1 | plg_content_dpcalendar (10.1.0) 1 | plg_content_jce (2.9.82) 1 | plg_content_gmapfp_map (4.1.2) 1 | plg_content_doclink (5.1.0) 1 | Simple Image Gallery (by JoomlaWork (4.2) ? | Simple Image Gallery (by JoomlaWork (4.2) ? | AllVideos (by JoomlaWorks) (6.1.0) 1 | AllVideos (by JoomlaWorks) (6.1.0) 1 | plg_user_dpcalendar (10.1.0) 1 | plg_logman_content (5.0.1) 1 | plg_logman_joomlaupdate (5.0.1) 1 | plg_logman_banners (5.0.1) 1 | plg_logman_newsfeeds (5.0.1) 1 | plg_logman_notifier (5.0.1) 1 | plg_logman_weblinks (5.0.1) 1 | plg_logman_docman (5.0.1) 1 | plg_logman_users (5.0.1) 1 | LOGman - Files (1.0.0) 1 | plg_logman_redirect (5.0.1) 1 | plg_logman_languages (5.0.1) 1 | plg_logman_templates (5.0.1) 1 | plg_logman_plugins (5.0.1) 1 | plg_logman_menus (5.0.1) 1 | plg_logman_leadman (5.0.1) 1 | plg_logman_kunena (2.0.0) 1 | plg_logman_categories (5.0.1) 1 | plg_logman_installer (5.0.1) 1 | plg_logman_modules (5.0.1) 1 | plg_logman_fileman (5.0.1) 1 | plg_logman_config (5.0.1) 1 | plg_search_docman (5.1.0) 1 | plg_gmapfp_map_openstreet (J4.7F) 1 | plg_gmapfp_map_google (J4.5F) 1 | plg_dpcalendar_google (10.1.0) 1 | PLG_WEBSERVICES_AKEEBABACKUP (9.9.11) 1 | PLG_ACTIONLOG_AKEEBABACKUP (9.9.11) 0 | plg_actionlog_dpcalendar (10.1.0) 1 | PLG_ACTIONLOG_ADMINTOOLS (7.6.2) 0 | PLG_CONSOLE_AKEEBABACKUP (9.9.11) 0 | PLG_CONSOLE_ADMINTOOLS (7.6.2) 1 | plg_finder_docman (5.1.0) 1 | plg_finder_kunena (6.3.7) 0 | plg_editors_jce (2.9.82) 1 | plg_editors_tinymce (6.8.4) 1 | plg_editors_codemirror (6.0.0) 1 | Task - PWT ACL (5.2.0) 0 | PLG_TASK_AKEEBABACKUP (9.9.11) 1 | PLG_TASK_ADMINTOOLS (7.6.2) 1 | plg_sampledata_kunena (6.3.7) 1 | Quick Icon - PWT ACL (5.2.0) 0 | PLG_QUICKICON_AKEEBABACKUP (9.9.11) 1 | plg_quickicon_gmapfp (4.1.0) 1 | plg_quickicon_jce (2.9.82) 1 | plg_quickicon_kunena (6.3.7) 1 | plg_gmapfp-geocoding_ersi (4.0.0) 1 | plg_gmapfp-geocoding_google (4.0.0) 1 | plg_koowa_logman (5.0.1) 1 | plg_kunena_gravatar (6.3.7) 0 | PLG_KUNENA_EASYPROFILE (5.2.4) 0 | plg_kunena_finder (6.3.7) 0 | plg_kunena_easysocial (6.3.7) 0 | plg_kunena_community (6.3.7) 0 | plg_kunena_comprofiler (6.3.7) 0 | plg_kunena_uddeim (6.3.7) 0 | plg_kunena_altauserpoints (5.2.4) 0 | plg_kunena_joomla (6.3.7) 1 | plg_kunena_kunena (6.3.7) 1 | plg_installer_dpcalendar (10.1.0) 1 | plg_installer_jce (2.9.82) 1 | plg_privacy_dpcalendar (10.1.0) 1 | PLG_PRIVACY_KUNENA (6.3.7) 1 | plg_fields_dpcalendar (10.1.0) 1 | plg_fields_mediajce (2.9.82) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_logmanlinker (5.0.1) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_gmapfp_map (4.0.0) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_doclink (5.1.0) 1 |
Templates Discovered :: wrote:Templates :: Site :: cassiopeia (1.0) 1 |
Templates :: Admin :: atum (1.0) 1 |


