
Drupal Vs Joomla (where Joomla Fails and Major Drawbacks: A discussion )

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Drupal Vs Joomla (where Joomla Fails and Major Drawbacks: A discussion )

Post by bluesaze » Thu Sep 08, 2005 5:55 am

Hello this is just a discussion i am a Joomla fan.
I am trying to do some research into the diffrences between some of the best CMS available ........
Someone said its very difficult to compare CMS since it all depends on you needs. I did some Googling . Seem there are more negative views and reviews for Mambo(Joomla) from developers than for drupal and postive views and reviews for Mambo(Joomla) from web designers and end users than for drupal People who support Mambo(Joomla) are mostly attracted due to its user friendlyness and looks. Seems Drupal is more powerful ....... I could be wrong here are a list of things i found

Could the Mods and core Developers Clarify if any of my findings were wrong

Use Mambo(Joomla) when:
* you don't know about the tech stuff at all
* you want easy install & setup with your mouse
* you don't want to learn the tool you're using
* you don't need to integrate other scripts etc. to your site
* you want a candy site and don't mind several other sites using the same template(s)
* you don't need SEO out of the box
* you don't care about server resources
* you're running (or planning to to run) only one or max a couple of sites
* you don't need one log-in to several sites
* you don't need user groups & permissions
* you don't run membership site(s)

Use Drupal when:
* you want a rock solid & high quality platform for your sites
* you want or need a real multi-site-feature (only one installation for several sites)
* you need any kind of user groups & user permissions
* you need to run also membership- and community sites, not only CMS etc
* you want a Powerful templating system
* you're ready to invest a bit of your time in order to realize all the huge possibilities of Drupal
* you understand the meaning of clear, high quality code and API (easy to integrate with other solutions etc)
* you want flexibility and don't like limitations

for More details go here ... stcount=19

From Some Forum i was going troug
Drupal is superior in SEO (our Development Team recently changed our future development(s) from Mambo(Joomla) to Drupal - and SEO was just one of the reasons for that)

A number of Major Advantages of Drupal over Mambo(Joomla)

With Drupal, you can set up several sites with only one installation ...think about that, when you have tens of sites and security holes are found almost daily! ...what about then, when you quickly need to uppdate some additional components / modules / themes... you actually face a lot of work in Mambo(Joomla) - in Drupal you do it only once.

With Drupal, you can (if you want to) use the same log-in-details for different sites... in some cases it opens quite interesting possibilities.

Drupal has also SEO-friendly URL's out of the box... for Mambo(Joomla), you need to buy a commercial component from a core developer or use labor-intensive free ones.

Someone mentioned, that Drupal is focused on communities... you're right... however, it does not mean, you can't use Drupal for content sites. Actually, Drupal is a great choise also for content sites. I can't imagine Mambo(Joomla) as a natural community building system, though.

When talking about user profiles and permissions to different parts of the site, Mambo(Joomla) is actually a joke... on the other hand, Drupal is the opposite... it's so easy to set up and fine tune different user-roles and give them some permisssions etc... what a power.

From here ... ostcount=8

            The user and administrative interface for Mambo(Joomla) was one of the best-designed options on our shortlist. We were also interested to note the emergence of Soapbox, a Mambo(Joomla) toolset geared towards the nonprofit community. The Soapbox toolset is however limited (at this point) to integration with the Democracy in Action CRM, and to single sign-on among sites. The information architecture of Mambo(Joomla) itself proved incompatible with the project, since it is structured around categorization (rather than tagging), which in practice imposes such limitations as precluding multiple categorization of inbound RSS feeds. Since much of the network’s content will need to be distributed to multiple categories (e.g. a story on a Bolivian wifi project needs to be tagged “wifi” and “Latin America”), the categorization structure was a deal-breaker.
For more details go here

            With a fast-growing user base in the non-profit sector, Drupal’s strong online community focus made it an appealing prospect. Most importantly, Drupal was alone among all CMS options in its compatibility with a distributed network approach. The platform is essentially built for exactly this kind of approach: it supports ubiquitous outbound RSS feeds, complex aggregation of inbound feeds, per-feed or per-item non-exclusive tagging, and native support for blogging. Compared to the other options, which are virtually all CMS platforms that have developed distributed community features, Drupal is innately oriented towards community networking and distributed content creation. The following outlines how we anticipate using particular features of the Drupal platform to support core elements of the web strategy.
For more details go here
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Re: Drupal Vs Joomla (where Joomla Fails and Major Drawbacks: A discussion )

Post by Hanif » Thu Sep 08, 2005 6:12 am

Intersting post...

