
Artio SEF: removing footer copyright notice

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Artio SEF: removing footer copyright notice

Post by techstop » Mon Jan 22, 2007 8:58 am

Hi there. I am trying to customise the footer on my website. I have successfully changed two lines of text by editing /includes/footer.php and /includes/version.php. However, right at the bottom of every page is a big, ugly;

JoomSEF SEO by Artio.

...which I am desperate to get rid of. I cannot for the life of me find where this text is being generated from, and how to turn it off. Either the developer of the extension is being exceedingly crafty and hidden it, or I am being exceedingly dense and cannot see for looking. Can someone please give me a hand here?

Here is my footer.php;

Code: Select all

<div align="center">
	© <?php echo mosCurrentDate( '%Y' ) . ' ' . $GLOBALS['mosConfig_sitename']; ?> ABN number goes here

<div align="center">
	<?php echo $_VERSION->URL; ?>
...and here is my version.php;

Code: Select all

 * Version information
 * @package Joomla
class joomlaVersion {
	/** @var string Product */
	var $PRODUCT 	= 'Joomla!';
	/** @var int Main Release Level */
	var $RELEASE 	= '1.0';
	/** @var string Development Status */
	var $DEV_STATUS = 'Stable';
	/** @var int Sub Release Level */
	var $DEV_LEVEL 	= '12';
	/** @var int build Number */
	var $BUILD	 	= '$Revision: 6086 $';
	/** @var string Codename */
	var $CODENAME 	= 'Sunfire';
	/** @var string Date */
	var $RELDATE 	= '25 December 2006';
	/** @var string Time */
	var $RELTIME 	= '01:00';
	/** @var string Timezone */
	var $RELTZ 		= 'UTC';
	/** @var string Copyright Text */
	var $COPYRIGHT 	= "Copyright (C) 2005 - 2006 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved.";
	/** @var string URL */
	var $URL 		= 'Site by <a href="http://techstop...">Techstop</a>';
	/** @var string Whether site is a production = 1 or demo site = 0: 1 is default */
	var $SITE 		= 1;
	/** @var string Whether site has restricted functionality mostly used for demo sites: 0 is default */
	var $RESTRICT	= 0;
	/** @var string Whether site is still in development phase (disables checks for /installation folder) - should be set to 0 for package release: 0 is default */
	var $SVN			= 0;

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Re: Artio SEF: removing footer copyright notice

Post by mpettitt » Mon Jan 22, 2007 10:44 am

It's in the sef.php file, and it's hidden, slightly, using a base64 coding. It's the block:

Code: Select all

$c[1] = 'PGJyIC8+PHNwYW4+Sm9vbVNFRiBTRU8gYnkgPGEgaHJlZj0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy5hcnRpby5uZXQiPkFydGlvPC9hPiwgc3BvbnNvcmVkIGJ5IDxhIGhyZWY9Imh0dHA6Ly93d3cuY29vbGhvdXNpbmcubmV0Ij5EZWRpY2F0ZWQgc2VydmVyPC9hPi48L3NwYW4+';
            $c[2] = 'Sm9vbVNFRiBTRU8gYnkgQXJ0aW8gKGh0dHA6Ly93d3cuYXJ0aW8ubmV0KSwgc3BvbnNvcmVkIGJ5IERlZGljYXRlZCBzZXJ2ZXIgKGh0dHA6Ly93d3cuY29vbGhvdXNpbmcuY29tKS4=';
            $c[3] = 'PGJyIC8+PHNwYW4+Sm9vbVNFRiBTRU8gYnkgPGEgaHJlZj0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy5hcnRpby5uZXQiPkFydGlvPC9hPi48L3NwYW4+';
            $c[4] = 'IEpvb21TRUYgU0VPIGJ5IEFydGlvIChodHRwOi8vd3d3LmFydGlvLm5ldCku';

            if (($URI->path == $base)
            || ($URI->path == ($base.$index))
            || (@$option == 'com_frontpage')) {
                // Frontpage code.
                $_VERSION->URL .= base64_decode($c[3]);
                $_VERSION->COPYRIGHT .= base64_decode($c[4]);
            else {
                // Other page code.
                $_VERSION->URL .= base64_decode($c[3]);
                $_VERSION->COPYRIGHT .= base64_decode($c[4]);
Chop that bit out, and no more junk being added to your pages. In case you're wondering, there don't appear to be any notes about this on the download site, but nor does it say you must retain the copyright notice in output (in source, yes, but not output - that would be like expecting a book to have "Written in Microsoft Word" at the bottom of every page).
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Re: Artio SEF: removing footer copyright notice