PS: forgot to add, I renamed the htaccess file as it was causing the FPA script to fail. This is a transformation of a site I created 10 years ago in J! 2.5. The last update was to 3.x, then the template builder went out of business. I tried to convert the existing template, but there was too many changed needed, and my PHP and CSS skills have grown so rusty to the point I have to look up everything, and it was a lot of work.

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Re: Need Assistance with menu issue

Post by nzampella » Sat Nov 30, 2024 8:13 pm

I've tried a few ways to correct this issue. I'm going to assume it has something to do with the hold-over data from the old J!3.x site.

I know its not my system, as I've tried WAMP and a live hosting and get the same issue. This does not happen on other sites I've built and upgraded to J! 5.x using a commerical template.

Does anyone have a hint on where to look? CSS ?? a PHP source file? All ideas are welcome at this point. I'd rather not have to rebuild the entire website from scratch ...

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Re: Need Assistance with menu issue

Post by ceford » Sat Nov 30, 2024 8:20 pm

You could install the latest Joomla version as a test site on your WAMP server and install the sample data. it has a top horizontal menu for comparison as seen here: http://localhost/jdm4/jdocmanual?articl ... -to-joomla

I have a vague recollection it may be something to do with the Menu Module / Advanced tab / Layout setting.

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Re: Need Assistance with menu issue

Post by nzampella » Sat Nov 30, 2024 8:31 pm

ceford wrote: Sat Nov 30, 2024 8:20 pm You could install the latest Joomla version as a test site on your WAMP server and install the sample data. it has a top horizontal menu for comparison as seen here: http://localhost/jdm4/jdocmanual?articl ... -to-joomla

I have a vague recollection it may be something to do with the Menu Module / Advanced tab / Layout setting.
I'll give that a try here in a bit and let you know how it worked out.

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Re: Need Assistance with menu issue

Post by nzampella » Sat Nov 30, 2024 9:09 pm

ceford wrote: Sat Nov 30, 2024 8:20 pm You could install the latest Joomla version as a test site on your WAMP server and install the sample data. it has a top horizontal menu for comparison as seen here: http://localhost/jdm4/jdocmanual?articl ... -to-joomla

I have a vague recollection it may be something to do with the Menu Module / Advanced tab / Layout setting.
OK ... installed the 'vanilla' J! v5.2.2, the menu works fine there ... perfectly horizontal. The weird thing is that it doesn't matter what menu I select on the user's site, user menu, main menu, etc, it all displays as vertical.

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Per Yngve Berg
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Re: I cannot get a menu to display as horizontal

Post by Per Yngve Berg » Sat Nov 30, 2024 11:48 pm

Do you have a link to the Site we can look at?

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Re: I cannot get a menu to display as horizontal

Post by nzampella » Sun Dec 01, 2024 12:22 am

Per Yngve Berg wrote: Sat Nov 30, 2024 11:48 pm Do you have a link to the Site we can look at?
Hi Per,

Yes, this is my live test site ... Its setup to use Cassiopeia right now. I've been working on a local WAMP install at home for all the quick tests.

