
Designer Brochure Site

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Designer Brochure Site

Post by infinitimm » Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:45 pm

Website URL:

Joomla! version: Joomla! 1.0.10 Stable

Template: Custom Built Templates x 7

Additional Extensions (Components, Modules, Plug ins): Artsbanners, Joomap, ReMOSitory Ext, WyziwygPro, Extended Menu and JD Wordpress

Custom Development: Adjustment on HTML of some core components:- login module, search module, weblinks and user elements.

Other Features: Hard work  :D

Three (at least) specific areas of my site that I'd like feedback on (design, code, graphics, etc.): I am looking for feedback on the brochure site approach, the validity of the code etc, and how better to optimise the wordpress component as it is quite difficult to use.

Additional Comments: I wanted to post something about my own site,, as it has been a lot of hard work in the making and I have probably encountered and solved a lot of the problems other Joomla newbies may be having with similar sites.

Basically, I wanted to take advantage of this great content management system, but didn't want the portal type look that a lot of the templates provide. As a web designer though I was able to build custom XHTML frameworks and slot in the components like any other templates. There are 7 templates in total with different layouts, assigned to different sections. I made one of these a safety net template called 'toolbox' and this is the default, so if I add any new components or it does something I am not expecting, it is still laid out nicely.

The main problem I encountered though was the formatting of the content, no matter how I styled it, the content didn't seem to get further than a smartened up version of the default. I bought and integrated WysiwygPro, so that I could add my own custom XHTML code snippets to the content and style them externally, and in this way I am actually templating the content as well. Worth every penny.

For the additional navigation banners I have used artsbanners, which is great as I could create separate locations and had better control over the display of the banners. Please note though that there is a typo in the HTML of the component of 'widht' instead of width which causes an error when trying to validate. But it is simple to edit when you know it is there.

I use the core random image module on the front page in a div that floats over the main content, to make it feel different every time (well, 7 times really) you visit.

The portfolio is just a series of images in their own content item, completely stripped of any other code.

The blog part was quite difficult and is still a work in progress. It is powered with JD-WP which integrates Wordpress, some of the features are cut down, but it still enables me to connect to the blogosphere... It is cobbled together with a combination of XHTML template, the JD-WP component, the JD-WP sidebar component and some junky code that is thrown in as I go, which is kinda how most blogs evolve anyway.

The downloads section is reMository Ext, which I found to be a lot better than the orignal as it allows you to set your own users groups, this way I can give different clients their own downloads folder...

The FAQs and contact forms are standard with some tweaks and the demo space is just a static content item.

I am happy to receive feedback and any direct questions to ask how things are done, I found out information and help from other people when creating this site, and feel it is only right to pass on some knowledge to other people down the line.  ;D

Oh yeah, before I forget... I also added in JooMap for the site map, which is brilliant and works really well with Google's new webmaster tools, and will be adding this to every Joomla! site that I create from now on.
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Re: Designer Brochure Site

Post by Hummerbie » Sat Nov 11, 2006 4:11 pm


Great work, look really nice.

Three things in noticed
- Text of content is very small for me, I work with 1280 x 1024
- I had so search for the sitemap link, which is way down on the left?
- For the logo: I expected it to link to the home page, but it doesn't

You did so much work, and even did a blog post on SEO....
But you don't have any sef active, or even a SEF Component like Open-Sef.....
Are you going to practice what you preach :-)

Overall, great Job

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Re: Designer Brochure Site

Post by infinitimm » Sat Nov 11, 2006 4:32 pm

Thanks for the feedback Hummerbie, and quite a few valid points for me.

I have SEF links turned on but haven't used a tool like Open Sef as yet as I have external links coming into these links... Unless I can get around that. But hopefully this should have little impact on the SEO. When I tried to adjust the paths on the wordpress component though it broke.
I did have to alter the robots.txt file to allow the blogtracker to get to the JD-WP component as well. As I say, learning as you go.

Yep, the type is small and I am working at the same res as you, but it needs to be that teeny to achieve the magazine style look. A bit Form over Function I know, but a lot of my clients don't even read the content anyway, they just expect it to look pretty.  :D

Yes, I might put a link on the logo, but need to think about that as it is a background image of a div..

Sitemap, hmmm. I have really just put this on for Google and have prioritised it lower than my other content, is there a good reason for me pushing this up the page?

Once again, thanks for your time.
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Re: Designer Brochure Site

Post by Hummerbie » Sat Nov 11, 2006 4:41 pm


if the content is not that relevant...
You could leave the sitemap , but for me, I would move it to the main menu.

As for the tiny type, I hope Google doesn't see it as spam because of the tiny format.