Post by brian » Mon Jan 22, 2007 10:49 am

I hate it when developers make it hard to remove things like this. but at least its a visible notice. unlike others that  use hidden css for their notice which destroy your seo
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Re: Artio SEF: removing footer copyright notice

Post by mpettitt » Mon Jan 22, 2007 10:54 am

I'm against it completely. I'd even go so far as to note on the JED when an extension requires links, or adds them by default. If an extension is good, fine, then the user might recommend it, and you could even put a note reminding them of this on the admin section of it, but front end output should be what the site owner chooses to put there, and nothing else.
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Re: Artio SEF: removing footer copyright notice

Post by techstop » Mon Jan 22, 2007 11:14 am

mpettitt wrote: It's in the sef.php file, and it's hidden, slightly, using a base64 coding. It's the block:

Chop that bit out, and no more junk being added to your pages. In case you're wondering, there don't appear to be any notes about this on the download site, but nor does it say you must retain the copyright notice in output (in source, yes, but not output - that would be like expecting a book to have "Written in Microsoft Word" at the bottom of every page).
That's brilliant! Many thanks indeed! That was driving me nuts for most of the afternoon.

I can't say I'm too impressed with the developer for doing this, it's like he's trying to be difficult *and* sneaky. Combine this "feature" with the invisible Artio "spam" links;,121637.0.html

...and I think I might start looking for a new SEF URL extension. I was using SEF404x but stopped due to unpatched security issues.

Any suggestions?


PS> mpettitt, thanks once again!

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Re: Artio SEF: removing footer copyright notice

Post by mpettitt » Mon Jan 22, 2007 11:27 am

I'd have a look at OpenSEF. Not quite as easy to set up, but it works fairly well, and is more customisable. The developer has been inactive for a few months due to illness and being on holiday, but appears to have reappeared now, so hopefully progress will happen with improving it further.

Artio is released under the GPL though, so the option is there for someone to fork the code and improve on it themselves, just as Artio did to the 404SEF project, which had died completely before they took over development.
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Re: Artio SEF: removing footer copyright notice

Post by techstop » Mon Jan 22, 2007 10:48 pm

OK cheers. I must have been looking around at the time of the devs illness, because the site was down and I couldn't find any information on downloading it at all. Thanks.

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Re: Artio SEF: removing footer copyright notice

Post by brian » Tue Jan 23, 2007 12:07 am

Its not just the footer but the metatags as well. See the following from the very bottom of the documentation.
Advertisement Notice

JoomSEF may add user-invisible links pointing to websites of JoomSEF authors (ARTIO s.r.o.) and/or to its sponsors. Such links appear in page footers or meta tag fields of pages, where it is used. This has no direct influence to functionality of your site.
Now I dont know about you but I dont want hidden adverts on my site.

As for it having no "influence to functionality of your site" I think the SEO guys would disagree.
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Re: Artio SEF: removing footer copyright notice

Post by techstop » Tue Jan 23, 2007 12:20 am

brian wrote: Its not just the footer but the metatags as well. See the following from the very bottom of the documentation.
Advertisement Notice

JoomSEF may add user-invisible links pointing to websites of JoomSEF authors (ARTIO s.r.o.) and/or to its sponsors. Such links appear in page footers or meta tag fields of pages, where it is used. This has no direct influence to functionality of your site.
Now I dont know about you but I dont want hidden adverts on my site.

As for it having no "influence to functionality of your site" I think the SEO guys would disagree.
Yeah, it's all a bit sneaky. I don't appear to have the hidden ads just yet, thankfully. When I was trying to find info on how to remove the copyright, I was googling for "artio sef" etc, and getting all these Joomla pages of random sites as results. The reason was because of these "hidden" links. I will be moving to OpenSEF when I can.