You might have heard of these guys...

a very large community network built using Drupal.

I'm still looking for a way where there is some integration with membership schemes and where we I can take the site to the next level...

Thanks for your post bluesaze.

By the way have you yourself used Drupal?

Kind regards,


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Re: Drupal Vs Joomla (where Joomla Fails and Major Drawbacks: A discussion )

Post by bluesaze » Thu Sep 08, 2005 6:22 am

      I havent began using it I am still reasearching all the available CMS ....... I plan to release my Site ..... To truthfull i am more of a webdesigner who is trying to get into Web development...... and what ever i posted seems to be true since the reason i like Joomla was dues to its userfriendly and it was easy on the eye.... But I havent made any decisions yet ...... I am hoping that some Core Team members will Clarify some of my Findings.

Some of the top CMS are Typo3 Drupal Mambo(joomla)

Some top Blogs are (Wordpress, Textpattern, B2evolution)
Last edited by bluesaze on Thu Sep 08, 2005 6:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Drupal Vs Joomla (where Joomla Fails and Major Drawbacks: A discussion )

Post by TheSaint » Thu Sep 08, 2005 8:18 am

I've tried Typo 3 and would recommend against it. The documentation of that CMS is very poor. Stick with Drupal if you want something more powerful than Joomla and need to take a developers viewpoint. Still, for a quick and easy site it is hard to beat Joomla.
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Re: Drupal Vs Joomla (where Joomla Fails and Major Drawbacks: A discussion )

Post by bluesaze » Thu Sep 08, 2005 8:26 am

Ahhh You are right when you talk about TYPO3 .... having a complicated help structure ... But its definatly more powerful than drupal but it not for the end users only a developer with good knowlege can go about using it ....... so that rules typo3 out... I think I am geginning to understand the diffrence between the Mambo Vs Drupal. So i have decided to use and learn both ......but I will be running joomla on my personal site .......

By the way i was hoping some of the core developer could clarify ....... my finding and give a more elaborated difrence since we are moving over to joomla so how much will it differ from mambo..... please dont point me to the roadmap .... i know whats in store but the roadmap is too brief ......
Last edited by bluesaze on Thu Sep 08, 2005 8:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Drupal Vs Joomla (where Joomla Fails and Major Drawbacks: A discussion )

Post by de » Thu Sep 08, 2005 8:44 am

YOu might be interested in that thread too:

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Re: Drupal Vs Joomla (where Joomla Fails and Major Drawbacks: A discussion )

Post by bluesaze » Thu Sep 08, 2005 8:50 am

Thank you definatly a good read ............. intresting I would say........
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Re: Drupal Vs Joomla (where Joomla Fails and Major Drawbacks: A discussion )

Post by marlar » Thu Sep 08, 2005 12:21 pm

If you delve into Drupal, please report here how you find it.

It is not a question of choosing side, they all have their rights and uses.
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Re: Drupal Vs Joomla (where Joomla Fails and Major Drawbacks: A discussion )

Post by bluesaze » Thu Sep 08, 2005 12:26 pm

Definitely ........ I will do that ...... but it will take me some time...... Like i told you I am experementing with a number of CMS ..... I in a confused state right now..... so first i have to get my priority right .....and analyse what is it that i really want ..... Anyway i am kinda partial about joomla ......  :D
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Re: Drupal Vs Joomla (where Joomla Fails and Major Drawbacks: A discussion )

Post by Damienov » Thu Sep 08, 2005 1:00 pm

Perhaps will help you testing all the GNU/GPL license CMS
personaly i think Typo3 is an overkill for end user, very powerfull, but have a very steep learning curve
If you want to try a cms in classes with mambo and drupal, you might want to check xoops also. Altough it still have a nuke like structure, you will find xoops very intersting. Oh, dont forget xaraya also, very good cms
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Re: Drupal Vs Joomla (where Joomla Fails and Major Drawbacks: A discussion )