For the external links, don't worry, they will still work under Open-Sef , just try it, you will see :-)

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Re: Designer Brochure Site

Post by infinitimm » Sat Nov 11, 2006 5:02 pm

Thanks fella, I will try the Open-Sef in that case, that was my only concern.

Also have worked out a neat way to make the logo a link so will get onto that.

I will also look at the google blog to check for this spam problem, thanks for bringing it to my attention. It's good to have a fresh pair of eyes as you can get too close to your own stuff.

I am also building a XHTML mobile cutdown version of the site but I am trying to strip out as much junk as possible...

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Re: Designer Brochure Site

Post by novata » Sat Nov 11, 2006 9:21 pm

Congratulations!  it´s a fabulous website! you are in the second place after my fave:  :laugh:

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Re: Designer Brochure Site

Post by soundsticks » Sun Nov 12, 2006 1:10 am

One of the nicest websites I've seen! That must have taken a LOT of work!

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Re: Designer Brochure Site

Post by creativeshed » Mon Nov 13, 2006 2:44 am

Very nice site indeed!!

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Re: Designer Brochure Site

Post by designguru » Tue Nov 14, 2006 10:56 pm

Good stuff - a really creative applicatin of Joomla as a CMS; nice to see things breaking out of a classic two/three column boxy mould!

Qasim Virjee - Principal, Design Guru
(web production & joomla advocacy firm based in Toronto, Canada)

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Re: Designer Brochure Site

Post by KRASH » Thu Nov 16, 2006 6:12 am

this is one of the best designed joomla sites I've seen so far. good job!

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Re: Designer Brochure Site

Post by infinitimm » Thu Nov 16, 2006 11:08 am

Thank you all for your positive comments, I have tried to approach Joomla! as an engine to drive my custom designed websites, rather than just templating the output, which is probably just more of an attitude than a technical method.

For other members info, I have tried OpenSEF on this site and the results were not good. Apart from breaking the links etc, it also interfered with my other add-ons like WysiwygPro and JD Wordpress. Instead I decided to keep the long, but standard search engine friendly links, and concentrate more on custom page titles by using Barnett's custom page title 'hack'.,36681.0.html

I am also looking at adjusting this to work as a mobile site at which is still in the jerry-rig and duct tape stages. I am encountering some glitches and whitespace errors in the formatting of the content as it is not outputting as clean as I would like... Particularly the space below the menu. Any feedback or tips on this would be greatfully received.

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Re: Designer Brochure Site

Post by jdog » Thu Nov 16, 2006 2:36 pm

you definitely need bigger text, and maybe better colours because they are can be hard to see on the background at times. You are obviously a good designer though, all images look awesome.

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Re: Designer Brochure Site

Post by funk » Sat Nov 18, 2006 12:47 pm

This is the best Joomla site I've ever seen in my life!

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Re: Designer Brochure Site

Post by infinitimm » Tue Dec 19, 2006 3:12 pm

After a month of being spidered by Google, I thought it would prove useful provide some feedback and benefit other designers that may want to replicate what I have done, and also to reply to some of the issues raised by other members. :)

Firstly, thanks for all the positive feedback, and in particular Amy Stephen ... xed-media/ for her support. I am sure that there are plenty of designers out there that are using Joomla! in the same way that I am, but haven't declared it. If you are one of these people, then speak up, Joomla! needs all the exposure it can get...

On the whole it has worked out really well. I am getting spidered by Google every six days and I am getting a reasonable return on my search terms despite the pages having no ranking yet. This is mostly down to two things: 1) Submitting a good dynamic sitemap to google's webmaster tools courtesy of the JooMap component and 2) being able to customise the page titles using the hack/patch by Barnett,36681.0.html

I have SEF links turned on but they aren't too pretty, and tried OpenSEF, but this just broke my site. The standard SEF links are fine and work great with sitemaps. For more info visit Plus the title page hack doesn't work with all components, in particular OpenWP, so watch out and back up!

I went back and made the logo link home, but apart from that I haven't adjusted much structurally. I have added, refreshed and tweaked the content quite a bit through the feedback I was getting from my google stats. This is a wicked tool by the way and takes all the guesswork out of your SEO.

No, google did not think I was spamming because of the type size, and have had no comments about it from actual visitors other than some designers. The format makes it informative and accessible but not dull, but still flexible and organised, with the potential to add more content and sections as I design for them.

The blog, however, is a dead loss. Although my posts are getting into google, the cobbled together component to use wordpress in Joomla! is temperamental, half the features don't work and the trackbacks and permalinks aren't nice. So I am going to scrap that. I think I have worked out a way to do this though, and as I am nice guy I will share my idea.

