
DOS attack

Discussion regarding Joomla! 4.x security issues.

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DOS attack

Post by dschafer » Thu Feb 29, 2024 12:28 am

I got hit 200 times in 30 minutes on the url Somehow this URL got routed to my home page. I suppose that's because it's the same as /index.php?page=3&VwhTyApc5h&zUg9Nx4B2H. It'd be great if I could somehow sense that this was a bogus URL ... does that seem like a easy and non-problematic thing to do? I don't think so. I blocked the IPs that hit me with this URL but that's a whack a mole strategy. I suppose I need to figure a way to have a homepage loading doesn't impact the database.....

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Re: DOS attack

Post by hostking » Wed Apr 10, 2024 1:59 pm

Ask your web host if they use some security tools like CSF, Bitninja or Imunify360. Should be protecting your site.

If you using a VPS consider installing CSF - its free and can stop attacks. Also ensure you have modsecurity enabled.

Seems like you don't have modsecurity on the site?
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