
Mambo a6MamboCredits Component File Inclusion Vulnerability

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Mambo a6MamboCredits Component File Inclusion Vulnerability

Post by smart » Fri Aug 18, 2006 10:45 am

Secunia Advisory: SA21540 Print Advisory 
Release Date: 2006-08-18

Critical: Highly critical
Impact: System access
Where: From remote
Solution Status: Unpatched

Software: a6MamboCredits 1.x (component for Mambo)
a6MamboCredits 2.x (component for Mambo)

Select a product and view a complete list of all Patched/Unpatched Secunia advisories affecting it.

Charles Nelwan has discovered a vulnerability in the a6MamboCredits component for Mambo, which can be exploited by malicious people to compromise a vulnerable system.

Input passed to the "mosConfig_absolute_path" parameter in administrator/components/com_a6mambocredits/admin.a6mambocredits.php isn't properly verified, before it is used to include files. This can be exploited to include arbitrary files from external and local resources.

Successful exploitation requires that "register_globals" is enabled.

The vulnerability has been confirmed in version 2.0.0 and has also been reported in version 1.0.0. Other versions may also be affected.

Edit the source code to ensure that input is properly verified.

Set "register_globals" to "Off".

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Re: Mambo a6MamboCredits Component File Inclusion Vulnerability

Post by user deleted » Fri Aug 18, 2006 10:54 am


Will add this to the list;,79477.0.html

Regards Robin

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Re: Mambo a6MamboCredits Component File Inclusion Vulnerability

Post by infograf768 » Fri Aug 18, 2006 11:08 am

If similar to A6MamboHelpDesk, that means it is an abandoned extension.
Jean-Marie Simonet / infograf
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Re: Mambo a6MamboCredits Component File Inclusion Vulnerability

Post by elmoch » Sat Aug 19, 2006 12:58 am

You can use JM-Credits instead of a6MamboCredits. JM-Credits doesn't have that vulnerability and is much more configurable than a6MamboCredits.

I hope you like it!  ;)
My Extensions: JM-Recommend, JM-Credits, JM-Link Us (for J! 1.0.x). Find them in the 3rd Party Extensions Forum.
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Re: Mambo a6MamboCredits Component File Inclusion Vulnerability

Post by user deleted » Sat Aug 19, 2006 6:16 am

I mixed up a6Credits and a6Helpdesk, will restore this today on the list!



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