The ideal solution for me would be to have a separate dedicated Blog, using a proper blogging tool, but I wanted to retain the dynamic template and look from the existing Joomla! site to give the user a seamless experience. To do this I intend to create a blank content item with a tag or holder for the content area, using the blog template in my Joomla! site.

Then in a sub-domain eg I am going to set up a bit of PHP that will scrape the page HTML from the content item and replicate it in this space, for me to use as a template for my blog - with all the original menu and image links. The beauty of this templating idea is that it is completely dynamic, so as content changes on the Joomla! site, it will change the appearance of the blog site. They will cross link seamlessly, whilst not interfering with each other. I think this is a good workaround for now until we get better blogging tools for Joomla!.

If anybody else has any thoughts on Joomla! as a serious blogging tool I would be interested to hear them. :)

Keep on pushing things forward...
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Re: Designer Brochure Site

Post by forager » Tue Dec 19, 2006 6:17 pm

I found it quite nice to look at, with the reinforcement of the previous comments RE: tiny font..could you instead have a more readable font and put the content in a div with overflow auto?

most people (other than designers) are not gonna comment on usability issues, theyll simply just have a bad experience and may or may not come back :( - people are reticent at commenting anyway (except me, and my inclusion in the class "People" as the Mods may tell you, is tenuous at best :D)

The "book interface" metaphor while visually quite attractive, had me looking for navigation controls on the book it self! LOL

may be a next/prev/home iconset on the lower page corner would suffice?

I also felt your site name,logo and mission statement should be a little more prominent on the top header

Very nice site overall.

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Re: Designer Brochure Site

Post by ckpmedia » Thu Dec 21, 2006 2:35 am

Was it really necessary to post your site in here? >:(

Did you really have to do this to all of us who are so proud of the websites we created in countless hours ?  >:(

Did you really have to show us that we are just untalented people making clumsy, ugly websites?  >:(

How do you think I feel when I go back to my own site after visiting yours?  >:(

It is no doubt the most beautifully designed Joomla site I have ever seen  :D :D I bow my head in respect for that piece of work :)

Absolutly fantastic looking !!!!!!!

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Re: Designer Brochure Site

Post by infinitimm » Thu Dec 21, 2006 11:25 am

;) Yeah, you had me worried there - thought I had managed to upset somebody.

I have put the site up, not to say 'ooh look at me' but rather to say 'look what you can do with Joomla!'. I am probably looking at Joomla! in a different way to some other designers, as I see it as a powerful engine to drive my XHTML sites, rather than the entire solution. Most of the free templates have been designed to grow and be flexible, and therefore have limited the options of the designer. It is only when you design for a specific application and control the content that it is possible to put together such a tightly fitting solution.

Unless you are specifically designing a portal, the standard three column layout with header may not suit your market or application. If we can manage not to approach it as designing Joomla! sites, but just designing effective and dynamic websites powered by the Joomla! CMS, it will increase the scope for both designers and developers and push this tool forward.

I am considering designing a free template to distribute as a link building strategy. Does anybody have a suggestion on what sort of template they would like, that is not readily available at the moment? All suggestions welcomed.
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Re: Designer Brochure Site

Post by PureMom » Thu Dec 21, 2006 5:22 pm

WOW - great site, the graphical elements really set it apart along with the unique layout.

I actually spent time looking around your site, it just draws you in! 


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Re: Designer Brochure Site

Post by phantomphondler » Thu Dec 21, 2006 6:04 pm

very nice innovative look. not like most joomla sites (including some I have done) which usually follow a similar design patter.


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Re: Designer Brochure Site

Post by Faeton » Fri Jan 05, 2007 12:26 pm

Absolutely stunning work - both the site and your own designs. Nice to see that one can build a portfolio 'component' by just tweaking the core content component! You're one of the few designers who can build a Joomla site without the obligatory Joomla-look. And also, you're one of the few who are sensible enough to give some feedback on pricing. That's information all clients wish to know up front and that's still left out of so many presentations, with no good reason. I completely agree with your view on design pitches, too!

Congratulations on a job very well done!

Jeroen van Heemskerck Düker, The Netherlands

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Re: Designer Brochure Site

Post by infinitimm » Fri Jan 05, 2007 8:21 pm

Thank you Faeton, for your input, and for actually taking the time to read the content! A refreshing change.

I think that Joomla! is a great tool, and although I have not used mambo or drupal, I like the young and fresh attitude that surrounds Joomla! The 'problem' is that is now relatively easy to build a complex portal site, and often developers are following the path of least resistance and using Joomla! in it's raw and native form. This happens a lot with this type of technology, and it is much the same with the blogging tools also like wordpress and [spam]...

