Change the 'includes/version file'
Advantage: This is easy to implement and works well. You can keep the footer without making any changes to your template and it will show your own and personal Copyright notice.
Disadvantage: When a new release arrives and you update your CMS you will have to do it again.
Details: See above Edit the file '/includes/version.php' and change the information that you will find around lines 29 & 31 (Joomla! version 1.0.7)
With your text editor, open the includes/version.php file and towards the bottom you'll see:
/** @var string Copyright Text */
var $COPYRIGHT = 'Copyright 2000 - 2005 Miro International Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.';
/** @var string URL */
var $URL = 'Mambo is Free Software released under the GNU/GPL License.';
Change: 'Copyright 2000 - 2005 Miro International Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.';
'Copyright xxxx Your Site Information Here. All rights reserved.';
Change: 'Mambo is Free Software released under the GNU/GPL License.';
Make a module to include your own content copyright notice.
Advantage: This is not overwritten when your CMS is upgraded.
Disadvantage: Not so easy to do unless you are experienced in making and positioning modules. It still requires changes to your template/index.php.
Remove the 'includes/footer.php' statement in the bottom of your template's index.php and create a new module position in its place.
Make a new module and create your own copyright notice inside that module, then assign it to that new module position.
To copyright:
add-on components, modules, and other extensions to Joomla! or Mambo come with their own copyright and legal notices. The information given above only applies to the basic Joomla! and Mambo core installations. For information about whether you can legally remove the copyright of 3rd party add-ons, you will need to refer to the information they include and, if in doubt, contact the developer before making any changes.