The logo contest will run in the following format...
- All community members are invited to submit logo design concepts for the Joomla project.
- To enter a design it must be entered as a new thread in the Logo Competition Forum.
- You may add comments and thoughts to entry threads.
- Do not enter a design as a reply to an existing entry's thread.
- The Core team will then consider all entries and vote on a group of five finalists.
- The community will then be given the opportunity to vote for their favourite logo design concept from the five finalists.
- We reserve the right to have the wining concept further developed by our creative team. Additionally this will allow us to formulate a style guide and versions specific to various media formats.
- The closing date for entries will be 23:59 GMT Monday 12th September.
- Finalists to be announced and the community vote will commence on 23:59 Wednesday 14th September. All forum members will be able to vote once for their favourite logo.
- Voting will close 23:59 GMT Monday 19th September. The logo with the highest number of votes will become the official Joomla! logo.
- The winner will be announced on the OSM forum and at 23:59 Wednesday 21st September 2005.
Additional rules for people wishing to enter the Joomla! logo contest...
- All submitted work must be original and not based on any pre-exisiting design.
- If your entry produces trademark problems due to potential similarities to existing trademarks it will not be considered.
- By entering a logo design you agree to transfer the copyright on the design to the Joomla! project should your design win.
- Entries should not contain any text other than the word Joomla!
Tips - By coscooper in the OSM forum
- Who's the logo/slogan for? Your group and the core dev environment vs the customer (End users who deploy your solution).
- Logo/slogan must convey purpose and spell out your message & be distinguishable (Kind of like your name.
- Must look good as tag line on web site for users.
- Must look good in different color spaces for screen & print(CMYK vs RGB).
- Must look good on a t-shirt (trade-shows and fundraising.
- Can be used as a favicon
- Must Scale up/down depending on use, since most of us use the core tech for other purpose and only drop a logo/copyright etc. at the bottom, it must scale small.