Post by bluesaze » Thu Sep 08, 2005 1:08 pm

mmm Thank you ..... xoops had caught my eye ..... yes i have tried out ....... Since i want to get involved more into development ....... It a better idea to install on your system and check it .... :)
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Re: Drupal Vs Joomla (where Joomla Fails and Major Drawbacks: A discussion )

Post by intel352 » Thu Sep 08, 2005 2:12 pm

i like many features of drupal, but it's terminology (nodes and whatnot) and the usage of said nodes, is kinda hard for me to grasp, thus the learning curve is extremely high for me particularly.

but it's an awesome CMS, with it's speed and versatility -
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Re: Drupal Vs Joomla (where Joomla Fails and Major Drawbacks: A discussion )

Post by paulsjv » Thu Sep 08, 2005 2:20 pm

This thread got me interested in knowing more so I went to the Drupal web site to find out.  Below is a great thread to read.

IMO I think it mainly comes down to what you already have and what your community expects.  Here's my reply to the long thread (if you are curious)
I just read this entire thread. It was probably the best thread about this that I can find. I'm in the same boat as most of you, using a forum but would get reemed if I switched to Drupal's forums. Therefore, I have no choice but to go with Joomla (Mambo). It has the features that my users have come to expect and they have a really nice bridge for SMF. I would strongly recommend going that route.

At any rate here's my 2 cents worth about this topic.

It seems (correct me if I'm wrong) the core developers here want to concentrate on Drupal and making it better. Not getting a ton of other software to work with Drupal. This to me is very reasonable as I too would want to concentrate my efforts on creating and supporting one product.

In knowing this if you want something with more features you are either going to have to code them yourself, pay someone to code it for you, or find a different solution.

As for myself I'm going to have to run Joomla and SMF for my site. However, in doing my research I have another project that has yet to get started that Drupal is absolutely PERFECT for! I'm really excited about it too because now I have a chance to really get to know Drupal and Joomla! :)

I think it really comes down to a couple of things. If you already have a community and what they are used to seeing and using. Or you don't have one and you can build it from the groud up. IMO once you have figured that out it should be pretty easy to figure out what direction you need to go.

Just remember in my experience there are different solutions to just about everything. No one system is better than the other. It's just that one system is usually better than the other depending on your situation.

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Re: Drupal Vs Joomla (where Joomla Fails and Major Drawbacks: A discussion )

Post by intel352 » Thu Sep 08, 2005 2:24 pm

one note, groups management sucks in both cmses, for good groups management, use Xoops :-)

drupal is too complicated with groups, mambo is way too simple, lol... talk about a spectrum -
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Re: Drupal Vs Joomla (where Joomla Fails and Major Drawbacks: A discussion )

Post by bluesaze » Thu Sep 08, 2005 2:30 pm

Thanks guys intresting reading ....... I still kinda of researching it ...... hope more people post their views
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Re: Drupal Vs Joomla (where Joomla Fails and Major Drawbacks: A discussion )

Post by hunky » Thu Sep 08, 2005 5:45 pm

Xoops: took a quick look over there for multisites and went to their faq page. Clicking on doc links brought me 404s. A quick search in the forum (ugh!) brought me links of "multisite hacks" and multisites problems. I gave up, maybe too quickly.

I took a look at Drupal and yes, it did seem setting up multisites (or groups) was way complicated for someone who does this part time (rarely). I haven't messed with it so don't really know.

I'm still looking for an easy solution to give department heads access to their own webpages and no one else's, and maintain search across the whole website:

or if I must, I could reorganize (don't want to) for:

But don't want to get into that in this thread, sorry.