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Re: Artio SEF: removing footer copyright notice

Post by tortureduck » Fri May 04, 2007 12:19 pm

In Version 1.5 you can remove the copyright and version notes by commenting (the following lines - #)

            if (($URI->path == $base)
            || ($URI->path == ($base.$index))
            || (@$option == 'com_frontpage')) {
                // Frontpage code.
                $_VERSION->URL .= $checkA[0];
                $_VERSION->COPYRIGHT .= $checkA[1];
            else {
                // Other page code.
                $_VERSION->URL .= $checkA[2];
                $_VERSION->COPYRIGHT .= $checkA[3];

            if (($URI->path == $base)
            || ($URI->path == ($base.$index))
            || (@$option == 'com_frontpage')) {
                // Frontpage code.
                #$_VERSION->URL .= $checkA[0];
                #$_VERSION->COPYRIGHT .= $checkA[1];
            else {
                // Other page code.
                #$_VERSION->URL .= $checkA[2];
                #$_VERSION->COPYRIGHT .= $checkA[3];

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Re: Artio SEF: removing footer copyright notice

Post by cdiprose » Tue May 15, 2007 2:07 pm

I patched my own version of Joomsef and made it available for download

1. no Meta Generator Tag at the top of the page
2. no hidden URL at the bottom of the page
3. Faster - mainly due to the code removal for the above 2

I have removed more code than the last poster does because i did not want the software to load the base 64 file at all .. should make for performance boost also.

Patch can be applied to versions 1.5.0 and also 1.4.3

The download is available at my website .. search Google for "Kanga Internet" and then go to Support -> Joomla Articles

Download the whole package file at the bottom of the page OR copy paste the code for the one file - up to you!

Chris Diprose
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Re: Artio SEF: removing footer copyright notice

Post by Mavrouka » Sat Jun 23, 2007 2:03 pm

Hey Chris

I downloaded this patched version from your website and  hey presto it worked!  Thanks very much!!


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Re: Artio SEF: removing footer copyright notice

Post by geesler » Mon Aug 06, 2007 3:30 am

Where is this patched version?  Would be great!! Thanks!

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Re: Artio SEF: removing footer copyright notice

Post by aravot » Mon Aug 06, 2007 4:55 am

geesler wrote: Where is this patched version?  Would be great!! Thanks! ... Itemid,35/

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Re: Artio SEF: removing footer copyright notice

Post by Mavrouka » Mon Aug 06, 2007 8:23 am

geesler wrote: Where is this patched version?  Would be great!! Thanks!

I downloaded the patched version from his site, but it looks like it has been added here, so take your pick!


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Re: Artio SEF: removing footer copyright notice

Post by jakebls » Wed Nov 28, 2007 4:01 pm

In the latest version (2.2.4) simply removing the signature.b64 file has the same results.

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Re: Artio SEF: removing footer copyright notice

Post by tortureduck » Wed Nov 28, 2007 4:31 pm

jakebls wrote: In the latest version (2.2.4) simply removing the signature.b64 file has the same results.
Are there any Meta-Tags generated? These tags pushed down my pagerank in google very fast.
Last edited by tortureduck on Wed Nov 28, 2007 4:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Artio SEF: removing footer copyright notice

Post by jakebls » Thu Nov 29, 2007 3:12 pm

  forgive me, bu I didn't thouroghly check it out before.  Removing the signature file disables the component, and  it doesn't work.  However, after doing this, I uninstalled and reinstalled the com and there are no extra meta tags, or ads on the site as there were with the previous component.  I don't know if this is a fluke or not, but it works!


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Re: Artio SEF: removing footer copyright notice

Post by toma » Mon Dec 10, 2007 10:07 am

cdiprose wrote: I patched my own version of Joomsef and made it available for download

1. no Meta Generator Tag at the top of the page
2. no hidden URL at the bottom of the page
3. Faster - mainly due to the code removal for the above 2

I have removed more code than the last poster does because i did not want the software to load the base 64 file at all .. should make for performance boost also.

Patch can be applied to versions 1.5.0 and also 1.4.3

The download is available at my website .. search Google for "Kanga Internet" and then go to Support -> Joomla Articles

Download the whole package file at the bottom of the page OR copy paste the code for the one file - up to you!

In your new version, you remove the old links, and you add yours !!! yet another spam links :( now another problem! how we can remove your spam links ?  :'(
Biladi Morocco USA

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Re: Artio SEF: removing footer copyright notice

Post by The One » Sat Jan 12, 2008 9:23 pm

jakebls wrote: In the latest version (2.2.4) simply removing the signature.b64 file has the same results.
I have v2.2.3 right now and when I remove that file SEF doesn't work at all... Any solutions for 2.2.5?