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Re: I cannot get a menu to display as horizontal

Post by Per Yngve Berg » Sun Dec 01, 2024 1:17 am

This is the Menu from my site:

Code: Select all

<div class="grid-child container-nav">
<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-md" aria-label="Main Menu">
    <button class="navbar-toggler navbar-toggler-right" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#navbar1" aria-controls="navbar1" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Skjul/Vis navigasjon">
        <span class="icon-menu" aria-hidden="true"></span>
    <div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="navbar1">
        <ul class="mod-menu mod-list nav ">
<li class="nav-item item-125"><a href="/kontakt-oss" tabindex="0">Kontakt oss</a></li><li class="nav-item item-778 default current active"><a href="/" aria-current="page" tabindex="0">Per Yngve Berg (Listekandidat for Nannestad Høyre)</a></li></ul>

Yours does not look like that at all.

On my Menu Module:

Layout: Collapsible Default Menu
Module Tag: nav
Header Tag: h3
Module Style: Inherited

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Re: I cannot get a menu to display as horizontal

Post by nzampella » Sun Dec 01, 2024 1:34 am

Per Yngve Berg wrote: Sun Dec 01, 2024 1:17 am This is the Menu from my site:

Code: Select all

<div class="grid-child container-nav">
<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-md" aria-label="Main Menu">
    <button class="navbar-toggler navbar-toggler-right" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#navbar1" aria-controls="navbar1" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Skjul/Vis navigasjon">
        <span class="icon-menu" aria-hidden="true"></span>
    <div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="navbar1">
        <ul class="mod-menu mod-list nav ">
<li class="nav-item item-125"><a href="/kontakt-oss" tabindex="0">Kontakt oss</a></li><li class="nav-item item-778 default current active"><a href="/" aria-current="page" tabindex="0">Per Yngve Berg (Listekandidat for Nannestad Høyre)</a></li></ul>

Yours does not look like that at all.

On my Menu Module:

Layout: Collapsible Default Menu
Module Tag: nav
Header Tag: h3
Module Style: Inherited
OK ... checked the menu module, and it was using the Cassiopeia menu selections, changed it to the defaults as you have it, and it looks the same except for the menu items.

Code: Select all

                    <div class="grid-child container-nav">
<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-md" aria-label="Main Menu">
    <button class="navbar-toggler navbar-toggler-right" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#navbar181" aria-controls="navbar181" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle Navigation">
        <span class="icon-menu" aria-hidden="true"></span>
    <div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="navbar181">
        <ul class="mod-menu mod-list nav ">
<li class="nav-item item-101"><a href="/home" title="Start Here">Home</a></li><li class="nav-item item-111 parent"><a href="/about-us" title="Staff, Leadership &amp; Directions">About Us</a></li><li class="nav-item item-110 parent"><a href="/events-list" title="Calendar, Events &amp; Meetings">News &amp; Events</a></li><li class="nav-item item-648 parent"><a href="/ministry-groups" title="Committees &amp; Teams">Shared Ministries</a></li><li class="nav-item item-679 parent"><a href="/shared-mission" >Shared Mission</a></li><li class="nav-item item-3039"><a href="/open-ordained-positions" >Open Ordained Positions</a></li><li class="nav-item item-677 parent"><a href="/resources" >Resources</a></li></ul>


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Re: I cannot get a menu to display as horizontal

Post by ceford » Sun Dec 01, 2024 2:37 am

The url you quoted gives me a simple menu with no page content at all. The source says <meta name="generator" content="Westinghouse"> and the links to resources are absolute links to something on cloudnet. So does not appear to be a Joomla site! Is it country blocked?

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Re: I cannot get a menu to display as horizontal

Post by nzampella » Sun Dec 01, 2024 2:49 am

ceford wrote: Sun Dec 01, 2024 2:37 am The url you quoted gives me a simple menu with no page content at all. The source says <meta name="generator" content="Westinghouse"> and the links to resources are absolute links to something on cloudnet. So does not appear to be a Joomla site! Is it country blocked?
I've disabled everything because the menu isn't working right ... its definitely a J! site ... I have a plugin CDN for Joomla installed that tends to do some cloud content caching.

Turned that off ... blxxdy h*ll ... now the page displays properly. I would have not thought about that causing an issue, but it is.

Thanks for the hint :)


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