Thanks for the conversations on these different cms's.

cheers, Jim

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Re: Drupal Vs Joomla (where Joomla Fails and Major Drawbacks: A discussion )

Post by intel352 » Thu Sep 08, 2005 5:54 pm

drupal, by far, has the best multisite capability. the xoops multisite hack (by mithrandir, xoops dev) was started by me (aka bd_csmc) based off of the old joomla multisites hack. the joomla/xoops hacks are not along the same lines as the drupal multisite capability, aren't as easy to use, and take more hacking and whatnot (tho i haven't tried mithrandir's modifications lately)

drupal is definitely the way to go for multisites. unless you want to try Xaneon/OpenSef with Joomla (hard to figure out, due to lacking docs, and the multisite component is likely to be dropped from OpenSef, and developed as a separate addon)

definite learning curve to mambo, but it's worth it if you're into multisites. -
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Re: Drupal Vs Joomla (where Joomla Fails and Major Drawbacks: A discussion )

Post by TheSaint » Fri Sep 09, 2005 8:11 am

intel352 wrote: one note, groups management sucks in both cmses, for good groups management, use Xoops :-)

drupal is too complicated with groups, mambo is way too simple, lol... talk about a spectrum
The Joomla dev team have stated they intend to upgrade the user management options in the future.
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Re: Drupal Vs Joomla (where Joomla Fails and Major Drawbacks: A discussion )

Post by bluesaze » Fri Sep 09, 2005 8:16 am

Since the Joomla team has just began implementing it ... ......... I guess we cant expect much .........
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Re: Drupal Vs Joomla (where Joomla Fails and Major Drawbacks: A discussion )

Post by warmac » Fri Nov 04, 2005 10:06 pm

Mambo, Drupal, Joomla, any others ?

How about we all just take mambo and create our own CMS and give it a name ?

i'll call mine mamdrujoo (the greatest CMS) of them all lol

And while i'm at it, should create yet another template site and charge $5 a year for membership (includes mamdrujoo love patch)

It will be great, we'll have 10 milion CMS available so people can really be confused, makes perfect sense :P

If people keep creating more CMS based on the a similiar CMS what's the point ?

Lets just have one good CMS and be done with it


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Re: Drupal Vs Joomla (where Joomla Fails and Major Drawbacks: A discussion )

Post by brad » Sat Nov 05, 2005 5:41 am

Anyone who wants to help creating the worlds best CMS has come to the right place....

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Re: Drupal Vs Joomla (where Joomla Fails and Major Drawbacks: A discussion )

Post by warmac » Sat Nov 05, 2005 8:35 am

If Joomla Mambo want to be the best thing since sliced bread, they should adopt the simplistic nature that wordpress uses, although only a blog, it's not too far from being a CMS,

It's easy to install, and the plugin feature is like magic, the files are small and easy to play with

The mambo CMS model on the other hand uses a complicated front/back end relying on a multitude of components, modules, mambots, although understandable due to the complexity, I think easy is better. Sometimes it feels like hours putting it together.

If they make Joomla as simple as wordpress, i'll walk the streets naked with a sign promoting joomla oh my sweet joomla  :laugh:

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Re: Drupal Vs Joomla (where Joomla Fails and Major Drawbacks: A discussion )

Post by brad » Sat Nov 05, 2005 8:46 am

The are plenty of open source solutions available on the internet. No one is forcing anyone to use Joomla. Find the one that suits you best.

Thanks for your input though.

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Re: Drupal Vs Joomla (where Joomla Fails and Major Drawbacks: A discussion )

Post by KESETRUM » Wed Nov 16, 2005 2:50 am

Damienov wrote: Perhaps will help you testing all the GNU/GPL license CMS
personaly i think Typo3 is an overkill for end user, very powerfull, but have a very steep learning curve
If you want to try a cms in classes with mambo and drupal, you might want to check xoops also. Altough it still have a nuke like structure, you will find xoops very intersting. Oh, dont forget xaraya also, very good cms
You're right bro :)
Currently I am using 3 of above CMS for 3 different clients (Xoop, Drupal, Typo3) and my personal site (Joomla). Typo3 is real powerful and costumable, but not suitable for beginner, even for advance user. The documentation is poor, even there is a pop up help balloon :) I am using it for my intranet office (experimental use). Xoop is modular build, group access for each mod and can do php code inserting easily (Live), is nice to learn and code. Drupal is complete (they said over there), I think (for a moment). And Smarty Engine can helping for easy templating. Now, I am currently learn about them. But, now still stick on Joomla (Mambo) for easily to learn, many support from fans (just fans, not active coder/moder :) ), serious core development etc. Also, I am a Old Mambers :)

Anyway, its good and nice thread. Keep this discussion live and hope can help Joomla for better CMS. Absolutely need 3rd party opinion like this thread. For example Simple Machine Forum, i love it. The Community and core development too.