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Re: Artio SEF: removing footer copyright notice

Post by slavonec » Mon Mar 24, 2008 3:52 am

Before was ARTIO SPAM, now is KANGA Spam links in the footer!!!!
Did you guys asked me to put your links there!?!?! I don't think so!
I need a solution HOW TO GET RID OF THESE LINKS??????

Thank you
cdiprose wrote:I patched my own version of Joomsef and made it available for download

1. no Meta Generator Tag at the top of the page
2. no hidden URL at the bottom of the page
3. Faster - mainly due to the code removal for the above 2

I have removed more code than the last poster does because i did not want the software to load the base 64 file at all .. should make for performance boost also.

Patch can be applied to versions 1.5.0 and also 1.4.3

The download is available at my website .. search Google for "Kanga Internet" and then go to Support -> Joomla Articles

Download the whole package file at the bottom of the page OR copy paste the code for the one file - up to you!


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Post by j00mla_fire » Wed Apr 02, 2008 3:55 pm

Chris at ( What a prick, that's no solution you jerk, putting your link in place of Artio's is complete BS. I completely agree with you Slavonec, he puts his advertising tag in there now. What a selfish [redacted]! When you get a chance DOWNRANK his site and show him where to stick it. You're no help to the community when you give back garbage backdoor code.
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Re: Artio SEF: removing footer copyright notice

Post by unifinbroker » Thu Apr 03, 2008 10:08 am

Do you really think OpenSef is better than using Artio?
I'm using OpenSef on my site and noticed that when the link is displayed firstly it is shown in joomla seo way and then it's spelled correctly. What's wrong? ??? Internet Marketing Tools
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Re: Artio SEF: removing footer copyright notice

Post by korb » Fri May 23, 2008 1:23 pm

Does Artio 3.0.2 contain spam links, where? How can I find them?
Does this kangainternet version of Artio include spam too?

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Re: Artio SEF: removing footer copyright notice

Post by korb » Fri May 23, 2008 2:07 pm

how can I view the hidden spam and remove it?
Please help

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Re: Artio SEF: removing footer copyright notice

Post by phuongnd » Thu Jul 31, 2008 7:29 pm

korb wrote:how can I view the hidden spam and remove it?
Please help
Open file: component/com_sef/joomsef.php find to line no822:

Code: Select all

$buf.='<'.'d'.'i'.'v'.'>'.'<'.'a'.' '.'h'.'r'.'e'.'f'.'='.'"'.'h'.'t'.'t'.'p'.':'.'/'.'/'.'w'.'w'.'w'.'.'.'a'.'r'.'t'.'i'.'o'.'.'.'n'.'e'.'t'.'"'.' '.'s'.'t'.'y'.'l'.'e'.'='.'"'.'f'.'o'.'n'.'t'.'-'.'s'.'i'.'z'.'e'.':'.' '.'8'.'p'.'x'.';'.' '.'v'.'i'.'s'.'i'.'b'.'i'.'l'.'i'.'t'.'y'.':'.' '.'v'.'i'.'s'.'i'.'b'.'l'.'e'.';'.' '.'d'.'i'.'s'.'p'.'l'.'a'.'y'.':'.' '.'i'.'n'.'l'.'i'.'n'.'e'.'"'.' '.'t'.'i'.'t'.'l'.'e'.'='.'"'.'T'.'o'.' '.'r'.'e'.'m'.'o'.'v'.'e'.' '.'t'.'h'.'i'.'s'.' '.'l'.'i'.'n'.'k'.','.' '.'g'.'e'.'t'.' '.'a'.' '.'p'.'a'.'i'.'d'.' '.'v'.'e'.'r'.'s'.'i'.'o'.'n'.' '.'o'.'r'.' '.'m'.'e'.'m'.'b'.'e'.'r'.'s'.'h'.'i'.'p'.'"'.'>'.'S'.'E'.'F'.' '.'b'.'y'.' '.'A'.'R'.'T'.'I'.'O'.'<'.'/'.'a'.'>'.'<'.'/'.'d'.'i'.'v'.'>';
and remove or comment line above as the following:

