
Implement Drag and Drop system in custom component

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Implement Drag and Drop system in custom component

Post by zeus07 » Fri Apr 19, 2024 11:16 am


I'm creating now new component for one project. This is something like small page builder for actions of company.
This company has many promo-actions and I want to create several types of blocks and make it like small builder.

For example, admin can create new block "Timer" and then set there are some settings and make it the last block. Then create block of type "Slider salons" and set settings there are too and etc. It will be not so many block types, but it will be good.

Hope, you can understand my idea. It's like similar SP Page Builder, but smaller and simple.

Maybe someone did the same and can give me a couple advices which libraries I should to use for drag and drop for example and how I can display types of blocks in view of edit action.


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