Look at : http://developer.joomla.org/development-status.html
This is incredible !Long Term Support Release:
Joomla! 1.5.26
End of Support:
April 2012.
Major security fixes will be done until release of 3.0 in September 2012.
This is a really brilliant idea, I explain.
50 millions + site out there build on the Joomla platform come from web sites developers or individuals that build their web presence on this framework. All those PEOPLE are the pillars of what Joomla is today.
As developer we already going on a rough road with the transition to 1.5 to 1.7 and to 2.5 and 3.0. No real backward compatibility between 1.5 to the newer versions. 2.5 will be compatible with 3.0, 3.5, I don’t know?
If you look at numbers, you can see that this instability show in trends around the world.
Go to —> http://www.google.ca/trends/?q=Drupal,j ... ess&ctab=0
Joomla start a steady decline in popularity from 2009 to today, comparatively to Drupal or Wordpress.
Now Joomla, with great wisdom, add to the incertitude what I think will be another big blow to the platform that close to 50 millions of sites and all those developers and people that follow them and give their entire support will be left in the dust.
Everybody know that migrating a site from 1.5 to 2.5 with the exact carefully same design and functionality from the original 1.5 will probably take the same amount of time or even maybe cost more than the original construction.
Now as a developer I will have to explain to all my base customers that they suddenly have to make a completely new site because the platform that I choose for them is not supported anymore. I’m sure they will be all really happy to hear that and I will look like a real professional.
Repeat that situation 50 millions of times of people that will have to take a decision for their sites. People that have to rebuild their sites will still facing an uncertain Joomla platform (that let them down already) or other CMS that still going strong. What will be your choice??
Worst, all those Web site Developers (The one’s that dish money to the Joomla project, extensions, template club and all,,,) will face a risk a complete breakdown of their base customers...
My prediction....
JOOMLA will drop from is pedestal
Wordpress and other really promising CMS will greatly benefit from this situation.
To all developer and people that trust Joomla to this day and feel the pinch, please post your impression here....
This is what I’m thinking right now...
— How my business will survive that?
— When they will repeat that stunt?
— What are my choice now?
Thanks Joomla!