Well,.. lets continue discussion.

This is nice thread i thought. Keep

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Re: Drupal Vs Joomla (where Joomla Fails and Major Drawbacks: A discussion )

Post by Circlefusion » Wed Nov 16, 2005 8:41 pm

If they make Joomla as simple as wordpress, i'll walk the streets naked with a sign promoting joomla oh my sweet joomla  laugh
It is not unreasonable to consider that Joomla could be made to be easier to setup than it current is. However, considering the amount of features that Joomla offers (with components, modules, mambots, templates, etc), it is relatively easy to implement.

What they can't do is use Wordpress as an example on how to make a complex CMS, like Joomla, easier to setup.

Compare an original Volkswagon Beetle to a Ferrari. The Ferrari has more features, is faster, more robust, etc. The beetle is much easier to maintain (you can fix most things with a screw driver, pliers and some duct tape).  The Ferrari team can't look at the beetle and learn how to make the Ferrari easier to maintain, as the beetle doesn't have nearly the features or complexity of the fuel injected, more-modern-technology Ferrari.

That's not a perfect analogy, but I think you may get my point.

Wordpress offers something as a comparison, but it doesn't offer a method.

Joomla may be breaking some new ground, as far as CMS's go. Other CMS's may learn from seeing "how Joomla does it" in the future.

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Re: Drupal Vs Joomla (where Joomla Fails and Major Drawbacks: A discussion )

Post by warmac » Wed Nov 16, 2005 10:04 pm

I kind of agree with you there to some level but even the most complicated machine can be made simple enough for a child to understand.  Imagine what the world would be like as far its current complicated systems go if they were tightly intergrated into a very simple setup.  They would still be complicated systems but they would be so simple to use and manage.  The world would run alot smoother no doubt and would have less errors.  So what if this sort of system would require 10,000 people to manage it  ;D

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Re: Drupal Vs Joomla (where Joomla Fails and Major Drawbacks: A discussion )

Post by rsphaeroides » Wed Nov 16, 2005 10:13 pm

I went through the comparison process a couple of months ago when joomla was still mambo.  The finalists for me were drupal, mambo, moveable type, and xoops. 

The joomla release came out about in the middle of the decision making process and the thing that eventually convinced me was the excitement in the community here. 

I don't mind putting time into customizing and drupal was very attractive because I had the same impression that the core code was significantly cleaner and met standards better.  Although I'm willing to work on customization, I'm not trained for it. I needed the most supportive community I could find to get anywhere.  I wondered for a while how well I would do implementing drupal and then asking questions here  ;)
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Re: Drupal Vs Joomla (where Joomla Fails and Major Drawbacks: A discussion )

Post by yellowjelly » Thu Dec 01, 2005 6:20 am

During my search for opinions on various CMS systems, I came across this site.

You can compare up to 10 different CMS systems at once.

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Re: Drupal Vs Joomla (where Joomla Fails and Major Drawbacks: A discussion )

Post by rickb » Sat Dec 03, 2005 2:21 am

Damienov wrote: If you want to try a cms in classes with mambo and drupal, you might want to check xoops also. Altough it still have a nuke like structure, you will find xoops very intersting. Oh, dont forget xaraya also, very good cms
I am a Xoops user and looking for another solution. I am not confused on what I want a CMS to do, it is just finding the match. By knowing what I want - I have eliminated many CMS. Here is my list:

I am looking for a CMS for these solutions:

A - Able to drop or include a HTML page from your favorite editor within the framework

B - Create your own permission levels

C - Protect page by group or by member

D - AJAX support

E - The complete integration of media objects

F - Allows a creation of a MyAccount (member's home page) area for Help tickets, PM, billing / billing history, transactions, transaction history and media inclusion.

This rules out Xoops, you can create groups but can not manage a member like you would a group therefore you can not create a MyAccount or protect a page from a particular member. There are some other problems with notification read or unread flags that are serious.
Last edited by rickb on Sat Dec 03, 2005 2:46 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Drupal Vs Joomla (where Joomla Fails and Major Drawbacks: A discussion )

Post by addihetja » Mon Dec 05, 2005 12:46 am

So far in this discussion nobody has mentioned ez publish. Is it no good?



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