
Search Problem

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Search Problem

Post by desk2web » Wed Feb 07, 2007 9:54 pm

If anyone has a few moments I would appreciate it they could have a look at this is a site I have been building and is now LIVE, however, it has been noticed that the search is not performing quite as it should ....

1. Quick Search off the front page : Enter some phrase, eg Alan Smart
    Results show 27 images, I have already modified com_search to default to exact search

2. Click on page 2 of the results, the remaining 2 images show up as they are still being searched under the exact phrase.

Now, try this one, back to the front page, search for Keith Gillespie, 487 results.

Click on say page 7, the search returns to an "any" word search - question is Why?  and more importantly, how can I fix it!

Thanks in advance

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Re: Search Problem

Post by davenger » Wed Feb 14, 2007 11:18 am

desk2web wrote: I have already modified com_search to default to exact search
How exactly did you do that?


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Re: Search Problem

Post by desk2web » Fri Mar 23, 2007 3:36 pm

Edit the search.php file in com_search:

Code: Select all

* @version $Id: search.php 3723 2006-05-29 16:14:03Z stingrey $
* @package Joomla
* @subpackage Search
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php
* Joomla! is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant
* to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or
* is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or
* other free or open source software licenses.
* See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.

// no direct access
defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );

require_once( $mainframe->getPath( 'front_html' ) );

// page title
$mainframe->setPageTitle( _SEARCH_TITLE );

switch ( $task ) {

function viewSearch() {
	global $mainframe, $mosConfig_absolute_path, $mosConfig_lang, $my;
	global $Itemid, $database, $_MAMBOTS;
	global $mosConfig_list_limit;

	$restriction = 0;
	// try to find search component's Itemid
	$query = "SELECT id"
		. "\n FROM #__menu"
		. "\n WHERE type = 'components'"
		. "\n AND published = 1"
		. "\n AND link = 'index.php?option=com_search'"
	$database->setQuery( $query );
	$_Itemid = $database->loadResult();

	if ($_Itemid != "") {
		$Itemid = $_Itemid;

	$gid = $my->gid;

	// Adds parameter handling
	if( $Itemid > 0 && $Itemid != 99999999 ) {
		$menu = $mainframe->get( 'menu' );
		$params = new mosParameters( $menu->params );
		$params->def( 'page_title', 1 );
		$params->def( 'pageclass_sfx', '' );
		$params->def( 'header', $menu->name, _SEARCH_TITLE );
		$params->def( 'back_button', $mainframe->getCfg( 'back_button' ) );
	} else {
		$params = new mosParameters('');
		$params->def( 'page_title', 1 );
		$params->def( 'pageclass_sfx', '' );
		$params->def( 'header', _SEARCH_TITLE );
		$params->def( 'back_button', $mainframe->getCfg( 'back_button' ) );

	// html output
	search_html::openhtml( $params );

	$searchword = strval( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'searchword', '' ) );
	$searchword = $database->getEscaped( trim( $searchword ) );
	// limit searchword to 20 characters
	if ( strlen( $searchword ) > 20 ) {
		$searchword 	= substr( $searchword, 0, 19 );
		$restriction 	= 1;
	// searchword must contain a minimum of 3 characters
	if ( $searchword && strlen( $searchword ) < 3 ) {
		$searchword 	= '';
		$restriction 	= 1;

	$search_ignore = array();
	@include "$mosConfig_absolute_path/language/$mosConfig_lang.ignore.php";

	$orders = array();
	$orders[] = mosHTML::makeOption( 'newest', _SEARCH_NEWEST );
	$orders[] = mosHTML::makeOption( 'oldest', _SEARCH_OLDEST );
	$orders[] = mosHTML::makeOption( 'popular', _SEARCH_POPULAR );
	$orders[] = mosHTML::makeOption( 'alpha', _SEARCH_ALPHABETICAL );
	$orders[] = mosHTML::makeOption( 'category', _SEARCH_CATEGORY );
	$ordering = strtolower( strval( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'ordering', 'newest') ) );
	$lists = array();
	$lists['ordering'] = mosHTML::selectList( $orders, 'ordering', 'id="search_ordering" class="inputbox"', 'value', 'text', $ordering );

	$searchphrase = strtolower( strval( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'searchphrase', 'exact' ) ) );
	$searchphrases = array();

	$phrase = new stdClass();
	$phrase->value 		= 'any';
	$phrase->text 		= _SEARCH_ANYWORDS;
	$searchphrases[] 	= $phrase;

	$phrase = new stdClass();
	$phrase->value 		= 'all';
	$phrase->text 		= _SEARCH_ALLWORDS;
	$searchphrases[] 	= $phrase;