Rather than Form-Over-Function, we are getting Function-Over-Form. To work effectively we need a bit of balance. You can do so much with Joomla!... Is your market, design or content appropriate for the standard portal look? Or should it be more of a blog look, brochure site, information site? Mix it up a bit. Remember, sometimes less is more.

Currently the web is undergoing a 'reductionist' phase, as part of the web 2.0 approach. Some Joomla! developers are adding in components and modules that they don't really need in order to improve the functionality of the site, but not necessarily from a users point of view. I know that some of these developers are hobbyists and enthusiasts, but it is possible to use this system as an effective and productive development tool from a professional point of view, allowing me to design and build dynamic sites in 50-70% of the time of using an outsourced programmer for the functionality.

By raising the level of Joomla! sites, and possibly cleaning the code so it is more tableless, we can create more awareness and grow the user base through showcasing in CSS design galleries. has been included in numerous CSS galleries including:
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Re: Designer Brochure Site

Post by AmyStephen » Fri Jan 05, 2007 8:52 pm

This is absolutely fantastic for Joomla!. Like you said, it's a balance between form and function that we need. We are starting to see some excellent sites in terms of design and creativity emerge - yours is *certainly* a prime example of this - and getting these authentications from such prestigious galleries is great for Joomla!.

The Marketing and Media Team is starting to collect ideas about how to get Joomla! in front of the people of the world. Sites, such as yours and awards, such as those you are listing, certainly represents an excellent way to get the good word out.  I know you are very busy but if you have ideas for the M&M team, I encourage you to share.

Thanks for raising Joomla! up and also for the analysis you have shared with other emerging designers. I learn much from your comments and appreciate you support the community with your knowledge!

Amy :)

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Re: Designer Brochure Site

Post by Plyon » Sat Jan 06, 2007 10:12 am

Hi, indeed a very nice visual site!
I had some initial trouble looking for actual content (text) in the portfolio section (first click), but dropping that *need* made the experience a lot better!

I would open external links in a new window. After having looked (and clicked) on the external sites i automatically click the close window/tab button, losing your site completely.

On the text pages i found a little readability issue. The text is cut off at the bottom of the element (FireFox 2 WinXP, IE7 is fine). See attachment (had a max of 100kB so don't pay attention to the compression level).

Great work, thanks for sharing!
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Re: Designer Brochure Site

Post by novata » Sat Jan 06, 2007 10:42 am

It seems that  you love that you are doing it!! It clearly and people like you needs in this business. Your artwork is amazing,it´s in the same level of an art director..

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Re: Designer Brochure Site

Post by infinitimm » Sat Jan 06, 2007 10:52 am

Thanks for that Plyon - I hadn't tested it in FF2. It looks like it is rendering the type differently to previous versions. I will go in and tweak the content when I can.

It's like having my own team of proof-readers  :D Cool.
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Re: Designer Brochure Site

Post by KRASH » Mon Jan 08, 2007 12:36 am

infinitimm wrote:
By raising the level of Joomla! sites, and possibly cleaning the code so it is more tableless, we can create more awareness and grow the user base through showcasing in CSS design galleries. has been included in numerous CSS galleries including:
You should try

Also, unrelated to joomla, the edges looks really jagged on the  magazine image you have on front page


other than that the Joomla design is awesome!

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Re: Designer Brochure Site

Post by infinitimm » Mon Jan 08, 2007 10:37 am

Thanks for your input mg1145, it's all valid.

I haven't listed all the galleries I submitted to (about 50 - including cssremix), just the ones that have included it. Some galleries provided feedback that the reason why they were not including it was that it wasn't completely tableless, which I was unable to acheive using joomla!.

You could also use a submit tool like this to cut out the legwork.

Yes, the jagged look is is what I like to call 'pixels'. :D  You may know something that I don't, but if you can create or have an example of, a web optimised image that involves sharp hard edged parallel angled lines, using png 8 and a transparent background, without the use of flash or png 24 and a crappy IE workaround, please let me know - *sigh* it would make designing some websites a whole lot easier... I had to go through these images and pixel edit them in photoshop to maintain a consisitent and neat edge.

These are the compromises that I have had to make in order to use this design layout with a random image, and at the same time keep it flexible to work on in the future. Did you refresh the home page to get a new image?
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Re: Designer Brochure Site

Post by Charlie99 » Thu Jan 11, 2007 2:57 pm

All looks really good - have to say that there is something about the bottom left hand corner that distracts my eye though - depends on the importance of the login/footer links versus the banners.

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Re: Designer Brochure Site

Post by infinitimm » Thu Jan 11, 2007 3:10 pm

...and what size screen you view it on...

If only everybody used the same screen, resolution, browser, font size and operating system as me - life would be so much simpler.  :D

Thanks for the input!
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