
Joomla 5x and style

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Joomla 5x and style

Post by jameZzzz » Mon Apr 08, 2024 4:10 am

Ok I have been using Joomla for Many years 1.0 x I even met the initial creators in Toronto for a Tech conference many years ago. This Open Source project has been strong for so many years, and the core , plugins, extensiona nd more have been in continuous development .. which is a testament to the how strong the community is .. I have one question..

Why is Joomla so Damn Ugly? Wordpress is pretty but made out of crap code and so are other CMS projects
why is it joomla year after year looks worse than the year before and you wonder why no one is adopting the platform any more. All the Themes on the market free or paid are just as ugly now as they were 15 years ago

Is this a Joke ? Surely with the IQ of these high powered developers someone can give Joomla a face-lift?

people are embarrassed to be associated with joomla because its so ugly. I know business people who say they dont care how secure or good it is because its so Ugly and clunky and ancient looking.

people can continue to work on code but this platform will never improve if the public hates the way it looks !

I am posting this here because I have always loved Joomla accept the appearance of it...this needs to change
Joomla clearly has superior developer power, its time the project look like a professional clean , sleek, fast, secure project it can be. you may not agree with this post but beauty survives ... and in Business its essential to have good looking things... If I was capable of making joomla look the way it should I would have already done it .. I appeal the awesome minds behind this project to improve its looks!!!

Rocket theme used to have great themes but some of their staff are has dwindled .. Fresh new talent needs to enter the Joomla Design Space how can this be done?

Last edited by toivo on Mon Apr 08, 2024 9:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: mod note: moved from 5.x General Questions

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Re: Joomla 5x and style

Post by pl71 » Mon Apr 08, 2024 5:13 am

I'm here to say I agree with you to some extent.


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