Code: Select all

//Removed by Your name
//$buf.='<'.'d'.'i'.'v'.'>'.'<'.'a'.' '.'h'.'r'.'e'.'f'.'='.'"'.'h'.'t'.'t'.'p'.':'.'/'.'/'.'w'.'w'.'w'.'.'.'a'.'r'.'t'.'i'.'o'.'.'.'n'.'e'.'t'.'"'.' '.'s'.'t'.'y'.'l'.'e'.'='.'"'.'f'.'o'.'n'.'t'.'-'.'s'.'i'.'z'.'e'.':'.' '.'8'.'p'.'x'.';'.' '.'v'.'i'.'s'.'i'.'b'.'i'.'l'.'i'.'t'.'y'.':'.' '.'v'.'i'.'s'.'i'.'b'.'l'.'e'.';'.' '.'d'.'i'.'s'.'p'.'l'.'a'.'y'.':'.' '.'i'.'n'.'l'.'i'.'n'.'e'.'"'.' '.'t'.'i'.'t'.'l'.'e'.'='.'"'.'T'.'o'.' '.'r'.'e'.'m'.'o'.'v'.'e'.' '.'t'.'h'.'i'.'s'.' '.'l'.'i'.'n'.'k'.','.' '.'g'.'e'.'t'.' '.'a'.' '.'p'.'a'.'i'.'d'.' '.'v'.'e'.'r'.'s'.'i'.'o'.'n'.' '.'o'.'r'.' '.'m'.'e'.'m'.'b'.'e'.'r'.'s'.'h'.'i'.'p'.'"'.'>'.'S'.'E'.'F'.' '.'b'.'y'.' '.'A'.'R'.'T'.'I'.'O'.'<'.'/'.'a'.'>'.'<'.'/'.'d'.'i'.'v'.'>';
Please read the Forum rules regarding signatures:

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Re: Artio SEF: removing footer copyright notice

Post by montano » Fri Aug 08, 2008 12:56 pm

This is now found in the file administrator/components/com_sef/sef.class.php on line 499 in the latest version 2.2.8 for 1.0.x
Change this:

Code: Select all

$buf = '<'.'d'.'i'.'v'.'>'.'<'.'a'.' '.'h'.'r'.'e'.'f'.'='.'"'.'h'.'t'.'t'.'p'.':'.'/'.'/'.'w'.'w'.'w'.'.'.'a'.'r'.'t'.'i'.'o'.'.'.'n'.'e'.'t'.'"'.' '.'s'.'t'.'y'.'l'.'e'.'='.'"'.'f'.'o'.'n'.'t'.'-'.'s'.'i'.'z'.'e'.':'.' '.'8'.'p'.'x'.';'.' '.'v'.'i'.'s'.'i'.'b'.'i'.'l'.'i'.'t'.'y'.':'.' '.'v'.'i'.'s'.'i'.'b'.'l'.'e'.';'.' '.'d'.'i'.'s'.'p'.'l'.'a'.'y'.':'.' '.'i'.'n'.'l'.'i'.'n'.'e'.'"'.' '.'t'.'i'.'t'.'l'.'e'.'='.'"'.'I'.'n'.'f'.'o'.'r'.'m'.'a'.'t'.'i'.'o'.'n'.' '.'s'.'y'.'s'.'t'.'e'.'m'.'s'.','.' '.'d'.'a'.'t'.'a'.'b'.'a'.'s'.'e'.'s'.','.' '.'i'.'n'.'t'.'e'.'r'.'n'.'e'.'t'.' '.'a'.'n'.'d'.' '.'w'.'e'.'b'.' '.'a'.'p'.'p'.'l'.'i'.'c'.'a'.'t'.'i'.'o'.'n'.'s'.'"'.'>'.'S'.'E'.'O'.' '.'b'.'y'.' '.'A'.'r'.'t'.'i'.'o'.'<'.'/'.'a'.'>'.'<'.'/'.'d'.'i'.'v'.'>';
To this:

Code: Select all

 $buf = '';

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Re: Artio SEF: removing footer copyright notice

Post by staffiery » Fri Aug 22, 2008 4:33 pm

When making your recommended edit I get the following error:

Code: Select all

Error: headers already sent in sef.class.php on line 2555.
Stopped at line 895 in joomsef.php: HEADERS ALREADY SENT (200)
I am using Joomla 1.0.15 and JoomSEF 2.2.8

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Re: Artio SEF: removing footer copyright notice

Post by staffiery » Fri Aug 22, 2008 5:30 pm

I resolved this by just commenting out line 1001

$st[$cosi] .= $buf;

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Re: Artio SEF: removing footer copyright notice

Post by dimian69 » Fri Sep 19, 2008 4:34 pm

ARTIO JoomSEF 2.3.0

line 1005
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change with:
$buf = ''.'';



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