
[SOLVED] JFolder::create: Infinite loop detected

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[SOLVED] JFolder::create: Infinite loop detected

Post by arc_ » Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:55 am

As soon as I posted this I realized that my global configuration for my 'logs' and 'tmp' folders were pointing to the wrong directories. I imported my Joomla database from another computer and the directories were set to that system's directories.

Using WampServer on my local system, when I try to install a component using "Upload Package File", I get this error:

JFolder::create: Infinite loop detected
Warning! Failed to move file.

The component is the file found at the bottom of this page: ... t_-_Part_1

I am learning how to create my own components but I'm stuck right now just trying to install them.

I've searched Google for the past hour for a solution but haven't found anything yet.

The 'logs' and 'tmp' folders in my site's root directory are read-only, which I can't change for some reason.

I'm not exactly sure what is wrong at this point. I'm hoping someone could quickly notice my problem.

Thanks. :]

Joomla! Fledgling
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Re: [SOLVED] JFolder::create: Infinite loop detected

Post by dermeisel » Thu Jul 19, 2012 8:09 am


I have the same error in component JoomShopping (free shopping add-on)
when trying to upgrade this component via its internal upload form.

I changed all files of whole joomla to 777 read-write all users but same error occured.

Did you get any solution?

Joomla! Fledgling
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Re: [SOLVED] JFolder::create: Infinite loop detected

Post by dermeisel » Thu Jul 19, 2012 9:10 am


look in your configuration.php for these two lines:

public $log_path = '/var/www/[example]/httpdocs/folder/www/joomlanew/logs';
public $tmp_path = '/var/www/[example]/httpdocs/folder/www/joomlanew/tmp';

and make sure that these are the fullpath-folders to these two folders in joomla and that they are writeable.

Regards Christian.

lines like public $log_path = '/www/joomlanew/logs';
will probably not work. and in my case I had to ask my provider to look up the fullpath and it was like /var/www/va/ab/dc/b1/www/joomlanew/logs

Joomla! Fledgling
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Re: [SOLVED] JFolder::create: Infinite loop detected

Post by Spanners » Tue Mar 26, 2013 8:05 pm

Simple fix! Massive thanks!

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Re: [SOLVED] JFolder::create: Infinite loop detected

Post by HeinzAhoy » Thu Sep 10, 2015 3:33 pm



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