	$phrase = new stdClass();
	$phrase->value 		= 'exact';
	$phrase->text 		= _SEARCH_PHRASE;
	$searchphrases[] 	= $phrase;

	$lists['searchphrase']= mosHTML::radioList( $searchphrases, 'searchphrase', '', $searchphrase );

	// html output
	search_html::searchbox( htmlspecialchars( stripslashes( $searchword ) ), $lists, $params );

	if (!$searchword) {
		if ( count( $_POST ) ) {
			// html output
			// no matches found
			search_html::message( _NOKEYWORD, $params );
		} else if ( $restriction ) {
			// html output
			search_html::message( _SEARCH_MESSAGE, $params );
	} else if ( in_array( $searchword, $search_ignore ) ) {
		// html output
		search_html::message( _IGNOREKEYWORD, $params );
	} else {
		// html output		
		if ( $restriction ) {
			// html output
			search_html::message( _SEARCH_MESSAGE, $params );
		$searchword_clean = htmlspecialchars( stripslashes( $searchword ) );
		search_html::searchintro( $searchword_clean, $params );

		mosLogSearch( $searchword );
		$phrase 	= strval( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'searchphrase', '' ) );
		$ordering 	= strval( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'ordering', '' ) );

		$_MAMBOTS->loadBotGroup( 'search' );
		$results 	= $_MAMBOTS->trigger( 'onSearch', array( $searchword, $phrase, $ordering ) );
		$totalRows 	= 0;

		$rows = array();
		for ($i = 0, $n = count( $results); $i < $n; $i++) {
			$rows = array_merge( (array)$rows, (array)$results[$i] );

		$totalRows = count( $rows );

		for ($i=0; $i < $totalRows; $i++) {
			$text = &$rows[$i]->text;
			if ($phrase == 'exact') {
				$searchwords 	= array($searchword);
				$needle 		= $searchword;
			} else {
				$searchwords 	= explode(' ', $searchword);
				$needle 		= $searchwords[0];
			$text = mosPrepareSearchContent( $text, 200, $needle );
		  	foreach ($searchwords as $hlword) {
				$text = preg_replace( '/' . preg_quote( $hlword, '/' ) . '/i', '<span class="highlight">\0</span>', $text ); 
			if ( strpos( $rows[$i]->href, 'http' ) == false ) {
				$url = parse_url( $rows[$i]->href );
				parse_str( @$url['query'], $link );

				// determines Itemid for Content items where itemid has not been included
				if ( isset($rows[$i]->type) && @$link['task'] == 'view' && isset($link['id']) && !isset($link['Itemid']) ) {
					$itemid 	= '';
					$_itemid = $mainframe->getItemid( $link['id'], 0 );
					if ($_itemid) {
						$itemid = '&Itemid='. $_itemid; 
					$rows[$i]->href = $rows[$i]->href . $itemid;

		$mainframe->setPageTitle( _SEARCH_TITLE );

		$total 		= $totalRows;
		$limit		= intval( mosGetParam( $_GET, 'limit', $mosConfig_list_limit ) );
		$limitstart = intval( mosGetParam( $_GET, 'limitstart', 0 ) );
		// prepares searchword for proper display in url
		$searchword_clean = urlencode(stripslashes($searchword_clean));
		if ( $n ) {
		// html output
			require_once( $GLOBALS['mosConfig_absolute_path'] . '/includes/pageNavigation.php' );
			$pageNav = new mosPageNav( $total, $limitstart, $limit );

			search_html::display( $rows, $params, $pageNav, $limitstart, $limit, $total, $totalRows, $searchword_clean );
		} else {
		// html output

		// html output
		search_html::conclusion( $searchword_clean, $pageNav );

	// displays back button
	echo '<br/>';
	mosHTML::BackButton ( $params, 0 );

function mosLogSearch( $search_term ) {
	global $database;
	global $mosConfig_enable_log_searches;

	if ( @$mosConfig_enable_log_searches ) {
		$query = "SELECT hits"
		. "\n FROM #__core_log_searches"
		. "\n WHERE LOWER( search_term ) = '$search_term'"
		$database->setQuery( $query );
		$hits = intval( $database->loadResult() );
		if ( $hits ) {
			$query = "UPDATE #__core_log_searches"
			. "\n SET hits = ( hits + 1 )"
			. "\n WHERE LOWER( search_term ) = '$search_term'"
			$database->setQuery( $query );
		} else {
			$query = "INSERT INTO #__core_log_searches VALUES ( '$search_term', 1 )"
			$database->setQuery( $query );



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